How to create facebook mobile application navigation bar? - facebook

does anyone know how to make navigation bar like facebook navigation bar on web mobile application (using sencha touch)?? really wants to add that navigation bar on my application.. thanks a lot.. :)
here's the example:

Checkout lungo.js. It's not Sencha, but their kitchen sink shows exactly what you are looking for.

Have a look to this little library. It is a really EASY Framework implementation (javascript, CSS3, HTML5) about how to build this kind of applications with a pretty sidebar such Facebook one.
Download "jbackbone-mobile" from here,
and see this demo from any browser (device or desktop)

you can use Jquery mobile, the panel thing they have is exactly that and it can be just used the same way.

My problem with lungo.js is that their framework is slow on mobiles(my android tablet and my lg viper 4g lte under wifi and 3g) so they might have the thing and the look you are looking for, but go with jquery mobile developers and using their panels is even better than Lungo.js and if you are a designer you can figure it out things from there.


Flutter app with a web view deployed to the web

Seems like it should be something simple. I'm converting a mobile app to have web support. There are a few pages within the app that use WebView to display things such as terms and conditions and FAQ's.
As the WebView widget only supports ios and android from what I can tell, how should I do this? Of all the platforms you'd think the web was the easiest to do this!
ok, just after posting I came across IFrameElement which looking at this link should make it possible.

Is jQuery needed for PhoneGap?

I am new to Phonegap to develop native Applications. I cant see any jQuery files under WWW folder. Why should i download it?
Is it possible to bring UITabBar, UITableView everything through Phonegap and javascript without jQuery? What is senchaTouch, what is the purpose of it? Anybody can give clear direction?
jQuery is not required to make apps with PhoneGap. However, if you would like to, you can use jQuery in your apps if you wish (jQuery just uses Javascript itself).
UITabBar and UITableView are native iOS controls. PhoneGap does not provide a way for you to use those at the moment. But if you take a look at the PhoneGap roadmap, you will see a bullet point marked "Native Controls" - so don't give up hope!

Help With Simple Sproutcore Task

I was wondering how difficult it would be to implement Sproutcore into my webpage for the simple task of being able to scroll DIV's on an iPhone or iPad with one finger instead of two.
Or is there an easier way?
Thank you in advance!
Pulling in SproutCore for just this purpose would be unwise, especially for a mobile app, as it would include far too much weight for very little added functionality for your app.
If you just want to have an iOS scroll view, there are other much lighter libraries for just this. A quick search (for "iOS html scroll view javascript") reveals: (how google does it)
SproutCore is a complete web application framework; incorporating it into an existing design for the purpose of getting touch scrolling functionality is probably more tool than you need. I'd look at JS libraries which are just interaction libraries, not application frameworks.

Navigation Based Template? Iphone app like Facebook App

Im creating my first iphone app and need some advice. Im basically developing a simple social app similar to the facebook iphone app.
Should I start with the Navigation Template? Or am i totally on the wrong path?
Mock up how you want it to look, visualize things from your users perspective. That will dictate how you are going to approach things. Once you have that figured out in a way that's satisfactory, you're going to be looking at one of a few possibilities: Navigation based, tab based, or building a custom view.

is there an iUI for the Android

Im developing for both iPhone and Android. For iPhone im using iUI to show what the user interface would look like from a browser. Does anyone know if there is a similar javascript/css library which would allow me to mock up the Android interface?
I think you can just use iUI. This guy has an Android theme for iUI - go to Theme Switcher and select Android to see what it looks like.
Not sure what the license is on the css. You should probably ask him.
Im developing for both iPhone and
Android. For iPhone im using iUI to
show what the user interface would
look like from a browser.
Hi! Good choice :)
The Android theme for iUI is not perfect to me but you can use it at its current state.
This theme is now part of the iUI official source tree so feel free to grab it using Hg on the Google code project page. Since it's now part of iUI, it's released under New BSD license.
Does anyone know if there is a similar
javascript/css library which would
allow me to mock up the Android
Have fun :)
Im actually using that to do the
development on the phones themselves
but need an admin page on an ordinary
web site that can simulate what the
controls would look like on android
and iphone.
Then you should also dynamically replace all form elements with custom designed divs, for both iPhone and Android.
Yeah, there is no Android version, per se - but iUI works just fine. I use it for web-based apps on both Android and iPhone all the time.
jQTouch is also a good solution, but it's considerably less attractive on Android, simply because the page transitions are all geared toward iPhone.
I noticed that the default phonegap (now cordova) app looks alot like an android app. If you want some quick and dirty try that maybe.
Heres a png screen shot:
The code associated with this book has the equivalent to iui, more or less:
Pro Android Web Apps
Develop for Android using HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript
By Damon Oehlman , Sébastien Blanc