Importing an existing maven Project into Eclipse - eclipse

I have an existing Maven Project with me .
I am using Eclipse Helios as my IDE , i need to import an existing maven Project into my IDE .
Please tell me what is the correct approach to import an exisiting maven Application ??
(Should we choose Import Existing maven Project option or
Should we choose import Exisiting Projects into Workspace option ??
Please let me know , thank you very much .

Use Import->Maven->Existing Maven Projects
I'm assuming, you've m2eclipse plugin installed in your Eclipse.

Use mvn plugin "eclipse:eclipse" for setting up the parameters for eclipse
After which you can choose, "create from existing source" under "create new project"

Include the m2e plugin into eclipse
Windows >> Install new software
enter this site to download the m2e plugin


org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage option not appearing when i try to extend WebPage

I am trying to create a "Hello World" Wicket Application.
When I try to create a file, I do not get 'org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage' option for"SuperClass" option.
How do i fix this?
I am using Eclipse Luna IDE and have Apache Tomcat 8.0.14
here you find projects for the Wicket user guide, including an HelloWorldExample:
To import Maven-based projects in eclipse you can use Maven integration plugin:
Once you have installed this plugin you will find "Import Maven project" in the import menu.

I need to get maven folder while creating project

I have downloaded maven 3.x successfully but when I am opening eclipse ide File > New > Project and need to select maven project then I am not able to view the maven folder itself .I dont know whether I need m2e plugin or what as I am new to this .Please guide me on this.
Open Help - Eclipse Marketplace in Eclipse and then enter m2e or maven plugin. It depends on your eclipse version, what to install.
But there are also a lot of eclipse bundles, which already include the maven plugin like the Java EE version.

Import project on eclipse using maven plug-in

I'm trying to import an existing project on eclipse using maven plugin m2eclipse. However, I don't know how to do it. I woulld aprreciate it if somebody can explain it to me.
Currently using eclipse 3.6
Many thanks,
file -> import -> existing maven project -> browse to your directory (the one with the pom.xml) and select your project in the projects window.

Running the ZK essentials maven project from eclipse

I usually can run zk apps on the server but the essentials app is a maven project and I cant see that option in zk studio (in eclipse).
How do I run it in eclipse?
Install the m2e plugin from the marketplace. It will give you additional options in the Run menu like "Maven install".
Note that Maven is a build tool, not a run tool. Maven only manages the classpath for you. You can then use the normal "Run as ..." of Eclipse to start it.
EDIT When you have m2e, make sure you import the project using "Import Maven project". M2e will then configure all the aspects, facets and natures.
If you already have the project imported, try "Update Project..."
If that doesn't work, try to enable the "Web Project Facet". See this blog post for details:
I have installed m2e plugin on Eclipse Juno without any problem.
Have you tried install m2e plugin before install other plugins? it
will give you maven install option .
first of all, goto help menu then eclipse marketplace search
m2e plugin in eclipse juno/ kepler version and install the m2e plugin

Import Existing Maven in Eclipse as WTP

I had to reinstall my Eclipse and now i have to import all the existing projects into the new workspace. The previous version of Eclipse was Galileo, this version is Indigo. The plugins are installed, but after the "Import Existing Maven Project" the projects are not showing as WTP (WebApp Project)...
Do i need something else to setup or config?
Thanks a lot!
Yes, you need to install additional software. The "Maven Integration for Eclipse WTP"
See here:
Update Site:
You can convert a maven project to a Eclipse WTP project.
After that you only need to import the project as any other project.
The command to convert is:
mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=2.0