cannot install SVN connectors in eclipse - eclipse

I am running Eclipe Juno and trying to get SVN installed, ive included all the svn jars avaliable from the
when at the select connectors to install screen when i try and install i get the error.
Problms occured while performing installation: HTTP Server Unknown HTTP Response Code (-1):
The issue is an internet blocking exception rule i cannot change so instead i am now using subclipse not subversion.

My solution is not to use Subversive and to use Subclipse Instead. Works fine.
So i would suggest anyone else who faces this issue to check your firewall rules/Outgoing exception rules. For me i can not change these as i have no control over th firewall.

The update which you mentioned
works fine for me. Thanks and i am able to install the plugin. this doesn't work actually.


Error eclipse kepler when trying to install new software

I installed Eclipse kepler recently and I am having trouble installing new softwear. When I try to reload the repository site I get an error every time:
Unable to read repository at
Unable to read repository at
Unable to read repository at
Read timed out
I have tried every solution mentioned on this site, but nothing works for me.
Help me please, I really need this to work!!
If you're not behind a proxy or firewall it might be an issue with Java 7. Running your eclipse on Java 6 might fix it, more details here:
Unable to install new software/check for updates eclipse
The message means that there is a firewall between Eclipse and it's update server. Make sure you have configured the proxy settings correctly in Eclipse.
Note: Eclipse usually uses "Native" as default proxy setting. I have seen at least one instance where Eclipse wasn't able to read the proxy settings from Windows. If it fails for you, ask your system admins for the correct values for you and configure Eclipse manually.
The solution of adding the port number as suggested above, i.e., worked for me. In my case, I was using Luna.

Eclipse hangs after installing egit

I am using Eclipse Indigo. Today I tried to install egit plugin using link "".
While installing the egit, my proxy got squished and the install was stuck. I then logged in from a different proxy. The thing got installed.
Now when i am trying to start it again, i get this error "Accessing non-adaptable element" and eclipse stops.
It does not show any error message or anything.
How should I solve this issue ??
Should i reset the eclipse proxy setting to a new location without starting the IDE ??
Or should I reset eclipse to a point before installing egit ??
Please explain the procedure in the answer.
Check if this is really a proxy issue. Try launching eclipse after your network adapter is disconnected (unplug your lan/switch of wifi) This should put git in offline mode and you should be able to change your settings. We had tried this when we had issue with our versioning tool (perforce) and i am assuming git also works in a similar mode.
Remove the Eclipse from OS completely.
Additional: Remove the directories in /home/username/.eclipse.
Check for any eclipse executables using "locate eclipse" command in terminal.
Re-install the Eclipse Package using "sudo apt-get install eclipse-platform".
Your Eclipse will work fine. Check for the

Eclipse (Indigo) subversive 0.7.9: bad_record_mac

When trying to use subversive with my beanstalk svn repo ( I get the following type of error:
Some of selected resources were not committed.
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Received fatal alert: bad_record_mac
This works fine via the command line, just not with eclipse or the subversive svn plugin. I've read that its to do with not allowing old versions of SSL but cannot find any way of fixing it in eclipse.
In case anyone is still interested, this seems to be an issue with SVNKit 1.3.6 (and the 1.7 betas) and JDK6. I was also having the same issue using my beanstalk svn repo. I think the bug may be related to this report.
Once you look more into it it's apparently a longstanding problem in JDK6 and that type of forced SSL connection from the server, though their solution did not work for me whatsoever (maybe I was totally doing it wrong).
So the "solutions" as it were, are to:
a. Develop with JDK7
b. Just start Eclipse with a 7.0 JVM (-vm parameter, continue developing with JDK6)
c. Go back to SVNKit 1.3.5 (again continue using JDK6)
d. Forget SVNKit altogether and use JavaHL (omg this is a whole new can of worms if you are using 64bit JVM)
e. Try adding that setting in eclipse.ini (I tried for hours... still got the same error trying to use svn repo)
I unfortunately went with option D for now. The rest I tested and all worked as well (cept the last).
Turns out you can use beanstalk without SSL (thanks Ray) which solves the problem for me.
Try to use -Dsvnkit.http.sslProtocols=SSLv3

SVNKit for Eclipse

Trying to install Subversive and am choking on the concept of Subversive Connectors, and how to install them.
(1) What are Subversive Connectors? My only guess is that they help tie the Subversive plug-in to the local instance of svn. Yes? No?!?!
(2) I found an article explaining the difference between JavaHL and SVN Kit connectors (although it didn't explain what either of them were, or what they did!), and it looks like I want SVN Kit 1.3.2 for a number of reasons. But when I try to install them from the Subversive Connector Discovery dialog, it gives me an error, tells me to check an ambiguous "error log" (Eclipse error log, SVN error log, Subversive error log, ?!?!) and refuses to install it. I came across an article stating that this was a defect from a December 2009 release, but that it had been fixed. What is going on here? I am using Helios on 64-bit Ubuntu, anybody else ever have this problem? Any suggestions for how to fix or circumvent?
(3) It looks like the Subversive Connector Discovery dialog is configured to launch the first time you try to open Subversive from inside Eclipse (after installing and restarting). But since I wasn't able to install SVNKit 1.3.2, I canceled that dialog, closed Eclipse and walked away for a day. Now, I can't seem to get it to launch, and it has next to no online documentation that is helping me. Anybody know how to launch this dialog second and subsequent times?
Thanks to anyone who can provide even the tiniest of help. I will wash the gutters, mow the lawn and perform a full spring cleanup for anyone who can answer these!!!
Usually this works out pretty well, you install Subversive, and if you havn't installed a Connector, you get the dialog when Subversive needs it.
What's going on is a sad bug in the latest Eclipse/Subversive version.
Here's what worked for me.
Uninstall anything subversive related that you've installed.(Help->About Installation Details)
Go to . Download the zip file, currently this one.
Install that file you downloaded (Help->Install New Software , hit the Add button, chose Archive).
A restart later, you'll be asked for an SVN connector, choose SVNKit with the biggest version number, you should be good to go.
I prefer subclipse, here's the link to the install instructions:
In regards to part 3. You can install the connectors directly from Polarion's update site. From what I understand, this is what the Subversive Connector Discovery does under the covers. The links to their update site are found here and look something like In Eclipse, click Help->Install New Software and paste the link into the "Work With" box. That should give you the list of connectors you can install.

How do I install JIRA-Dashboard in Eclipse?

I am getting javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart errors when trying to add a server
You should install the JIRA Mylyn plugin for the recent versions of Eclipse, and not Dashboard. I did that the other day and it worked out of the box (after enabling RPC in JIRA).