Problem with aptana 3 plugin in eclipse indigo - eclipse

I used to code rails using eclipse with radrails plugin, now I have installed aptana 3 plugin in eclipse indigo(last version) and I have several problems:
1) Editor has black background and coloring is different.
2) I don't see the radrails perspective, just web.
How could I solve these issues ?
Thanks in advance.

Use Preferences > studio > Themes to change the color.
There is no Rails perspective...only the web perspective now, but it contains all the Rails features already.


How to install Flex Builder 3 plugin to eclipse Mars.2

We have been using Flex Builder 3 for years, and there are a lot of projects has flex mxml codes for front end.
Now I am trying to upgrading Eclipse from Ganymede(3.4.2) to Mars(4.5.2). I am wondering is there a way to use Flex Builder plugin with Editor and debugging features? There should be a backwards compatibility for these plugins.
You can try it with Eclipse Profiles. If you're able to install the Plugin( your Ganymede Eclipse you can migrate your Eclipse to Mars with it.
The Eclipse versions are supported upon Kepler but give it a try...

Eclipse Kepler window drawing problems in Ubuntu

Eclipse Juno (from the Ubuntu repo) (3.8.1) looks fine:
Eclipse Kepler (download from Eclipse website) looks broken:
How do I fix my Window drawing for Kepler (and preferably make it look as compact as Juno)?
Simply change the appearance in Windows > Preferences > General > Appearance.
Restart eclipse.
You can also use colour theme plug-in. It only changes the text in editors i.e syntax highlighter.
Look at these links for new themes.
How can I change Eclipse theme?
Creating eclipse themes

Aptana Studio CreateJS Code Assist(Auto Complete)

I've recently installed the Aptana Studio 3 (I believe 3.4.1) and wanted to start to use CreateJS. When I start coding, I don't see any code assist or autocomplete for the CreateJS libraries.
Is this something I have to manually add? If so, how?
Or does Aptana Studio 3 just not support this? (What IDE does?)
It doesn't look like Aptana supports Code Assist for the "Createjs" libraries. If you go to "Commands" > "Bundle Developement" > "Install Bundle" you will see a list of libraries which Aptana does support. As far as I know, Jquery is one of the Javascript based libraries which enjoy support in Aptana.

Aptana UI themes

I just started using Aptana and I'm enjoying it. I like the dark theme that comes on default.
There's just one thing. Notice how the editors are nice and dark, but the UI is not? Obviously, Aptana is Eclipse based, so I've been browsing around the net for dark themes for Eclipse's UI.
I found this question with a suitable answer: Eclipse IDE for Java - Full Dark Theme
When I try to install one of the themes suggested, I get an error:
Missing requirement: Eclipse Darker Theme
requires 3.3.100' but it could not be found
Of course, I could just install the dependency, but I have no idea where to look.
I just want my Aptana to be dark, entirely. What must I do?
I just ran into a similar issue a couple hours ago with a Magento plugin I wanted to install.
In Aptana, click the "Install new software..." item under the Help menu. Then you'll want to add in the repository url for one the eclipse releases. Juno seems to be the most recent release.
Then use type osgi into the filter to see what's available. I would guess the one that isn't "incubating" is your best bet.

How to use FDT with Aptana together on Eclipse?

I'm new to Eclipse. Just downloaded trial of FDT and trying to get it all work together. So things i did:
1) Downloaded and installed(unpacked) Eclipse (i'm on Mac)
2) Installed FDT 3.5 Beta as Eclipse plugin
3) Installed latest AptanaStudio
Now, when I start the Eclipse, I cannot create Flash Project anymore. Seems that Aptana has replaced the FDT menus and actions. My aim - is to make Eclipse create a flash projects where I can edit PHP/HTML/JS files with highlighting, and also I would like the ability to work with MySQL. So my problem is now - lack of knowledge - what to do now? How can I create such a Flash Project with PHP files?
Thanks in Advance.
P.S. I've seen that some of the users use that combo( here ), therefore decided to ask.
Try again with the latest FDT 3.5 release, it should work now!