Virtual Box and With Subversion in Eclipse stopped working - eclipse

I have been using Subversion in Eclipse inside my Debian Virtual Box for years but it now stopped working.
I had tried to upgrade eclipse and failed, but I rolled back to a previous snap shot. I even tried a copy I made of the box before the failed upgrade. I even tried rolling back to much earlier snapshot. Still the same issue.
I tried the methods here: Eclipse subversive on dev box issue
No luck.
The only thing that has changed is I am at a new network now. But this network has worked before, I have been on this network many times. Also, the rest of eclipses connection features are working (such as egit).
I also have tried disconnecting and reconnecting my repos. No luck.
Further more svn works fine from the command line.
The Eclipse console also shows nothing, just empty while any svn process hangs.
I looked at the svn console in eclipse and I see it looks right:
svn update "[PATH]" -r HEAD --depth infinity
I tried that from command line and it works from there.
Subversion version info from installed software screen:
Revision Graph 0.7.9
SVN Connectors 2.2.2
SVN Integration For the Mylyn Project 0.7.9
SVN JDT Ignore Extensions 0.7.9
Team Provider 0.7.9
SVNKit 2.2.2
Any ideas would be very appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
All the best.
Will Ferrer


Can not share new project with Subversive SVN in Eclipse Neon

I just downloaded a fresh Eclipse JEE Neon.1a Release (4.6.1) on my Windows 10 machine.
I went to the marketplace to get the latest Subversive SVN Team Provider 4.0.2.
Trying to install results in the Message: The following solutions are not available: SVN Team Provider 4.0.2.
I chose to continue anyways, and it seemed to work.
After the restart, i chose the SVNKit 1.8.14 Subversive SVN Connector and installed without any issues.
Now I was able to do basic SVN operations, all seemed fine.
Except to share a new project. I created a new Project called "test" and tried to share as a new project.
That results in the Message:
Share project was failed.
Can't overwrite cause with org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException: svn: E160013: URL 'http://sol:3380/svn/repo/test' non-existent in that revision.
I tried to share a new project to another SVN Server, same error message.
I repeated the whole process on different machines, same message.
I Installed SVN Team Provider directly from the Update Site instead of the Marketplace. Same Issue.
I went to the SVNKit website to try older Versions of SVNKit and installed via the archived Update Sites, but they wont even show up in the SVN Connector Chooser in Eclipse.
I really dont know what to do anymore, can anyone help me to get it work?
I hope this solution will help you as it helped me. I think your problem is related to an unmatched client/server version. Neon subversive version is 4 and related svn connector is 1.8. But you probably need an svn connector 1.7 as it was in my case. Try the next steps and let me know if it works. Otherwise let me know the point in which you get in trouble.
go to help > installation details > filter by "svn" > uninstall everything related to subversive, subclipse and svn connectors
restart eclipse
to to help > install new software > work with > use the previous major subversive version from this URL:
install at least the plug-in and the integrations
restart eclipse
it will probably not ask you for a connector to be installed because you have already installed one previously, so go to window > preferences > team > svn > svn connector tab > get connectors > 1.7! (you can install all of them, the important thing is the one you choose in the combo box, it must be 1.7)
try the svn check-out process again
Bug was fixed yesterday. So just update.
I uninstalled the SVNKit 1.8.14, and it worked for me.

Using EGit and git simultaneously

Currently I'm developing on Windows with Java using Eclipse and EGit installed and everything works fine. However, I'd like to try the IntelliJ IDEA where the IDE required the git.exe to work with Git. Thus, I installed git v1.9.2 from Everything works fine in IDEA, but in Eclipse some file are marked as "changed" (having the ">" symbol prepended) although there is absolutely nothing that changed. My bet is that there is that EGit and git interfere with each other. But unfortunately I have no clue how to fix this.
Apparently, the two should not interfere with each other.
See the answer here:
Will installing Egit interfere with existing Git installation?

Eclipse lost svn references for every project in workspace after forced close

I have a workspace with several projects connected to svn repositories via subclipse plugin. During a system restart, it seems eclipse was forcedly closed, and now I have restarted it, it seems the references to svn are lost. They are not disconnected, as there're interrogation signs as if every file was recently added, and .svn folders are still there. Also, the brackets that usually show the path in the repository are empty.
I could checkout the projects again and manually copy my last changes, but that's really annoying as there are about 10 projects.
Anyone experienced a similar issue and found a quick solution?
You subversion Eclipse plugin does not support svn 1.7. That happened to me too, when i upgraded the Tortoise shell integration and tried to commit the same project from Eclipse. The latest Subversive client plugin can be downloaded here: Subversive / Subclipse
It happened again today, and I fixed it by doing a Team->Refresh/Cleanup on the project. Can't believe I didn't try this before!
It happened to me today and "Team -> Share project" was enough.
Found it here: Restore Eclipse subversion project connection

How do I fire up the Subversion Connections Discovery after installing the plugin in Eclipse?

