Is jQuery needed for PhoneGap? - iphone

I am new to Phonegap to develop native Applications. I cant see any jQuery files under WWW folder. Why should i download it?
Is it possible to bring UITabBar, UITableView everything through Phonegap and javascript without jQuery? What is senchaTouch, what is the purpose of it? Anybody can give clear direction?

jQuery is not required to make apps with PhoneGap. However, if you would like to, you can use jQuery in your apps if you wish (jQuery just uses Javascript itself).
UITabBar and UITableView are native iOS controls. PhoneGap does not provide a way for you to use those at the moment. But if you take a look at the PhoneGap roadmap, you will see a bullet point marked "Native Controls" - so don't give up hope!


Phone gap integration in iOS

i have developed iphone application almost, but for some screen i need to use already made functionality in java scripting, so i thought of using Phone gap, will it be possible to add this in already present project .
suggest me with your expert answers
thank you .
I think that is not possible to integrate phonegap with native app.
My suggestion if you just need to use javascript, html and css in your native app why are you looking for Phonegap ? Use UIWebView instead.

How to create facebook mobile application navigation bar?

does anyone know how to make navigation bar like facebook navigation bar on web mobile application (using sencha touch)?? really wants to add that navigation bar on my application.. thanks a lot.. :)
here's the example:
Checkout lungo.js. It's not Sencha, but their kitchen sink shows exactly what you are looking for.
Have a look to this little library. It is a really EASY Framework implementation (javascript, CSS3, HTML5) about how to build this kind of applications with a pretty sidebar such Facebook one.
Download "jbackbone-mobile" from here,
and see this demo from any browser (device or desktop)
you can use Jquery mobile, the panel thing they have is exactly that and it can be just used the same way.
My problem with lungo.js is that their framework is slow on mobiles(my android tablet and my lg viper 4g lte under wifi and 3g) so they might have the thing and the look you are looking for, but go with jquery mobile developers and using their panels is even better than Lungo.js and if you are a designer you can figure it out things from there.

Add PhoneGap to existing native app

I have an existing objectiveC native app for iPhone. Can i add a button in native app so that clicking on to that will bring up phonegap UI (ie, which use phonegap framework). Is there any way to acheive this.
As much as I know/explored -
On click of a button you can open up an HTML page in your web view(as we do it while building a PhoneGap app.).
But if you want to open the same Native App to get converted in PhoneGap app that's not going to work for sure.
Hope it helps. :)

extend jquery draggable/droppable to support on iPad and iPhone

I've been using JQuery draggable/droppables in my application from last 1 year. Now, the application needs to be supported over iPad and iPhones.
Known, above JQuery won't support drag/drop over iPads...
I'm looking for a some JQuery plugin or so which I can connect to my existing JQuery codes for drag/drop over iPad.
After googling, I found some alternate ways like, JQTouch, jquerymobile etc.. But, it looks I would then need to do massive changes (or, write a complete drag/drop things from scratch) in my application :(
My application is very heavy and hence looking for some quick/easy way to connect my existing JQuery solution into iPad touch events etc....
Please help
Thanks in advance
This project will allow you to use jQuery UI on the iPad:
this will work with draggable.. dont even need to change your code when using draggable!

Will all javascript libraries work with Iphone? Aptana question

I am trying to use Aptana to build an IPhone web application. I've never use Aptana. I downloaded the iphone support and started a new project. It is now asking me if I want to import a javascript library and lists the "big ones." Will IPhone's Safari be able to use these, specifically jquery? I saw that jquery had a special iphone library so my guess is no.
Should I tell it to use jquery (or other library) or should I download the special iphone javascript subset manually and try an integrate it in my project?
As far as I know JQuery should work fine on the iPhone. The specific libraries you are talking about must be additions to take advantage of iPhone only features like being able to handle the display orientation event or maybe use the webkit css animation extensions.
Although you will need to be careful with events since most mouse related events on the iPhone behave a little different from what you might expect. This presentation by PPK offers some clues about it:
Yep, iphone should run jquery just fine. The javascript support is surprisingly capable. Although you may want to look at some of the iPhone specific libraries out there. I forget their names. iUI I think?