Aptana UI themes - eclipse

I just started using Aptana and I'm enjoying it. I like the dark theme that comes on default.
There's just one thing. Notice how the editors are nice and dark, but the UI is not? Obviously, Aptana is Eclipse based, so I've been browsing around the net for dark themes for Eclipse's UI.
I found this question with a suitable answer: Eclipse IDE for Java - Full Dark Theme
When I try to install one of the themes suggested, I get an error:
Missing requirement: Eclipse Darker Theme
requires org.eclipse.osgi.services 3.3.100' but it could not be found
Of course, I could just install the dependency, but I have no idea where to look.
I just want my Aptana to be dark, entirely. What must I do?

I just ran into a similar issue a couple hours ago with a Magento plugin I wanted to install.
In Aptana, click the "Install new software..." item under the Help menu. Then you'll want to add in the repository url for one the eclipse releases. Juno seems to be the most recent release.
Then use type osgi into the filter to see what's available. I would guess the one that isn't "incubating" is your best bet.


eclipse STS 4.7 with devstyle explorer browser folder arrows are dark/black and can't be seen in dark mode

installed eclipse STS 4.7. then installed dev style plugin from marketplace. Set it to dark mode with intelliJ dark theme. Now I can't see the side arrows.
STS 4.7 is based on Eclipse 2020-06 and there are known issues with Dark themes in this version of Eclipse. The good news is that we already have a fix for it in DevStyle. The update will be available early next week but you can try a patch and see if the fix will work for you. To try it you can follow the instructions in my last comment here

Changing theme in Apache Netbeans 9.0

I have installed Apache Netbeans 9.0 recently in Mac running macOS Mojave. I am trying to change the Netbeans theme to "Dark Look And Feel Themes" but I can't find the options.
Previously, I have used the older versions (8.2, 8.1, 8.0.2) of Netbeans. To change the theme, I navigate to
Tools -> Plugins -> Available Plugins
Install the "Dark Look And Feel Themes" plugin and restart the IDE to reflect the change.
But, I don't find this plugin in the Apache Netbeans 9.0
I also checked whether these plugins are available to download from online. So that I can add them using 'Downloaded' option. But, they are only available for older versions.
So, I am a bit stuck here. Any help will be much appreciated. There are few similar stack overflow questions raised earlier, but they all talk about the old version of Netbeans.
Updated 4/11/19:
Based on a comment from #superbiji below, Darcula + Norway Today works fine with NetBeans 11.0.
Updated 2/7/19:
Note that the answer below applies only to NetBeans 9.0. The situation is a little different on NetBeans 10.0 where the Dark Look and Feel plugin (themes "Dark Metal" and "Dark Nimbus") also worked fine. See Projects, Files, Services, Navigator color background.
I tried to download then manually install those two plugins on NetBeans 9.0, but it didn't work for me:
Download the plugins as zip files, and unzip them.
Tools > Plugins > click the Downloaded tab > click Add Plugins...
The Add Plugins dialog opens, but it requires you to select a jar or nbm file, and no files of those types exist in the downloaded zip files.
However, there is an alternative approach that works for Darcula (but not for Dark Look And Feel Themes). It is a simple two step process:
Make the Darcula plugin available.
Automatically install the plugin, just as you would on NetBeans 8.2.
To make the plugin available:
Tools > Plugins > Settings tab > Click the Add button.
In the Update Center Customizer dialog that opens:
Enter some descriptive value in the Name field such as NetBeans 8.2 plugins
Enter http://plugins.netbeans.org/nbpluginportal/updates/8.2/catalog.xml.gz in the URL field.
Click OK to make the plugins associated with that URL available for installation.
Now click the Available Plugins tab. You should see a lot of new entries, including one for Darcula LAF for NetBeans:
Check that entry and click Install, just as you would on NetBeans 8.2.
NetBeans 9.0 should restart using the Darcula theme:
I don't think this approach is formally supported by NetBeans or the plugin author, but it works fine.
To customize Darcula settings: Tools > Options > Appearance > click the Darcula Look and Feel tab.
To switch from Darcula to one of the built in NetBeans look and feel options: Tools > Options > Appearance > click the Look and Feel tab > select an entry from the Preferred look and feel drop list.
I can recommend you to check NetBeans Themes website. It allows you to design and download your own themes.
Twilight theme is a good example:

Can't Install eclipse theme

I have recently switched Eclipse workbench and installed again the MoonRise UI Theme for my Eclipse.
Unfortunately I don't know why font colors don't change. Can anyone help me?
Running Eclipse Mars
How it should be:
How it is:
I hope you would have got the answer by now.
To get the fonts one must change the preference. There is an existing preference available by name RainbowDrops.epf. You can import the same to get a dark theme look.
A complete tutorial along with the RainbowDrops.epf file is available in the below link.

Can't install any eclipse UI themes on Ubuntu

I'm trying to install a new eclipse UI theme, as staring at a white UI all day makes my eyes hurt. Specifically, I'm trying to install the following: https://github.com/guari/eclipse-ui-theme
However, despite following all of the different installation options they list on that github ReadMe, I can't get it to work. No matter what I do, only the standard three themes show up, as displayed in this screenshot: https://imgur.com/q2VoZgk
Exactly the same thing happened (i.e. nothing) when I tried to install another eclipse UI theme. So I'm guessing this is some sort of problem with my eclipse.
Does anyone have any idea what's going on? I'd really appreciate any help!
It looks like you're running an old version of eclipse, try updating to Juno at least (4.2.x)
For older version of eclipse you can look at this plugin, but will only modify the editor, not the whole IDE
I uploaded to Luna and now it works perfectly. Thank you both very much for your help, and sorry I was being so stupid! I'd updated eclipse within itself via its update, but I guess that doesn't install the latest version!

eclipse / aptana - text compare show code syntax highliging

I am using Aptana 3 which is basically a modified version of eclipse, so i think this question is applicable to both
Before I commit code in I like to review my changes via the text compare. It allows me to double check things I have changed.
However although text has been highlighted for changes made it does not keep the php syntax highlights. Is there anyway I can keep the PHP or whatever syntax highlighting when viewing differences?
See screenshot.
This is something that a plugin author must implement, and, it seems that it's still not implemented for Aptana's PHP editor, so, the proper thing to have that would be reporting this as a bug to be fixed in a future Aptana Studio 3 version.
This is a feature of the Eclipse editor. Perhaps you can try opening the file in another editor. Right click on the file and go to open with and choose different PHP Editor.
I am not a PHP programmer but perhaps you can check these links to see if you can find and alternate plugin with the features you want.
First of all, Aptana is not "a modified version of Eclipse". Aptana is based on the Eclipse Platform. I am using the Aptana Studio 3 plugin for Eclipse (3.7.1; because of PyDev and features like "Local Filesystem"). ISTM that this is a problem with the Aptana PHP Editor, which the Eclipse PDT editor takes preference over in Eclipse (that might be due to the fact that I had installed the PDT plugin first).
You can try to work around this if you install PDT in Aptana Studio 3 (if necessary and possible), and define the PDT editor as default for PHP files (in Eclipse, and perhaps Aptana as well, it is under Window → Preferences → General → Editors → File Associations). You can also report this as an Aptana bug. Or use Eclipse with the Aptana Studio 3 plugin in the first place; IMHO, most Aptana editors, including the Aptana PHP editor, are not much of an improvement over the "built-in" Eclipse editors.
The issue has been repotorted on aptana bug tracker (by me) and apparently it is going to be fixed with 3.1
the bug tracking number is APSTUD-3922 for anyone who is interested