Flutter Custom Graphics - flutter

I'd like to create something like this in Flutter. That gradient green line in a circle that looks like a progress indicator. The circle remains stills but spins sometimes.
Any ideas on where to start or are there libraries out there to help me out?

you can use https://www.2dimensions.com/, its a website for building very complex animations the can be exported to flutter.
and theres https://lottiefiles.com/ which pretty much does the same
there both very good and supply what you need


How to do trajectory animation in Flutter?

I'm looking for trajectory animation just like how https://leo9studio.com/ has done. You see while scrolling, those balls get scrolled from top to bottom. How can we replicate exactly in Flutter Web?
Additionally, how to create such a smooth scrolling effect in Flutter?
rive.app would be a good place to start looking, since you aren't really providing any context or code other than just a random idea, they have a great community and I have used their packaged for some neat animation on my web apps. They have a way to create your own designs and animations which would probably be the case there, unless you wanted to make it all with code then that would be a different story.
Or look at this post here How to animate a path in flutter?

Trying to find a way to create this minigame in Flutter

So I've been going crazy for a few days trying to create this exercise in Flutter.
Namely, it is 'pop the lock' type minigame like the old arcade game. The red shape would go around in circle and function would fire when you click if it is inside the yellow circle and game would stop. I've been thinking about how to do it in Flutter, but I still can't seem to manage to do it. There is this library:
but I'm not sure how it would be useful. Anyone have any idea on how to do it, I don't really need the full code (though it would be useful), but just a general basic idea on how you'd do it. Thank you!
It seems something you can accomplish using percent_indicator package.
It has lots of properties for you to work around.

How can I add physics animations to a Flutter app

I’m trying to add an effect on a series of containers where they constantly move around a phone screen. This is similar to what is shown below, however they need to be able to bounce off each other too.
Has anyone tried something like this before and can point me on the right direction please? Worth noting that I need the containers to be widgets and so can’t just use a video.
Thanks a lot!

Swift Slamming Logo Animation

I am creating an application in Swift, and I would like to make an introduction screen that shows off my logo. I want the logo to slam down on the screen, which will then cause a crack, and then that crack slowly grows. I think I can figure out slamming the logo down (by shrinking a UIView of my logo to a certain point), but I am having trouble deciding how to create the crack that will form from slapping down. Do I use views? I am lost.
This is the closest thing that I found to what I would like to do. Sadly, I do not have this software.
I have created a similar effect before. And to achieve the crack a created multiple images of a growing crack and created an array of images for that screen crack. All you have to do then is animate the images if the imageView.
The other way you can Handel this is to actually draw the crack your self by code which is not difficult really, because in reality it’s just lines and then animate them. But in my experience just using the first method gives a much nicer effect because the images you use can have tons of effects using PS or equivalent.
I would suggest to go with third party like lottie. In lottie files there some animation you except there, you can also message the designer to help out animation. Its very simple to use in swift.
you can also check out my profile:
Lottie animation are done in aftereffects using bodymoving extension and exported as json file to use in xcode.

Glowing the time in iPhone programming?

How can I get the Glow like in Image, I need proper guide, I tried a lot, but it is glowing but not as it is shown in picture.
please help
Take a look here: http://www.redrobotstudios.com/blog/2010/04/29/create-glow-soft-shadow-text-on-iphone/ . The screenshot looks quite similar to what you are trying to achieve (albeit a different color).