Adding Logout Button to Share Screen in Facebook Connect for iPhone - iphone

I have been playing with Facebook Connect for iPhone, as well as ShareKit. Seems like Facebook Connect will work best for me for now (in case you were going to suggest Sharekit - just beating you to the chase!). But, I am having one difficulty..
I would like to add a 'logout' button to the "Publish this Story" screen (view). I don't want a button on my own view.. this is being called from an action sheet that also has several other sharing options, and I don't want to also have to list a logout option for each service. I have thought about this long and hard, and the best way for me to do it would be to add a button on "Publish this Story", perhaps up in the facebook header. Does anyone know 1) if this CAN be done and 2) if so, how to approach it?

As far as I know, that dialog is served up by Facebook and can't bequeath altered. We had similar needs. We actually decided to offer logout options in Settings instead of from the screen where the sharing options were offered.


Facebook Like Button configurator not working for certain pages

I'm trying to use the Facebook Like Button Configurator to generate the Like button for a facebook page URL but it's not showing up:
Here are the steps I performed:
Type in '' in the 'URL to Like' textfield and hit tab to move to the next field.
The Like button does not appear below.
It does, however, work for all other facebook pages. Our client wants to know if this is a facebook issue and if so, what's the solution?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Facebook is making a few changes when it comes to promoting alcohol. Many groups and campaigns are being affected by this change.
Unfortunately we can't say for now what Facebook will end up doing. And there is no way around it at the moment(at least they did not communicate one yet).

Quiz result posting without permission?

I made a app on Facebook which works like a little quiz.
You just have to answer 4 questions and after it you get one of three possible results.
Now I want a button where people can PUBLISH their result, but I don't want to have one of those popups at the start of the application where people have to agree something.
I don't want to automaticly post something on user walls - just if they hit the button they get another Facebook Popup where they can decide if they wanna post the template give on their own wall ...
is it possible ? and if it is ... how ?
Yes, you can do this with the Feed Dialog. Have a look at the Direct URL Example on and attach the link to a button in your app.

How to add another Facebook App Tab to my fanspage

I used a facebook connect app (A) in my website, and I owned anther app (B). They both have own tab.
User login as facebook though (A) in my website, and I want user add (B)'s tab page to their fanspage. How can do this?
There are several possibilities for this, i prefer the following:
You can give that link to any user, and he will be able to add the App to his Page. you can also change the "next" parameter, but it has to be owned by the app. Does not matter anyway, it is just a redirect after success.
It does not open a dialog, so if you want to present this in your app, this solution might be better:
But as you commented, this does not work for other Apps. The best solution might this one then:
See "Adding an app to a Page", it is basically the link i have posted but with a JS popup.
Actually, there might be another option, see here:
"You can install a profile_tab at the end of the current list of installed tabs for a page by issuing an HTTP POST request to PAGE_ID/tabs with a Page Access Token..."

creating a simple static app [facebook app]

I want to create a simple app for facebook, something like axa insurance
They have a folder competition, where you click on that folder which then displays an image which you can share. Any ideas how to do this? I have no idea from where to start. Can anyone provide any assistance or any tutorials on it? it would be highly appreciated.
You first need to create page tab app here:
Facebook app are now a simple iframe pointing to whatever you want!
A couple of details:
you should have an ssl certificate for https user (otherwise it'll
give a warning when the user will be on your tab app)
Adding the app to your page is not really intuitive, take a look over here: - under Direct URL Example to know how to do it!
Here's a tutorial about it
You can google around "create facebook app for fan page 2012" or something like that!

Is there any way to stop the comment dialog from showing up after liking a page using the facebook like social plugin?

I have a website that utilizes the facebook like button social plugin. It's part of a small toolbar that also has a tweet button and other similar things. After clicking the button, however, facebook automatically displays a menu to let you add comments to the post. This really throws off the css in my site and makes things look really bad. I really just want people to be able to click the recommend button, and have it end there. I don't want any extra elements to be brought into the HTML code after the action is taken.
Does anybody know of any way to stop all the extra stuff from being displayed?
From the FAQ at the bottom of the like button social plugin reference:
When will users have the option to add a comment to the like?
If you are using the XFBML version of the Like button, users will
always have the option to add a comment. If you are using the Iframe
version of the button, users will have the option to comments if you
are using the 'standard' layout with a width of at least 400 pixels.
If users do add a comment, the story published back to Facebook is
given more prominence.
So one option would be to use the iframe instead of the XFBML version, and make sure the width is less than 400px.