Is there any way to stop the comment dialog from showing up after liking a page using the facebook like social plugin? - facebook

I have a website that utilizes the facebook like button social plugin. It's part of a small toolbar that also has a tweet button and other similar things. After clicking the button, however, facebook automatically displays a menu to let you add comments to the post. This really throws off the css in my site and makes things look really bad. I really just want people to be able to click the recommend button, and have it end there. I don't want any extra elements to be brought into the HTML code after the action is taken.
Does anybody know of any way to stop all the extra stuff from being displayed?

From the FAQ at the bottom of the like button social plugin reference:
When will users have the option to add a comment to the like?
If you are using the XFBML version of the Like button, users will
always have the option to add a comment. If you are using the Iframe
version of the button, users will have the option to comments if you
are using the 'standard' layout with a width of at least 400 pixels.
If users do add a comment, the story published back to Facebook is
given more prominence.
So one option would be to use the iframe instead of the XFBML version, and make sure the width is less than 400px.


Facebook Like button - only 1 line whhen no comment

Im using Facebook's like button plugin on my own website product pages, also using opengraph tags
Everything seems to work fine, the problem is when people 'like' a product, the comment box shows up but if they leave it empty only single line is posted on their feed like:
Jon Doe has liked "title here".
But when they write that comment when they click Like or even post the the link manually all the image,text,description information is correctly displayed.
Anyone knows how to fix this?
Well, that’s the basic difference between a like and a share. Since Facebook has merged these to functionalities into one social plugin, it’s up to the user which action he takes.
The old share button has been deprecated, so not much use in implementing it now, because even if it’s still possible(?) it will stop working eventually.
If you want shares instead of likes, your one alternative IMHO is implementing the Feed Dialog on your site, triggered by a click on a button of you own making.

Choice to Post to Facebook After Clicking Like Button

I noticed at that if you click the Like button, a small option opens up to share that link on the user's wall.
I believe this is not a default option because I have implemented the Like button on my site and it doesn't work that way.
How to get this functionality...
Use FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create') as described here with the JS SDK to catch the event when a user likes your page.
You don't need to subscribe to the like event. The behavior you describe in that link is default. Go to the link generator here: to play around with it. Any time you click on like a little comment box will popup.

Facebook XFBML Like Button Disappear After Unlike

Similar to a problem I have read here, but slightly different. I have added the XFBML version of the like button to a page I am working on in a development environment. It appeared just fine to begin with. I clicked like, viewed my Facebook profile, saw that it was shared on my timeline, I then clicked 'unlike' (which I had done before using the iframe version and experienced no problems).
After clicking 'unlike', the button completely disappeared from my page. Although the markup that was generated is still present.
To make this problem even stranger, when placing the like button on a different page I do not experience the same issue. On a separate (3rd) page, I do.
I feel like this is a long shot, but any help would be greatly appreciated.
edit: said 'screw this' and decided to use AddThis for all my buttons. The facebook like button provided through AddThis also does not appear. So confused.
Could you change the href attribute of the Facebook iframe and see if the button appears?

Integrating the Facebook like function with a web banner

I want to have a web banner that when you click on it, it automatically likes my Facebook page. Is this possible? If so can someone point me in the right direction of similar to coding.
I want the functionality of a like button with my own image.
this is NOT a good thing to do - a like button should be the classic like button of facebook.
If it could look like anything then people could be tricked into liking something.
Do NOT attempt to do this.
You will make people very mad... you don't want to be deceiving your users...
You can read here for more information about the Facebook Platform Policies
Taken from the link above :
You must not obscure or cover elements of our social plugins, such as
the Like button or Like box plugin.
You are referring to obscuring the like button... ie - making it not look like the original like button

Facebook fbml add fan button to page

I'm trying to figure out how to add a Fan button to a Facebook page right next to the company name. I've seen this done on a few pages, as shown in the following screenshot.
I've added the FBML application though I can't find a great deal of information on the code required for the actual button and then how to place the button on the page. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Many thanks.
For pages, that button is automatically handled by Facebook. If you are already a Fan of the page, the button won't appear. You should be able to "unfan" the page in your account settings.
The FBML application lets you add arbitrary FBML to the "box" that represents that application. It has nothing to do with the Fan button.
Visit the url that lets you edit your page information, on the right had side you should see something along the lines of "Promote with a fan box" -- that should be what you're looking for.
If you want to do it by hand you can use the fb:fan tag (
Thanks guys. Yep I delved into the hacks for this using FBML though eventually logged out and logged in with a different account and lo and behold! Facebook add this Fan Button by default now.