Quiz result posting without permission? - facebook

I made a app on Facebook which works like a little quiz.
You just have to answer 4 questions and after it you get one of three possible results.
Now I want a button where people can PUBLISH their result, but I don't want to have one of those popups at the start of the application where people have to agree something.
I don't want to automaticly post something on user walls - just if they hit the button they get another Facebook Popup where they can decide if they wanna post the template give on their own wall ...
is it possible ? and if it is ... how ?

Yes, you can do this with the Feed Dialog. Have a look at the Direct URL Example on https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/feed/ and attach the link to a button in your app.


Facebook Like Button configurator not working for certain pages

I'm trying to use the Facebook Like Button Configurator to generate the Like button for a facebook page URL but it's not showing up:
Here are the steps I performed:
Goto https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/like-button#configurator
Type in 'https://www.facebook.com/LoveJadot/' in the 'URL to Like' textfield and hit tab to move to the next field.
The Like button does not appear below.
It does, however, work for all other facebook pages. Our client wants to know if this is a facebook issue and if so, what's the solution?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Facebook is making a few changes when it comes to promoting alcohol. Many groups and campaigns are being affected by this change.
Unfortunately we can't say for now what Facebook will end up doing. And there is no way around it at the moment(at least they did not communicate one yet).

How create facebook like button for one posts?

I want create like button for one facebook post, and including this button in my site.
For test I use this form developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/like-button and this URL to post www.facebook.com/155730127901365/posts/1138450862962615.
But this creating button I cant like and box count don’t show like for this post here is youtube video.
Also I tried embedded this post in my site, but I too cant like this post.
here is youtube video.
Can you help me? Its bug? How to solve this problem?
Like Buttons can be used for Facebook Pages and external Websites, but not for single Facebook Posts.
Embedded Posts are for single Facebook Posts, and the Like Button does not work for those.

Facebook - how should look like the correct LIKE button with posting to timeline/wall?

I am fighting the whole days with this thing, I would like to add to my website the like button to each article and when a visitor click on the LIKE button, then on his/her timeline/wall should be shown this information.
Could anyone help me with this? The like button itself is working, but I don't know how to put this information to the timeline.
Thank you very much
By default when a user likes an article it shows in on his/her timeline (Recent Activity Section) and from Your question I understand that you have a blogging system if You are running and working on WordPress use the Facebook Plugin tell me if you need further information

Multiple Facebook share button/link on the same page refering different TITLE & LINK

I need to create a "contest" page where user will be asked to submit picture.
After that, they should be able to share their picture on FB, Twitter, G+, Pinterest, etc for other people to come and vote.
I want the page to be displayed as a jQuery gallery and whenever people select a thumbnail, the bigger picture open with the associated vote and "share" button.
When a user share an image, I want a specific TITLE & URL associated with that particular image... something like "http://www.mysite.com/contest.html#picture1"... or "http://www.mysite.com/contest.html#picture2"
How is this possible if I only have one page?
I wouldn't have problem if I could use the old "facebook.com/sharer.php" with parameters... but it seems that the Open Graph Protocol is "overiding" the sharer.php parameters....
Works fine with Twitter and Pinterest... I might have the same problem with Google+.
Excuse my bad english, thanks!
Well, set up a (“dummy”) page for each picture, and fill it with the appropriate OG tags … and have your users like that. And then put a JS redirect into that page, so that users following the link when it’s shared on Facebook will get to the “real” address you want them to end up at.
(Btw., IMHO this is what happens too often these days when people think doing everything client-side and client-side only is so “fancy” and that a “good” and “modern” site requires all that AJAX/one-page-only nonsense instead of a real good and working URL structure, and then are not able to handle all that this implies properly …)

Facebook Like button - only 1 line whhen no comment

Im using Facebook's like button plugin on my own website product pages, also using opengraph tags
Everything seems to work fine, the problem is when people 'like' a product, the comment box shows up but if they leave it empty only single line is posted on their feed like:
Jon Doe has liked "title here".
But when they write that comment when they click Like or even post the the link manually all the image,text,description information is correctly displayed.
Anyone knows how to fix this?
Well, that’s the basic difference between a like and a share. Since Facebook has merged these to functionalities into one social plugin, it’s up to the user which action he takes.
The old share button has been deprecated, so not much use in implementing it now, because even if it’s still possible(?) it will stop working eventually.
If you want shares instead of likes, your one alternative IMHO is implementing the Feed Dialog on your site, triggered by a click on a button of you own making.