Import Existing Maven in Eclipse as WTP - eclipse

I had to reinstall my Eclipse and now i have to import all the existing projects into the new workspace. The previous version of Eclipse was Galileo, this version is Indigo. The plugins are installed, but after the "Import Existing Maven Project" the projects are not showing as WTP (WebApp Project)...
Do i need something else to setup or config?
Thanks a lot!

Yes, you need to install additional software. The "Maven Integration for Eclipse WTP"
See here:
Update Site:

You can convert a maven project to a Eclipse WTP project.
After that you only need to import the project as any other project.
The command to convert is:
mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=2.0


How can you import M2E Maven projects into Eclipse from the command line?

I'm working on writing a script that will checkout multiple Maven projects that all have modules. I want to import all the modules into Eclipse Mars as M2E projects. Now I've scoured other questions and answers about this and only see Eclipse CDT based solutions (eclipse.exe -base workspace -importAll {someURI}). However this doesn't convert your projects into M2E projects in eclipse. They are just plain-Jane java projects.
Does anyone know how I can, from a Windows Batch Script, import Maven projects as M2E faceted projects in Eclipse Mars?
I'm using Eclipse Mars.1, Java 7, Maven 3.3.
Ultimately what I really want is a reliable way to build up a complex workspace of M2E projects. There are hierarchical dependencies between them so if it's not done right it's very confusing for more Junior developers.
You can try to use:
mvn eclipse:eclipse
This will generate eclipse configuration files, after of that you can import into eclipse:
eclipse.exe -base workspace -importAll {someURI}

Eclipse - Convert to Maven project

I'm using Eclipse Indigo, and I installed m2eclipse plugin. However, I can't see in Configure a Convert to Maven Project option.
I think I've installed the m2e for a newer eclipse version..Is there a way to install m2e for Eclipse Indigo? (can't find it in the market)
SOLVED: Finally I uninstalled and installed again m2e and now it works..i guess i did something wrong while installing it the first time.
Run "mvn eclipse:eclipse" command in your project directory for convert project to maven project:
mvn eclipse:eclipse
OR (for web project)
mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=2.0
If you installed it through the Marketplace, try uninstalling it, and then reinstall it through "Install New Software" under Help. Enter this URL to get it from:
That worked for me. If that URL doesn't work (or if you want an older version), check this page.

Running the ZK essentials maven project from eclipse

I usually can run zk apps on the server but the essentials app is a maven project and I cant see that option in zk studio (in eclipse).
How do I run it in eclipse?
Install the m2e plugin from the marketplace. It will give you additional options in the Run menu like "Maven install".
Note that Maven is a build tool, not a run tool. Maven only manages the classpath for you. You can then use the normal "Run as ..." of Eclipse to start it.
EDIT When you have m2e, make sure you import the project using "Import Maven project". M2e will then configure all the aspects, facets and natures.
If you already have the project imported, try "Update Project..."
If that doesn't work, try to enable the "Web Project Facet". See this blog post for details:
I have installed m2e plugin on Eclipse Juno without any problem.
Have you tried install m2e plugin before install other plugins? it
will give you maven install option .
first of all, goto help menu then eclipse marketplace search
m2e plugin in eclipse juno/ kepler version and install the m2e plugin

Importing an existing maven Project into Eclipse

I have an existing Maven Project with me .
I am using Eclipse Helios as my IDE , i need to import an existing maven Project into my IDE .
Please tell me what is the correct approach to import an exisiting maven Application ??
(Should we choose Import Existing maven Project option or
Should we choose import Exisiting Projects into Workspace option ??
Please let me know , thank you very much .
Use Import->Maven->Existing Maven Projects
I'm assuming, you've m2eclipse plugin installed in your Eclipse.
Use mvn plugin "eclipse:eclipse" for setting up the parameters for eclipse
After which you can choose, "create from existing source" under "create new project"
Include the m2e plugin into eclipse
Windows >> Install new software
enter this site to download the m2e plugin

Trying to understand how to work with Maven and Eclipse

I import a project into eclipse from svn and then go and run 'mvn install' from the command line and everything compiles fine. But I don't understand why the code is not compiled in Eclipse too.
From my previous experience I know that I need to go ahead in Eclipse and import "existing maven projects" to have Eclipse compile the code, I just don't understand why.
How have you imported the projects to Eclipse? By runnint mvn eclipse:eclipse to import them as 'Java project' or importing the maven projects directly with the m2eclipse plugin?
By default maven builds each project into a directory target in each project whereas Eclipse builds into eclipse-out. mvn install builds each maven project to create an archive (jar, war, ear etc) whereas Eclipse needs to build to be able to run the code in Eclipse.