installed eclipse STS 4.7. then installed dev style plugin from marketplace. Set it to dark mode with intelliJ dark theme. Now I can't see the side arrows.
STS 4.7 is based on Eclipse 2020-06 and there are known issues with Dark themes in this version of Eclipse. The good news is that we already have a fix for it in DevStyle. The update will be available early next week but you can try a patch and see if the fix will work for you. To try it you can follow the instructions in my last comment here
I have to use 3.8, because of Ubuntu and Nvidia. I changed the editor theme to be dark, but the rest (project explorer, the menus, etc) are still bright white. I looked around, but every dark Eclipse plugin that I can find requires Eclipse 4+, and those won't work on mine (I tried :( ).
I am on Ubuntu 13.04 (old because of Nvidia Nsight support). Anything I can do?
Eclipse prior to 4.x used native OS widgets and colors for much of its UI. To change the appearance of those things (e.g., the Explorer views, toolbars, etc) you have to update your operating system colors. To control the Eclipse-specific things (like editor colors), you can install the Eclipse Color Theme plugin from the Eclipse Marketplace.
Eclipse Luna offers a dark color theme.
It's supposed to look like this:
On my system, it comes out like this:
Here's what I did:
Open Eclipse.
In Window → Preferences, set Appearance → Theme to Dark.
Close Eclipse. Restart OS. Open Eclipse.
This is a pretty fresh Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon 64-bit install.
I don't want to have to install the Eclipse color theme plugin. This should work out of the box.
Unlike others, my text field is fine, but my chrome is off. How can I fix this?
I'm using Mint 17 and I had to do four things after switching to Luna's dark theme do get it to look nice.
First I installed all gtk theme engines the repository got.
sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-* gtk3-engines*
Second install a dark theme (Menu -> System Settings -> Themes), I choose 'Midnight'.
Third, I had to change some gtk settings under the 'Other settings' tab. For 'Controls' I choose 'Xfce-dusk' and 'Window borders' 'nightfall'. These settings might not be available if you don't install the gtk engines.
Fourth, in Eclipse I installed 'Eclipse Color Theme 0.14' from Eclipse Market place and choose 'Sublime Text 2'.
The result is rather striking, IMHO.
You may also have to change the desktop theme (some of the OS-level controls like scrollbars... are not CSS-able by us)...
Try to set the gtk3 env variable to 0, to start Eclipse in gtk2 compatible mode:
export SWT_GTK3=0
(anyway, currently scrollbars are not stylable by SWT/CSS in any OS, but buttons and toobars should look good, especially on linux)
I had this issue with Eclipse CDT Neon 4.6.2 on Ubuntu 14.04 and none of the answers worked for me.
The problem was I tried to tell Eclipse to not use Gtk3 (by passing SWT_GTK3=0) while I did not have Gtk2 installed.
Here is what I did:
Check if Gtk2 is installed: pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0
If it is installed, you should see something like: 2.24.23
If not, install it by sudo apt-get install gtk2.0
Test Eclipse by typing SWT_GTK3=0 <eclipse_install_path> in a terminal
(Optional) Create a .desktop file:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=env SWT_GTK3=0 <eclipse_install_path>
Comment=Integrated Development Environment
Unfortunately this will not work with the scrollbars.
So to at least have themed scrollbars in the editor add
-Dswt.enable.themedScrollBar=true directly after -vmargs
in the eclipse.ini file located in your Eclipse package path.
I was trying to solve a different issue but I noticed you're on Linux Mint with Cinnamon, the same as me, and this answer went a long way to making Eclipse display properly:
Going to Window > Preferences > General > Appearance and changing the theme to Classic seems to solve the problem.
It's worth mentioning mine was pre-set to GTK.
How can I change the color of comments for groovy files in Eclipse?
The option is not available in the preference/editor settings.
Edit: I use Eclipse Kepler 4.3.1
Change the color in Java syntax coloring option in Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Syntax Coloring > Comments, it will change Groovy's too.
Worked fine on Eclipse Juno.
I switched from Eclipse Indigo to Juno and I have one very irritating problem. When I open a pom editor the tabs under the main window are not visible (these with Dependency Hierarchy and so on). The same thing is when I use the JPDL editor... Is there anybody that has the same problem and knows the solution? My OS is Ubuntu 12.04 and I'm using classical Ubuntu theme. When I use the CSS spy in Eclipse, the tabs are highlited on red, but they are not showing.