Error eclipse kepler when trying to install new software - eclipse

I installed Eclipse kepler recently and I am having trouble installing new softwear. When I try to reload the repository site I get an error every time:
Unable to read repository at
Unable to read repository at
Unable to read repository at
Read timed out
I have tried every solution mentioned on this site, but nothing works for me.
Help me please, I really need this to work!!

If you're not behind a proxy or firewall it might be an issue with Java 7. Running your eclipse on Java 6 might fix it, more details here:
Unable to install new software/check for updates eclipse

The message means that there is a firewall between Eclipse and it's update server. Make sure you have configured the proxy settings correctly in Eclipse.
Note: Eclipse usually uses "Native" as default proxy setting. I have seen at least one instance where Eclipse wasn't able to read the proxy settings from Windows. If it fails for you, ask your system admins for the correct values for you and configure Eclipse manually.

The solution of adding the port number as suggested above, i.e., worked for me. In my case, I was using Luna.


Unable to install PMD in Spring tool suite

I am unable to install PMD plug-in for STS (build on top of Luna).
Could someone please give the steps to do it?
Try this and install for Eclipse 4.
I'm the developer of eclipse-pmd, one of the two PMD plugins you mentioned in your question. If your installing the plugin through the Eclipse Marketplace then you're doing everything right. Once the installation is finished the getting started guide will help you with setting up eclipse-pmd.
You are, however, not the first who has a problem getting eclipse-pmd 1.4 to work with the Spring Tool Suite. Unfortunately we have not yet found the cause of the problem and are still looking for a solution. If you'd like to help or would like to follow the issue's progress then head over to the eclipse-pmd issue tracker at Github.
Update: the issue has been fixed and it had nothing to do with STS.
If your problem is something different then I need more information on what exactly does not work, e.g. does the installation give you an error message or doesthe installation work and you get an error message when running PMD?
Please follow below steps to install PMD in STS.
Download PMD from & Extract it.
Copy net.sourceforge.pmd.eclipse_1.8.0 folder into ..\sts-bundle\sts-3.9.6.RELEASE\plugins\
then Install eclipse PMD from Eclipse Market Place you will find in Help this option.
Restart your STS.

how to add tomcat in eclipse luna

I tried answers in this thread, but it doesn't work.
I checked that I do have JST Server Adapters and the extensions installed, but when I go to Window/Preferences/Server/Runtime Enviroments and click "add", the selections are still not there. Could there be a conflict or I should somehow configure Eclipse? Or is it possible to add manually, what folder should I look for? I installed tomcat8 and also downloaded the .zip, but neither folder is correct.
Eclipse Version: Luna Service Release 1 (4.4.1), and I'm using windows 7.
It seems that now nothing is correct about Eclipse, I installed plugin like AWS toolkit, but it's also nowhere to be found. Now often install new plugin or even update will likely to fail because either of lack of a dependency or can no be found in repository.
Thanks a lot.
There is a link on that preferences page called "Download additional server adapters". Have you tried that, too?

Eclipse Juno: Market Place and Install new Software not working

I want to install svn in Eclipse Juno but I found several things..
I have no access to Market Place and a popup shows me that error:
Unexpected exception java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
I tried to update the marketplace from this link:
But another error was presented.
What I should do to solve this problems? I need help and svn in my eclipse!
Do you have any firewall? I suspect you need to setup some proxy in order to bypass.
How did you get your eclipse installation, just simple download or you got already ready for you?
It was a proxy problem.
I had to visit Preferences > Network connections and set all the connections to manual with the proxy IP.
Thank you for your help!

How do I fire up the Subversion Connections Discovery after installing the plugin in Eclipse?

I manually installed Eclipse Juno Java EE on my Ubuntu 12.04, inside the /usr/lib folder, then proceeded creating a link to the eclipse executable under /usr/bin and finally successfully started the program.
After installing the Subversive plugin, a prompt asked me to restart Eclipse, that I did since I know it's important to immediately install the connectors. However, with this setup I didn't get the Subversion Connection Discovery window on startup, nor any error in the error log view.
Now I have the Subversive plugin correctly installed, but no connector set up, and I seem not to be able to find a way for the Connection Discovery window to show up.
I would like not to use backup solutions (i.e. manually installing connectors from repositories) but solve this issue and get the normal procedure, since this is an installation I'll have to deal with for a while, and I feel this problem is a symptom of something wrong in my setup.
Create a dummy project, use Team -> Share, select SVN. The dialog should come up automatically now.
Alternatively install the connectors without the discovery dialog as described in several other SO question like: Subversive SVN Connectors does not appear in eclipse juno. You have to make sure that the update site matches your version of eclipse.
At least in my Eclipse (4.5), there is a button "Get Connectors" in the "Connectors" tab, if I visit Window/Preferences/Team/SVN. That button did the trick for me.
You will get the Subversion Connector Discovery from
Windows- Preference- Team- SVN -Svn Connector - Click on Get Connection Buttion

Eclipse CVS setup problem - Error validating location

I'm trying to configure a second Eclipse installation to access the Eclipse WTP sources. I think I'm doing exactly what I did successfully in another installation, but I get the following error:
Any ideas?
I tried it with your settings and it works fine for me. Could it be a firewall issue? Another option for getting the sources would be to use the Git mirrors (at the very bottom of with EGit.