Blur Effect in Flutter for whole Application - flutter

Here, I made the flutter application that is transparent and now I want it to be blur. The background screen we see from the application (i.e., windows) should be seen with the blur effect. If anyone have the idea on how to, please share. I research a lot but the packages such as GlassMorphism and other ways such as BackDropFilter does not work for this question.
Things to consider for the answer of this question
I meant blur not opacity. There is difference in blur and opacity. Blur is for example: just as BackDropFilter Gives to the Image. Opacity is different. If i really wanted what opacity provided then i wouldn't have asked the question, as i have already used to make it transparent. Plus, I hope the voters would think twice about it.
I would be really thankful for the answer.

Maybe flutter_acrylic might help you. You can play with & WindowEffect.acrylic to meet your needs.

Use background color property with opacity.
backgroundColor : Colors.redAccent.withOpacity(0.5),
More Detail :


UITableViewCell Background stretching

I have a problem in Swift with UITableViewCell background image. Let's say that it shows quite fine one iPhone5 but on iPhone 6Plus it is stretch and thus it looks bad. This is probably due to Aspect fill or something which I really couldn't manage to change and achieve what I want so would be the best if someone could poke sample code I am providing as well as image how it should look, so anyone can check it out and maybe give me some hint or tip or sample code or even fixed demo version.
So here it is:
Note that on left side there is a curve (like half a circle) around right side of icon. On bigger phones or tablet, that curve gets super stretch thus completely destroying the look.
Demo code link
Thanks all in advance for any help. I am pretty stuck with this one.
You can stretch an image while preserving the aspect ratio of a portion of that image using slicing. Xcode offers a graphical interface for doing this. The idea is that you decide what parts of the image are allowed to stretch and which aren't.

How to implement Blur effect of Instagram in my App

In my application it is required to use blur effect like instagram. I have gone through
and This
with the help of second link I can blur a image completely, but I have to apply blur effect on some fragments of images please help me.
You're looking for either a tilt-shift effect or a selective blur.
I have GPU-accelerated implementations of both of these in my open source GPUImage framework.
See the GPUImageTiltShiftFilter and GPUImageGaussianSelectiveBlurFilter for these effects.

Why images in XIB are different?

At left there's the original image (after imported in Xcode), at right the image inside UIImageView. It's more dark.
Why this? It's a very annoying problem.
Man! Its just an illusion.
Don't ask "magic" related questions here. Ask only program related questions ;-)
Both images are of same color. They look different because their background colors are different. Use Photoshop or some other tool to find the colors of those two. They should be the same.
Its because the background colours are different and the stroke on the image is the same / similar colour to the background.
Change the background colour of the view to white, and it will look normal.

Glowing the time in iPhone programming?

How can I get the Glow like in Image, I need proper guide, I tried a lot, but it is glowing but not as it is shown in picture.
please help
Take a look here: . The screenshot looks quite similar to what you are trying to achieve (albeit a different color).

How to achieve this font appearance?

How can I acheive a font like this?
It's the name below icons on the iOS platform. Is it Helvetica, and how can I achieve the soft shadow that it has in code? Thanks in advance!
Reposting my comment here as requested:
This answer may help.
As discussed in the comments, that font is indeed Helvetica, at least on standard-resolution devices. I'm not too sure if it's Neue Helvetica on retina display devices.
you can do it using Quartz 2D.
A shadow is an image painted
underneath, and offset from, a
graphics object such that the shadow
mimics the effect of a light source
cast on the graphics object, as shown
in Figure 7-1. Text can also be
shadowed. Shadows can make an image
appear three dimensional or as if it’s
look here:
good luck
BoltClock answered it already in a comment. Follow his link.
(I just discovered he said the same thing, but I want to draw attention to it so I'll leave this answer -- just don't check it, or BoltClock, add it as answer.)
This answer to a previous similar question explains how to do it. Turns out it's pretty simple.