Glowing the time in iPhone programming? - iphone

How can I get the Glow like in Image, I need proper guide, I tried a lot, but it is glowing but not as it is shown in picture.
please help

Take a look here: . The screenshot looks quite similar to what you are trying to achieve (albeit a different color).


Blur Effect in Flutter for whole Application

Here, I made the flutter application that is transparent and now I want it to be blur. The background screen we see from the application (i.e., windows) should be seen with the blur effect. If anyone have the idea on how to, please share. I research a lot but the packages such as GlassMorphism and other ways such as BackDropFilter does not work for this question.
Things to consider for the answer of this question
I meant blur not opacity. There is difference in blur and opacity. Blur is for example: just as BackDropFilter Gives to the Image. Opacity is different. If i really wanted what opacity provided then i wouldn't have asked the question, as i have already used to make it transparent. Plus, I hope the voters would think twice about it.
I would be really thankful for the answer.
Maybe flutter_acrylic might help you. You can play with & WindowEffect.acrylic to meet your needs.
Use background color property with opacity.
backgroundColor : Colors.redAccent.withOpacity(0.5),
More Detail :

Flutter Custom Graphics

I'd like to create something like this in Flutter. That gradient green line in a circle that looks like a progress indicator. The circle remains stills but spins sometimes.
Any ideas on where to start or are there libraries out there to help me out?
you can use, its a website for building very complex animations the can be exported to flutter.
and theres which pretty much does the same
there both very good and supply what you need

iOS image retouching

im trying to find out a way to retouch an face picture.
the way i want to retouch is make the eye a little bit bigger.
anyone know a library/framework for iOS which might be useful for it?
Core Image might help with detecting eyes on a face.
See for example!

How to incline UIImageView in Iphone

I have displayed a series of images in a coverflow effect.
But, now i want them in an inclined format, so that they have to appear as ray emerging from a point.
Can anyone please give me any suggestions, or any samples regarding my query.
Thanks in advance.
This is how the image should look like...

UIImage resize, crop and rotate with frame

I'm searching for library or just code snippet to provide function like resize, crop with frame and rotate image after user pick image from image picker. Something like on this video: (0:55). Maybe someone has the same issue?
This one could help you relating the images. It's for iPad but this shouldn't make much differences. The principles should be the same. ( is really a good page, could be that there is much more relating this issue)
But there are also so much out which you can find via Google. I had a good one but I don't find it anymore.