Eclipse (Indigo) subversive 0.7.9: bad_record_mac - eclipse

When trying to use subversive with my beanstalk svn repo ( I get the following type of error:
Some of selected resources were not committed.
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Received fatal alert: bad_record_mac
This works fine via the command line, just not with eclipse or the subversive svn plugin. I've read that its to do with not allowing old versions of SSL but cannot find any way of fixing it in eclipse.

In case anyone is still interested, this seems to be an issue with SVNKit 1.3.6 (and the 1.7 betas) and JDK6. I was also having the same issue using my beanstalk svn repo. I think the bug may be related to this report.
Once you look more into it it's apparently a longstanding problem in JDK6 and that type of forced SSL connection from the server, though their solution did not work for me whatsoever (maybe I was totally doing it wrong).
So the "solutions" as it were, are to:
a. Develop with JDK7
b. Just start Eclipse with a 7.0 JVM (-vm parameter, continue developing with JDK6)
c. Go back to SVNKit 1.3.5 (again continue using JDK6)
d. Forget SVNKit altogether and use JavaHL (omg this is a whole new can of worms if you are using 64bit JVM)
e. Try adding that setting in eclipse.ini (I tried for hours... still got the same error trying to use svn repo)
I unfortunately went with option D for now. The rest I tested and all worked as well (cept the last).

Turns out you can use beanstalk without SSL (thanks Ray) which solves the problem for me.

Try to use -Dsvnkit.http.sslProtocols=SSLv3


Subversive: Compare with Revision operation failed

I get the following error message in eclipse (Mars) when trying to Compare With -> Base from Working Copy, using the Subversive plugin and the SVNKit connector:
SVN: '0x00400103: Compare with Revision' operation finished with error: svn: E195000: A path under version control is needed for this operation
svn: E195000: A path under version control is needed for this operation
My SVN password changed recently, and IIRC there was some subversion related updates that were installed recently as part of a periodic Eclipse plugin update. I'm not sure if either is related.
I've gone into the SVN Repository Exploring view, and cleared my Location Properties, as I've seen suggested in other password change threads, which got me access to the repository again, but doesn't fix this issue. I've also tried deleting my %AppData%/Roaming/Subversion/auth/svn.simple/* cached config data to no avail.
Anyone have any ideas?
*Edit - I updated my SVN Connector to use Native JavaHL 1.8.14. Sounds like I needed JavaHL for Windows 7 x64. Comparing with Base from Working Copy still doesn't work, but Compare With -> Latest from Repository does work.
I have the same troubles with Subversive and Eclipse Mars.
The solution is in that page :
If you have the last subversive version (3.0.3), you have to downgrade to 3.0.2.
You can find this version here :
Bug fixed in Version 3.0.4
check bug ticket

SVN error "appears to be part of a Subversion 1.7 or greater working copy" with svn version 2.0.3

