Facebook Twitter Sharing options in app? - iphone

I want to give sharing option in my app for sharing data, images, webpages, etc. with Facebook, Twitter, Email. What is best option for me?
I'm going through ShareKit that I have never used. Is it any good or do I have to try something else?
Suggest me some ShareKit like links.

ShareKit is brilliant.
Recently there's been an intermittent problem with Facebook's "Connect" API, which is what ShareKit uses. A lot of existing, deployed apps (including some big names) have been facebook-broken over the last couple weeks. Facebook claims to be working on it, and in fact my app that uses ShareKit IS working right now, but ultimately SK needs to move to the newer Graph API.

Definitely Sharekit is good idea to share data,urls and images(not to twitter) with Facebook,twitter and Email but you can't share images in Twitter.


iPhone: Social media integration

I am developing iPhone app where I need to provide integration with different social media like FaceBook, Twitter, Google etc. I have seen couple of iPhone applications that allow people to login using their existing FB or Twitter accounts and allow to post comments, like/unlike, follow people etc. I want to implement something similar but not sure where to start with. Could anyone please suggest me right direction? Any documentation and sample code would be great help.
http://developers.facebook.com/ has just about all the info you might need.
Further also look in Apples library as it contains sample code and extensive information about most topics.
#AppleDeveloper, check out Socialize; this is exactly the problem we're working to solve: http://www.GetSocialize.com. Full feature list at http://go.GetSocialize.com/features
The problem with just putting Facebook into your app is that your download base of users aren't all friends on Facebook. So any sharing in the app using Facebook will only go out to that user's friends.
Socialize lets all users of the app see the social actions other users of the app take, in addition to allowing those social actions to be shared on Facebook (and soon Twitter & Google+ as well). Then we give you a reporting dashboard so you can see the effect of all the social actions on downloads & user engagement: http://go.GetSocialize.com/dashboard
Let me know if this is the type of thing you're looking for.

Facebook ,twitter and Linkedin integration with Full Functionality in iphone

I have experience of integration of facebook and twitter api. But Its just feed post.
I want full Facebook application which shows friends list their messages and events.
And i want same thing for twitter and linkedin.
If any body have idea or code for this please give me link or post that.
the API for Linkedin You can refer this :
You can use UIWebView to load twitter and facebook. It will let you exploit the entire functionality offered by these two Social networking sites. Though It's not impossible to build an application the way you want it to be but using webview will save your time as well as efforts. Since you are already aware of the FB and twitter integration so I am sure you are already aware as to what all we can do from iPhone application..viz.. Setting Status, reading POSTS etc.. I am not quite sure about Linkedin.. Just in case if you come across any solution for this let me also know about that.

how to share our ipad app for social networks like fb,twitter,etc

like web project where we can share to socialnetworks by cliking on fb share/like button ,tweet button. i want to do the same thing in my ipad app.please any one help me?
You can either use each social networks API individually, or you can use ShareKit.
ShareKit is a lot simpler, and easier to use, but there are very few limitations, but mostly it does everything you need it to. And the limitations are outweighed by the easy of use. (you'll still need to register as a developer on the social networks you want to support, there is a tutorial on the website, and explanation in the code)
Just read the documentation of the twitter and Facebook API, then use the REST interface to interact with the service.
For that you have to make the application which integrates facebook and twitter
USe the following link for doing so
1. For Twitter
2. For Facebook

Integration iPhone app with Facebook Twitter TwitPic and more

It's not a code question.
I've found a nice tool online few months ago and now I cannot remember it's name/address. Maybe you know.
I've found a great sample application integrating most of the social services - Facebook, twitter, TwitPic, myspace and so on.
So you only had to add few classes to your project, fill the appIDs, sercret codes and you were ready to use all of them (with a standard UI) without spending countless hours implementing every single one on my own.
Maybe you remember where I can find this app? It was great.
I found this..http://three20.info/ hope it can help.
You might be thinking of ShareKit. It can be found at this URL: ShareKit
I have found ShareKit very easy to use.
check out http://www.gigya.com/social-login/ , i think this is the best option to date.
There are a couple of UIImagePicker replacements out there that support loading photos from other services:
GrabKit is an iOS Objective-C library offering simple and unified methods to retrieve photo albums on Facebook, Flickr, Picasa, iPhone/iPad and Instagram
Photo Picker+ a new free library for iOS that replaces the native photo chooser to let users select a photo from Facebook, Picasa, Flickr, or Instagram, in addition to the local Camera Roll or Photo Stream.

Iphone and Facebook Connect?

Does anybody know if you can actually pull done messages/comments from facebook into an iPhone app? Every app I see in the app store allows you to post to facebook. I have an app idea that includes actually seeing your friends messages and wanted to see if the SO community has seen anything like this before or if you are able to do this.
Yes, you should be able to do this; FBConnect lets you call all of the Facebook APIs, so you'd want to look at http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Stream.get or http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Comments.get. I haven't done anything with comments directly, but I do have an app that retrieves lists of friends, photo albums, and photos on the iPhone using FBConnect so I think this would be very similar, and it wasn't that hard to do.