creating a simple static app [facebook app] - facebook

I want to create a simple app for facebook, something like axa insurance
They have a folder competition, where you click on that folder which then displays an image which you can share. Any ideas how to do this? I have no idea from where to start. Can anyone provide any assistance or any tutorials on it? it would be highly appreciated.

You first need to create page tab app here:
Facebook app are now a simple iframe pointing to whatever you want!
A couple of details:
you should have an ssl certificate for https user (otherwise it'll
give a warning when the user will be on your tab app)
Adding the app to your page is not really intuitive, take a look over here: - under Direct URL Example to know how to do it!
Here's a tutorial about it
You can google around "create facebook app for fan page 2012" or something like that!


How hide tilte, decriptions, change url when I shared link to facebook like this? Thanks

How hide tilte, decriptions, change url when I shared link to facebook like this?
When I click the image, it leads to new.
How can I do this?
The intruction to help us do that.
Facebook takes the data from the Open Graph tags in the page source. If you want to redirect to another website, you can do so with JavaScript - Facebook does not parse JavaScript.
I would not advise doing this though, people should know where they go before they click on a link - and not be redirected somewhere else.

Share image including some attributes (e.g. description) on Facebook over web without app validation hassle

I want to share an image from a website on Facebook and pass some attributes (e.g. a description) to the status update, all done by clicking on a link.
A few months ago this worked fine using the sharer.php but by now this script just accepts a URL as parameter and scrapes the target site for Open Graph meta tags. This new approach isn't very helpfull if you just want to share elements on a page instead of the whole page.
Yeah, I could create an app and use the feed dialog to achieve my goal. But I honestly don't want to walk through the tedious app validation process just to share an image with some additional info!
So, does anyone know of a way to avoid this app hassle? Perhaps some undocumented parameters for the new implementation of the sharer.php?
There's no need for app validation - as #CBroe correctly stated! So the feed dialog IS an adequate solution!
Background: I assumed an app needs validation to go live. But I just didn't set up my app properly to make it available to every Facebook user.
See the comments to gloat over my stupidity. ;)

facebook like page with url to application

I have been trying to create a Facebook like-page with a like linke/button to my iphone application. Like Camera+ ( I just can't find anyway how to make a page like camera+ - Any help?
I found out that this feature is outdated or disabled from facebook :-/

How do you edit the settings you entered when you registered your Facebook app?

How do you edit the settings you entered when you registered your Facebook app?
I need to change the base url and cannot for the life of me figure it out navigating the site.
Someone must know where this is accessible.
Hmmm, guess I have been going to the right place, right now I just get
'An error occurred with Developer. Please try again later.'
The link is:[APP_ID]
You can navigate to this link starting from The base URL can be edited inside the Facebook integration tab (on the left)
From the right sidebar My Apps on the developers page
Find your app on the right, then go to Edit Settings.
Just as an FYI... my app doesn't show up under the developer page (yes, I'm logged in) and if I use the URL that jack provided I just get redirected to my account/info page.
My app works but it can't be edited...

Embedding RSS and Twitter onto Static FBML?

I've been asked to build a facebook fan page, that displays the latest RSS from a blog and the latest tweets from an user.
Something just like this:
I already know the basics for working with FBML, but I can't figure how can I display external data...
Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance..
Here you go:
Here is another how to:
Check out the discussions, everything you want to know is there.
Facebook has put up a new guide for apps and pages at that is fairly helpful.
One thing that was a bit elusive to me at first was that you have one page that serves the canvas and then you have a second page (they recommend a subdirectory /tab) that serves the page content. So you can have a working app and canvas page and still not have it show up as a tab when you add the app to your "page".
(I know this is an old question, but I found it so I figure others might too)