How to incline UIImageView in Iphone - iphone

I have displayed a series of images in a coverflow effect.
But, now i want them in an inclined format, so that they have to appear as ray emerging from a point.
Can anyone please give me any suggestions, or any samples regarding my query.
Thanks in advance.

This is how the image should look like...


iOS image retouching

im trying to find out a way to retouch an face picture.
the way i want to retouch is make the eye a little bit bigger.
anyone know a library/framework for iOS which might be useful for it?
Core Image might help with detecting eyes on a face.
See for example!

How to rotate image with 3D effect?

I want to rotate the .gif image with 3D effect in iPhone application,can anyone help me to provide the sample code or any direction is also appreciated.
For starters I think #Brad Larsons website will help you (or his projects).

Glowing the time in iPhone programming?

How can I get the Glow like in Image, I need proper guide, I tried a lot, but it is glowing but not as it is shown in picture.
please help
Take a look here: . The screenshot looks quite similar to what you are trying to achieve (albeit a different color).

Filter / image texture Iphone

I need to add the image of the iPhone's camera filter / texture through a UIImagePickerController, but do not know how to directly access the camera image, since only with access to the eye.
The filter may be black / white, sepia or anything else.
Thank you very much! regards
Finally fixed the problem by adding a mask to the image, so it was not necessary to apply a filter lol.
Look here Apple Reference on Image Picker to see what you would need to select an image taken from the camera.
You can then apply the filters you need to this image any way you want.
Apple provides a nice sample project to do this: PhotoPicker You may want to try this out too.
If you need to have an effect that's added on the preview layer in real-time, you'll need to go into a bit lower api's methods, like the AVCaptureSessions and OpenGLES2.0 shaders. There is a good introduction into real-time shader's for the iPhone 4 at: Introduction to Augmented Reality on the iPhone by Nick Waynik. This should help you in figuring out how to add real-time augmentation to the preview layer.
Hope that helps!

UIImage resize, crop and rotate with frame

I'm searching for library or just code snippet to provide function like resize, crop with frame and rotate image after user pick image from image picker. Something like on this video: (0:55). Maybe someone has the same issue?
This one could help you relating the images. It's for iPad but this shouldn't make much differences. The principles should be the same. ( is really a good page, could be that there is much more relating this issue)
But there are also so much out which you can find via Google. I had a good one but I don't find it anymore.