Here is it full error that I get in Eclipse Juno when I try to commit my project through SVN
appears to be part of a Subversion 1.7 or greater working copy. Please upgrade your Subversion client to use this working copy.
I don't understand why I get this since my SVN client version is the latest one. (2.0.3)!
From Subversion 1.1 to Subversion 1.6, the layout of the Subversion client working directory did not change. In revision 1.7, it changed, and in 1.8, it changed again. This has caused a lot of consternation in people who share a working directory with more than one Subversion client.
Both Subversive and Subclipse, the two main Subversion clients for Eclipse actually pass off the work of creating the Subversion working directory to either SVNKit or to JavaHL -- what are called the _SVN Connectors. It's these two SVN Connectors that must match the version of your working directory. Don't check Subversive or Subclipse's version. Check out the SVN Connector version.
If you go to your preferences, into Team->SVN, you will see a tab for the SVN Connector. Check the version of your SVN Connector (whether JavaHL or SVNKit), and make sure you're using the right version. In your case, it should be 1.7.
The most common reason to see this error is because you're using two different Subversion clients on the same working directory (which is officially not supported, but everyone does it anyway).
For example, are you using TortoiseSVN or the Subversion command line client, and also the Eclipse client on the same working directory, you naughty spawn?
Confession time: I do it all the time. I find there are times when it's just damn easier to use the command line client to do certain jobs rather than struggle with the Eclipse client. For example, I can do svn log and do a grep filter to quickly find the revision I want rather than going through Eclipse. If you do this type of stuff, make sure your Subversion clients are all on the same general version (1.6 vs. 1.7 vs. 1.8).
Okay, you're a good boy and don't use different Subversion clients on the same working copy. Now what happened? In that case, I suspect you accidentally changed the SVN Connector version without realizing it -- either through an update, or in the settings. You can have multiple SVN Connector versions at the same time, and I believe each project can have different ones too.
Again, check your SVN Connector version, and make sure it's correct.
I also got this error trying to run this command:
svn co http://subversion.<path to trunk>/<project name>/
from a command prompt. I wasn't in the workspace project directory, just the workspace directory. We had the correct version of 1.8, but because I was in the wrong directory, not the project directory, I got this same error as listed above.
For me the problem was that I copied & pasted a package from an Eclipse workspace with an older SVN client.
I didn't know that in the background, along with the package, a .svn directory was copied as well. So when I tried to commit it I got this error. Deleting the .svn directory solved the problem.
Use search before asking.
There is no Apache Subversion 2.x. Subversion 1.8 is the latest release so far. You use Subversive 2.x which should work with Subversion 1.7 and 1.8 working copies without any issues.
Make sure that you actually run the latest Subversive version,
Attempt upgrading your local working copy using svn upgrade command,
Try checking out a fresh working copy from a repository and see whether you get any errors.

Virtual Box and With Subversion in Eclipse stopped working

I have been using Subversion in Eclipse inside my Debian Virtual Box for years but it now stopped working.
I had tried to upgrade eclipse and failed, but I rolled back to a previous snap shot. I even tried a copy I made of the box before the failed upgrade. I even tried rolling back to much earlier snapshot. Still the same issue.
I tried the methods here: Eclipse subversive on dev box issue
No luck.
The only thing that has changed is I am at a new network now. But this network has worked before, I have been on this network many times. Also, the rest of eclipses connection features are working (such as egit).
I also have tried disconnecting and reconnecting my repos. No luck.
Further more svn works fine from the command line.
The Eclipse console also shows nothing, just empty while any svn process hangs.
I looked at the svn console in eclipse and I see it looks right:
svn update "[PATH]" -r HEAD --depth infinity
I tried that from command line and it works from there.
Subversion version info from installed software screen:
Revision Graph 0.7.9
SVN Connectors 2.2.2
SVN Integration For the Mylyn Project 0.7.9
SVN JDT Ignore Extensions 0.7.9
Team Provider 0.7.9
SVNKit 2.2.2
Any ideas would be very appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
All the best.
Will Ferrer

Error eclipse kepler when trying to install new software

I installed Eclipse kepler recently and I am having trouble installing new softwear. When I try to reload the repository site I get an error every time:
Unable to read repository at
Unable to read repository at
Unable to read repository at
Read timed out
I have tried every solution mentioned on this site, but nothing works for me.
Help me please, I really need this to work!!
If you're not behind a proxy or firewall it might be an issue with Java 7. Running your eclipse on Java 6 might fix it, more details here:
Unable to install new software/check for updates eclipse
The message means that there is a firewall between Eclipse and it's update server. Make sure you have configured the proxy settings correctly in Eclipse.
Note: Eclipse usually uses "Native" as default proxy setting. I have seen at least one instance where Eclipse wasn't able to read the proxy settings from Windows. If it fails for you, ask your system admins for the correct values for you and configure Eclipse manually.
The solution of adding the port number as suggested above, i.e., worked for me. In my case, I was using Luna.

cannot install SVN connectors in eclipse

I am running Eclipe Juno and trying to get SVN installed, ive included all the svn jars avaliable from the
when at the select connectors to install screen when i try and install i get the error.
Problms occured while performing installation: HTTP Server Unknown HTTP Response Code (-1):
The issue is an internet blocking exception rule i cannot change so instead i am now using subclipse not subversion.
My solution is not to use Subversive and to use Subclipse Instead. Works fine.
So i would suggest anyone else who faces this issue to check your firewall rules/Outgoing exception rules. For me i can not change these as i have no control over th firewall.
The update which you mentioned
works fine for me. Thanks and i am able to install the plugin. this doesn't work actually.