I have downloaded maven 3.x successfully but when I am opening eclipse ide File > New > Project and need to select maven project then I am not able to view the maven folder itself .I dont know whether I need m2e plugin or what as I am new to this .Please guide me on this.
Open Help - Eclipse Marketplace in Eclipse and then enter m2e or maven plugin. It depends on your eclipse version, what to install.
But there are also a lot of eclipse bundles, which already include the maven plugin like the Java EE version.
Hello friends I have not so much Idea about maven build tool. I just download and install it in my system as I read maven is a build tool and work perfectly with transitive dependency. this is the basic reason to use it
I also configure mavan plugin in Eclipse.
so what is the proper Gwt maven archetype in eclipse and I read so many command in tutorials like maven:gwt run but I dont to where is this command exist in eclipse
I am very new in maven so please help me like a beginner
This is a common approach to get support of maven in existing GWT-Project
Make a gwt project by using the gwt plugin in Eclipse. Now you have
an Eclipse gwt project.
Select the project in Project Explorer , right-click it, then choose
Configure . Then select Convert to Maven Project . Now you get a
gwt-maven project.
Now add necessary dependencies to pom.xml .
if you want to create a gwt maven project directly you need to choose gwt archetype if not exist you can add this have a look in
this video
You should:
Download the gwt plugin in Eclipse and create a gwt project.
In Eclipse select the project, right-click on it, then choose Configure. Then select Convert to Maven Project.
Now you get a gwt-maven project.
I usually can run zk apps on the server but the essentials app is a maven project and I cant see that option in zk studio (in eclipse).
How do I run it in eclipse?
Install the m2e plugin from the marketplace. It will give you additional options in the Run menu like "Maven install".
Note that Maven is a build tool, not a run tool. Maven only manages the classpath for you. You can then use the normal "Run as ..." of Eclipse to start it.
EDIT When you have m2e, make sure you import the project using "Import Maven project". M2e will then configure all the aspects, facets and natures.
If you already have the project imported, try "Update Project..."
If that doesn't work, try to enable the "Web Project Facet". See this blog post for details: http://www.mkyong.com/java/how-to-convert-java-project-to-web-project-in-eclipse/
I have installed m2e plugin on Eclipse Juno without any problem.
Have you tried install m2e plugin before install other plugins? it
will give you maven install option .
first of all, goto help menu then eclipse marketplace search
m2e plugin in eclipse juno/ kepler version and install the m2e plugin
I am new to eclipse and the interaction between eclipse and maven.
Is it possible to have Maven automatically install Eclipse plugins if the eclipse path is known?
Is it possible to configure specific project settings for each installed plugin when the eclipse project is created? Is it easy to update these configuration settings once the eclipse project is created?
How may I go about this using Maven? Or is it not possible/ideal?
To install a plugin, you would have to copy the plugin files to the eclipse/plugins folder as described in the Eclipse wiki
You can use maven to copy the plugin files/folders to the eclipse plugins directory. This question will show how: Best practices for copying files with Maven
However, I would not advise to use maven to configure the IDE and its plugins, you should manage your projects and not your IDEs with maven.
i installed m2e 1.0 latest version from here
i had to remove the old maven integration for eclipse, and the maven integration for eclipse WTP
after installing this latest version, and restarting eclipse, i found that the maven menu disappears from the right click on project, so i though that i need the m2e extras, but i couldn't found a compatible version, please advise.
The new Maven plugin uses different project metadata (due to the move to Eclipse foundation and new package names). So it doesn't recognize older Maven projects. You have to enable Maven for every project again to create the new metadata. To do this, right click on the project, choose "Configure" and then "Convert to Maven project". Now the "Maven" submenu should appear.
What version of Eclipse are you running? In the download page they are saying that m2e is tested against Eclipse 3.6 (Helios) and 3.7 (Indigo).
I have found this project sample. It says it is an eclipse project type but I am wondering what eclipse plugin does it require to be compiled successfully? I'd like to build the sample with my eclipse but I am not sure how should I prepare my eclipse to compile such kind of project? What additional libs etc... So I need your advice
Here is its structure screen shot
project source...
Any useful comment is appreciated
That looks more like a maven project structure - check if it has a pom.xml.
In the root directory of the project , I found it has a pom.xml , so it is a Maven based project.
Looking into .project file (an eclipse project-specific file) , it has the following :
org.maven.ide.eclipse.maven2Nature means that the project has the m2eclipse (a maven pluign for eclipse) nature .Note that after the version 0.12.1 , m2eclipse project is moved to Eclipse Foundation and become the part of Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) release . The name of this nature becomes org.eclipse.m2e.core.maven2Nature
Besides ,I also found that there are some WTP-specified setting files (eg org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml) in the .setting folder . WTP is included inside the 'Java EE Developers version' of eclipse by default.
So , this project is created by eclipse installed with the WTP and the m2eclipse with the version at or before 0.12.1.
how should I prepare my eclipse to compile such kind of project? What
additional libs etc.
As it is a maven project , you don't have to include the additional libs explicitly . All the libs required are configured inside the pom.xml and maven will download these libs for you.
For me , I would use an eclipse installed with WTP , m2eclipse ,m2eclipse-wtp and GWT eclipse plugin . Then create a new maven war application , and only copy the pom.xml and the src folder to the project .After that use the m2eclipse function to update the download libs and those project-specified setting files.