Import project on eclipse using maven plug-in - eclipse

I'm trying to import an existing project on eclipse using maven plugin m2eclipse. However, I don't know how to do it. I woulld aprreciate it if somebody can explain it to me.
Currently using eclipse 3.6
Many thanks,

file -> import -> existing maven project -> browse to your directory (the one with the pom.xml) and select your project in the projects window.


How to import a maven project in eclipse?

I have a (command-line) maven based project which just works great (mvn clean, mvn verify, install all perfect)! I want now import this into eclipse not as maven project but regular eclipse project.
I did it but I have a dependency issue which I solved by just copying all the jars created into the .m2 folder to another folder into my eclipse workspace. Then I've added all these jars to my project.
everything ok!
Question is: I have the feeling that this is not the best way to manage the dependency in eclipse ... what do you suggest? best practices
If you have a simple java project which is made up of only one module, using Eclipse is very simple. To generate the Eclipse project files from your POM you execute the following command:
mvn eclipse:eclipse
If you have created or checked out the project with Eclipse, you only have to refresh the project in your workspace. Otherwise you have to import the project into your Eclipse workspace (From the menu bar, select File > Import > Existing Projects into Workspace). In the latter case the project (directory) should not be located in your workspace, because Eclipse might come into trouble, especially if you want to use Eclipse as the scm client.

Importing Apache Lucene-Solr into Eclipse Luna

I'm having a great deal of difficulty importing the source from git:// into Eclipse. I mean, I can import it as a vanilla non-java project, but that's not very helpful. It's not a Maven project, but it has this Ivy thing. I've download the IvyDE plugin, but I don't understand how to use it to import a project, and I haven't found any useful documentation from the Lucene project relevant to my problem.
Any ideas?
To be clear, I'm not trying to add Lucene to any application. I simply want to browse the source code in Eclipse as a stand-alone project.
I did just
ant compile
ant eclipse
and then in Eclipse
File -> Import -> Existing Projects Into workspace
and that's it.
you can find the needed steps here [1]. As you said, it's not a maven project so there are some preliminary (ant) steps to do before.
Although Lucene is not --- at first --- a maven project, you can create a Maven project with a provided Ant target (I guess it is a target but I haven't checked the code).
In the sub-directory dev-tools/maven/README.maven there are instructions on how to make Lucene a Maven project:
ant get-maven-poms
cd maven-build
Now you can use all the normal Maven commands and import the Maven project into Eclipse (although it won't show the source).
If you wish to edit the source use:
ant compile
ant eclipse
Happy coding!

Importing Projects into Eclipse + Python

How to import an Python project not created through Eclipse into Eclipse.
Using Eclipse Luna
-Shiva S
Follow these following steps...
First add pydev interpreter in eclipse Follow this link
Configure the pydev interpreter
Then import the project File->import->General->Existing project into
The basic solution is creating a new project (just set the location of the new project to the existing sources).
The FAQ covers that: if you have something more complex you want to do.

Importing an existing maven Project into Eclipse

I have an existing Maven Project with me .
I am using Eclipse Helios as my IDE , i need to import an existing maven Project into my IDE .
Please tell me what is the correct approach to import an exisiting maven Application ??
(Should we choose Import Existing maven Project option or
Should we choose import Exisiting Projects into Workspace option ??
Please let me know , thank you very much .
Use Import->Maven->Existing Maven Projects
I'm assuming, you've m2eclipse plugin installed in your Eclipse.
Use mvn plugin "eclipse:eclipse" for setting up the parameters for eclipse
After which you can choose, "create from existing source" under "create new project"
Include the m2e plugin into eclipse
Windows >> Install new software
enter this site to download the m2e plugin

Using both netbeans and eclipse to edit a netbeans project

Hi Netbeans is the default IDE at my workplace. I want to use Eclipse to edit the Netbeans projects. How easy or difficult is it to do this. Can someone outline the steps involved for this.
You should be able to import an existing project into Eclipse by:
File -> Import -> Choose General -> Existing Projects into Workspace
It won't pick up your Netbeans settings however. You may need to set your project up manually in terms of a libraries, source location etc..
Alternatively, if you're using Maven and Eclipse m2eclipse you should be able to import a Maven project and have it pick up most of the settings.
Importing an eclipse project should be easy (for Netbeans 6.7): File->Import Project->Eclipse Project
Or create a 'project with existing sources' which is available for Java, ruby, ...