Facebook comments in iOS UIWebView - iphone

I'm loading a URL from my own web site into a UIWebView in an iPhone app. This page has the Facebook Comments social plugin enabled. It was working beautifully two weeks ago, using the mobile friendly version of Facebook comments. However, a week ago, something changed on Facebook's end. I'm no longer seeing the mobile friendly version, and it has that awful "Comment Using" drop down that lets you log in via Facebook, Yahoo, AOL, or Hotmail, which is clearly meant for a desktop/mouse setup.
Does anyone know of a way to get the mobile friendly markup in this scenario?
I already tried using Facebook's iOS SDK for reading & posting comments, but your Facebook app has to be "white listed" before you're able to post comments using the Graph API. It turns out that only ONE app is white listed...something called "Causes." Ugh.

Ah ha! Facebook finally fixed this problem:

Have you updated your facebook API, as it has been changed from 1st October.
Check Out this link


App requests successful, but no notification shown

I am using the normal setup for sending invites through the requests dialogue:
method: 'apprequests',
message: "Please add me, I am doing the same, thanks!"
function(response) {
The response is successful, response.to shows multiple ids. So sending these invites works like it should. The problem is that these apprequests are not shown up as notifications like they usually do, instead the only place to find them here.
Has the API changed? Looking for answers has given me no results, though I did find this bug report from February 15th 2013.
Is Facebook just testing yet again, or has the API changed but not the documentation? I am truly grateful for any insights!
There's two simple things that might cause that problem.
One is that you application is missing the Canvas. Just add it from the your App panel in Facebook Developers.
The second one - make sure your app is NOT in SandBox Mode. If it is it won't send any notifications. I lost hours before figuring that out and changing the code in all possible ways.
Hope that helps.
Its not facebook bug its a problem in your facebook app configuration :
Follow the below configuration and its working like a charm.
You just need to go in to the Facebook developer and select your app and goes in to the setting of your app and click "Add Platform" and select "App On Facebook" and than add canvas url in it. now try to send invitation and it will show the notification.
or go to facebook developers,
Change 111 to your APP ID
This was posted yesterday in facebook bugs site.
However, it is still not working for me even though I'm utilizing the exact code that the FB comment is referencing.
I realize this is not complete answer to the question and should be put in the comments. However I am a newbie and don't have enough reputation on StackOverflow to post comments. Emil, could you please let me know if you resolve this issue.
Had same issue, I added Secure Canvas URL, etc. But problem was I haven't provided iPhone Store ID inside iOS section in Settings.
As of Graph API 2.3, Game requests are only available to games.
As mentioned in Game Requests description, you have to create Facebook Web Games in App Portal, then you will get the notification with Game Request. Not for website anymore.
I had to implement facebook ‘apprequests’ instead of the deprecated ‘appinvites’ in an existing cordova app and spent hours debugging.
‘apprequests’ are only available in Facebook Apps categorized as ‘games’.
You can send notifications only to platforms (iOS, Android, Facebook web games) that are involved with the facebook app. That means, you will never receive a notification in your browser if you miss ‘facebook web games’ as platform. My expectation was to be notified in the facebook browser app if I was invited from a Mobile app.
iOS devices don’t get notifications.
In my case, I’ve missed to fill the app store id in the Facebook app platform configuration. After that, notifications appeared instantly.
If you like notifications in the fb browser app, you have to add ‘Facebook web games’ (formerly known as ‘canvas’) as plattform.
You can save yourself a lot trouble by creating test users in the app role category of your facebook app.

share on facebook photo api new IOS

I found this tutorial to share photos on the facebook wall is perfect however if I change the ID of the facebook api, putting my ID instead of using the MyGrades it does not work, because the Facebook SDK has been updated and is no longer compatible.
I get the following message: "Sorry, the application you are using is Facebook integration is misconfigured ......"
've researched about the solution would be to update the facebook api.
anyone have a suggestion that works exactly like this example but with the current api?
With ios6, apple as introduced a number of their own sharing tools in the Social framework. I'd suggest that you look into SLComposeViewController. There is a good explanation of it in this question

FBConnect API is not showing Share page recently in iOS

i have made use of "FBConnect API" in my app for fb sharing..
Before two-three weeks ago it was working fine. but now it does not display share page at all.
Does any one know what is the issue with it?
Any one know how to resolve this issue?
i have tried other sample apps for FBConnect api but i saw same problem in other app also.
You may get this issues of using old API's. But Below links may help you.
This is a link for new facebook ios sdk
Tutorial is here to integrate your facebook
I have written a code to work for facebook integration with dialog page. You can use my code from below link. but dont forget to include your app id in .plist file and also inside the code.

Facebook Twitter Sharing options in app?

I want to give sharing option in my app for sharing data, images, webpages, etc. with Facebook, Twitter, Email. What is best option for me?
I'm going through ShareKit that I have never used. Is it any good or do I have to try something else?
Suggest me some ShareKit like links.
ShareKit is brilliant.
Recently there's been an intermittent problem with Facebook's "Connect" API, which is what ShareKit uses. A lot of existing, deployed apps (including some big names) have been facebook-broken over the last couple weeks. Facebook claims to be working on it, and in fact my app that uses ShareKit IS working right now, but ultimately SK needs to move to the newer Graph API.
Definitely Sharekit is good idea to share data,urls and images(not to twitter) with Facebook,twitter and Email but you can't share images in Twitter.

Facebook "Like" on iPhone/iPad

Has anyone implemented facebook "Like" on iPhone/iPad?
I've done general Facebook Connect implementation before, but it appears they're phasing that out in favour of OAuth and the Graph API?
We're trying to give users the ability to "Like" items of content in the app. Each item of content has a corresponding URL for its representation on the website.
Will it be possible to implement this kind of functionality (without implementing anything on the server side)?
And is there a library that will let us do this easily?
Facebook will release an Open Graph API/SDK for iPhone to replace Facebook Connect.
If still relevant, our company has build native "like" and "share this" buttons for both iPhone and Android and it works to both Facebook and Twitter. You can check it out here:
We're coming out of Beta now. The libraries will be downloadable shortly.