How to use FDT with Aptana together on Eclipse? - eclipse

I'm new to Eclipse. Just downloaded trial of FDT and trying to get it all work together. So things i did:
1) Downloaded and installed(unpacked) Eclipse (i'm on Mac)
2) Installed FDT 3.5 Beta as Eclipse plugin
3) Installed latest AptanaStudio
Now, when I start the Eclipse, I cannot create Flash Project anymore. Seems that Aptana has replaced the FDT menus and actions. My aim - is to make Eclipse create a flash projects where I can edit PHP/HTML/JS files with highlighting, and also I would like the ability to work with MySQL. So my problem is now - lack of knowledge - what to do now? How can I create such a Flash Project with PHP files?
Thanks in Advance.
P.S. I've seen that some of the users use that combo( here ), therefore decided to ask.

Try again with the latest FDT 3.5 release, it should work now!


Auto save plugin for netbeans 8.2

Is there plugin for auto save feature in netbeans 8.2? I find it from IDE's plugins list but can't find it.
For netbeans 8.1 was a plugin in IDE's plugins list. It was not tested/verified for netbeans 8.2.
I download it( manually and install it by IDE's plugin`s download section. It works well for me in Ubuntu 16.04!
Since you have not quite clarified your question, I assume you're referring to this Netbeans plug-in.
If so, this plugin is not marked as compatible with Netbeans 8.2, that's why you can't find it in the plug-ins list in Netbeans itself.
From my experience, it is possible to manually download and install it in Netbeans 8.1 (even if marked as compatible only with Netbeans 8.0 and lower), but it does not seem to work anymore with Netbeans 8.2 at all and it will work with Netbeans 8.2 also.
It was not showing as installed at first, and I could not get it to install when I tried, probably because it was already installed when I imported the 8.1 profile in 8.2 (some non-descript error popped up), but after a while I found it to be working. Not sure what exactly happened... a machine reboot, Java update, another thing?
Anyway, I just wanted to confirm that it seems to work with Netbeans 8.2 without any issues.

AbstractUIPlugin error and Missing tabs in plugin.xml from eclipse

I checked in eclipse/java plugin project from svn repository.
Eclipse automatically builds the code to show hundreds of errors.
It seems like that eclipse doesn't properly link to the plugin libraries. Googling to find this site that I need dependencies and other tabs in plugin.xml.
What might be wrong? I use Indogo(3.7) on Mac OS X 10.7.4
I used Indigo (3.7) for my Mac, but it happened so that the plugin was built on Helios (3.6). When I run the plugin using Helios, I got the project compiled without errors.
It seems like that some of the plugins are (heavily) version dependent.
Looks like you got the base XML editor instead of the plugin.xml editor.
This is probably caused by your not having the eclipse plugin development environment (PDE) enabled in a new workspace.
Try creating a new plugin project (this will enable the necessary plugin tools), or go to the preferences and enable the "correct" capability. Since the capabilities seem to change from release to release, I always use the first method and then delete the new project.

Using the Eclipse Marketplace on Aptana Studio 3

I'm currently trying out Aptana Studio 3 for PHP development (I'm pretty new to all these), and I've stumbled upon a problem. I've noticed Eclipse has a Marketplace that hosts a wide variety of plugins, and I'd like to install one that helps me for version control.
However, I can't find the Eclipse Marketplace dialog under Aptana. Is there anybody out there who's done this before (installing Eclipse Marketplace stuff in Aptana)?
Also, this is a little out-of-topic but I'd like to use as the place where I'll be storing my repository. To my knowledge, NetBeans has a built-in support for; is there anything similar for Eclipse/Aptana Studio?
EDIT: If it helps, I installed Aptana Studio as a standalone version, and not as a plugin on Eclipse.
Try Help / Install New Software, and click on the Available Software Sites link. You'll probably have the eclipse Helios release directory in the list, just check it to activate it. A lot of third-party packages have their own release sites, you can add them in the same dialog.

Using Eclipse 3.7 for developing Plugin based on Eclipse RCP 3.5

is it possible to use Eclipse 3.7 IDE for developing for the 3.5 platform? Or must I use Eclipse 3.5 IDE?
When I try to switch from Eclipse 3.5 IDE to 3.7 I get errors on projects, which were ok before:
Archive for required library: 'C:/.../.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/.external_libraries/xyz/os/win32/x86' in project 'projectname' cannot be read or is not a valid ZIP file projectname
What do I have to do to exchange the 3.5 IDE with a current one, but still develop for the 3.5 platform?
I hope my explanation did make sense and was understandable :)
Additional Info:
- I never used the RCP before, now I must use it
- It's no option to upgrade the target platform (3.5)
- I searched the net and stackoverflow, but found no answers for using 3.7 and develop for target platform 3.5 (maybe nobody else has these problems or I used the wrong queries)
Use the menu
Window > Preferences:
Plug-in development > target platform
Here you can add your eclipse 3.5 as a target platform, and then set it active.
But I don't think this will solve the errors you mentioned. I think those errors are because you are using the old workspace folder, and there is something not compatible with eclipse3.7. So maybe you can try to switch to a new workspace, and import your projects there.
I just resolved my problem :-)
In my case, there was a plugin jar, that contained the java sources:
It seems like eclipse is putting jars inside of plugin jars in the following directory:
For my plugin, it tried to put the src folder in this directory - which somehow failed.
After deleting the src folder inside the jar, the errors were gone.
RCP == bag of pain :-)

How to install J2ME compatible platform/emulator in NetBeans IDE 6.7.1

I'm pretty new to J2ME development scene. And for that matter, have just recently installed, JDK 6 update 16 bundled with NetBeans 6.7.1 IDE and Sun WTK 2.5.2, on Ubuntu 9.04 machine.After going through some start up tutorials and basics, from various sites, I was eager to try some hands on experience by coding some 'Hello World' program. But to my dismay, I haven't been able to! After initial confusion, I'd installed 'Mobility' plugin for NetBeans IDE for J2ME development. But when I choose to create a new project, it turned out that, there is some error since now it says that 'No J2ME compatible platform/emulator found installed in NetBeans IDE'. I've searched through google to find a way to fix this issue but I couldn't find any solution on this matter.
Please help me to fix this issue. Do I need to re-install the IDE? Am I missing out something? I've tried various ways but the IDE simply doesn't detect any platform on my machine.
Thanks for your help.
Try this in Netbeans:
Click menu-item: Tools->Java Platforms
Click button: Add platform...
Choose radio-button: Java ME MIDP Platform Emulator
then click button: Next >
Find the directory where Netbeans 6.7.1 is installed
then click OK
WTK2.5.2 that comes with Netbeans should be visible. Select it and click Next and follow further instructions.
If no WTK is found the dowload it, unpack it and try as above again but find the directory to the WTK this time.
Hope this helps.