I manually installed Eclipse Juno Java EE on my Ubuntu 12.04, inside the /usr/lib folder, then proceeded creating a link to the eclipse executable under /usr/bin and finally successfully started the program.
After installing the Subversive plugin, a prompt asked me to restart Eclipse, that I did since I know it's important to immediately install the connectors. However, with this setup I didn't get the Subversion Connection Discovery window on startup, nor any error in the error log view.
Now I have the Subversive plugin correctly installed, but no connector set up, and I seem not to be able to find a way for the Connection Discovery window to show up.
I would like not to use backup solutions (i.e. manually installing connectors from repositories) but solve this issue and get the normal procedure, since this is an installation I'll have to deal with for a while, and I feel this problem is a symptom of something wrong in my setup.
Create a dummy project, use Team -> Share, select SVN. The dialog should come up automatically now.
Alternatively install the connectors without the discovery dialog as described in several other SO question like: Subversive SVN Connectors does not appear in eclipse juno. You have to make sure that the update site matches your version of eclipse.
At least in my Eclipse (4.5), there is a button "Get Connectors" in the "Connectors" tab, if I visit Window/Preferences/Team/SVN. That button did the trick for me.
You will get the Subversion Connector Discovery from
Windows- Preference- Team- SVN -Svn Connector - Click on Get Connection Buttion

Subclipse plugin doesn't work in Eclipse?

even though there was no error when installing Subclipse in Eclipse. I won't see the SVN perspective at all?
I have tried with "Eclipse Classic 3.5.1" and with "Eclipse for PHP Developers".
After downloading and unzipping the packages I used Eclipse's "Install Software" mechanism to install Subclipse 1.6.x. I followed the steps described here:
But after Eclipse re-starts I don't get any SVN Repository perspective? I have tried to un-install/re-install all the software components many times now. Finally after 3 hours of trying I am giving up. Does anyone have any hint what I am missing?
I had the same problem. I use Windows 7 64 bits OS. I clean read-only flag of eclipse folder in C:\Program Files (x86) and give full access right to all users on my PC. I reinstalled it from update site and it works.
This is a known bug with subclipse:
EDIT For anyone keeping track of this, it looks like Eclipse Helios SR1 may have fixed the issue. I haven't tested it myself yet, but by the sounds of the discussion at it should now be working.
I just had this same issue with Ubuntu. It turned out to be permissions. Once I gave write permissions to everywhere in my eclipse installation and then reinstalled subclipse, its views and so forth appeared, just like magic.
I don't know what you are looking for. But after installing the Subclipse plugin, you should have a new entry in the File | New | Project dialog. Something along the lines of "Checkout project from SVN"
Then when you hit continue, you can enter your SVN repository details, check the branch you are interested in, etc. After checking out a project, you can right click on it and go to the "Team" submenu to get the features provided by Subclipse like check in code, diff, merge, etc.
I ran into the exact same problem too. I installed both Subclipse and GWT/GAE plugins and couldn't find any evidence of them after installation.
I'm on Windows 7 and had installed Eclipse 3.5 SR2 into C:\Program Files (x86)\eclipse-3.5. I also put my workspace in C:\Program Files (x86)\eclipse-3.5\workspace. When I was checking things I noticed there was a lock icon on the C:\Program Files (x86)\eclipse-3.5\workspace.
I reinstalled Eclipse to C:\dev\eclipse and the workspace to C:\dev\eclipse\workspace. After that the installation of the plugins went without a hitch and I could see the SVN Repository Exploring perspective (no idea why some of the other posters claim this perspective doesn't exist). I suspect it was some sort of permissions problem on the directories.
Another way to check and see if the whole thing was installed correctly is to go to the SVN Repositories view. Go to Window -> Show View -> Other, and then search for SVN. If you see a bunch of SVN views like "Repositories," Subclipse is installed.
I had this problem due to some kind of incompatibility between Subclipse and Android ADT plugins. One answer suggested yoxos which gives you all your eclipse plugins from one central repository.
Had the same problem. I work on Linux, and when I installed eclipse in /usr/local/eclipse, Subclipse did not show up. The solution was to install Eclipse locally, e.g. in /home/user/eclipse. Now Subclipse (and other plugins too) worked!
Edit: guess it could be the same on Windows.
I think this is due to some incompatibilities between the packages of subclipse and the gwt 2.x plugin and android... as this started happen to me after I upgrade to v 2.0 of gwt back in the day.
The same issue repeats both on Mac and Windows... and it seems no fix has been released.
Now the only way I've found to move on with my work is to remove subclipse and install the latest subversive plugin instead.
I know this ain't subclipse but it works very similar and no issues with gwt nor android plugins.
it worked for me and so I hope it works for you in the mean time.