Facebook Registration | Custom Fields Not Returning - facebook

I'm attempting to create a Facebook Registration process for our website that will create an account for the user in our CRM - to this end I require the use of a few custom fields in the registration form.
I have the registration form appearing properly on the site, however, when I process the signed_request the JSON only returns the decoded standard items and not my custom fields:
"algorithm": "HMAC-SHA256",
"code": "2.AQDp0sgWRw3TWrII.3600.1330650000.1100001862544007|LwjvMjADtPxaIzxizYuIivNdi7w",
"issued_at": 1330644064,
"user_id": "<my user id>"
This is a .NET implementation but I am not using the Facebook C# SDK as none of the documentation seems to be available anymore on their site and I'm just not clever enough to figure it out. I tried using the new 6.x beta of the Facebook C# SDK and the Facebook.Client() parse method but didn't have any luck determining what to do with it once the thing was parsed.
So - this stolen code is what I used to get the results posted above:
//client_payload = the signed_request from Facebook
string[] sB64String = client_payload.Split('.');
string payload = client_payload.Replace((sB64String[0] + "."), string.Empty);
var encoding = new UTF8Encoding();
var decodedJson = payload.Replace("=", string.Empty).Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/');
var base64JsonArray = Convert.FromBase64String(decodedJson.PadRight(decodedJson.Length + (4 - decodedJson.Length % 4) % 4, '='));
var json = encoding.GetString(base64JsonArray);
var jObject = JObject.Parse(json);
response.write(Convert.ToString(jObject)); // rw for debugging
Maybe I'm missing something?

I've resolved this on my own by modifying the way I was going about it.
I ended up using the tag and client side cookie as found here:
All of my custom fields end up in the cookie that I can then parse and send to my .NET webservice. Kind of a round-about way of doing it but it's getting the job done now.


Add a subpanel record to a SugarCRM account through REST API

Question: How do I create a subpanel record through the SugarCRM rest api endpoint for accounts?
Steps taken so far:
I've added a new package called, "transactionHistory" with a module named, "InvoiceHistory" using the SugarCRM studio.
I added a One to Many relationship to the Accounts module using studio.
I'm using NetSuite to push new invoices to the new module's record via the subpanel "create" option. Here's the code I'm using:
function createSugarTransaction(transaction, token) {
var url = 'https://crm.techsoft3d.com/rest/v10/Accounts/' + transaction.customer;
var headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"OAuth-Token": token
var now = (new Date()).toISOString();
var body = {transactionHistory_InvoiceHistory:
create: [{
name: transaction.docId,
transaction_date_c: transaction.date,
invoice_status_c: transaction.status,
due_date_c: transaction.duedate,
total_amount_c: transaction.total,
amount_due_c: transaction.remaining,
start_date_c: transaction.startdate,
end_date_c: transaction.enddate
var response = nlapiRequestURL(url, JSON.stringify(body), headers, 'PUT');
return response;
The transaction object has been validated and the json object within the create: [] array has matching sugar fields (key) with the corresponding transaction object values.
When making the API call to sugar I'm successfully authenticated and have access to the custom module and accounts - so no problem there. However, when the call is returned to response it's showing the following error:
{"error":"no_method","error_message":"Could not find a route with 1 elements"}
I'm unsure of what else is needed in order for the record to be created. According to sugar's help documentation and developer community this should work. I'm using the basic information provided by sugarcrm support portal:
According to other blog posts within the developer community, it should be as simple as adding the subpanel name, followed by an array of fields under the "create" object... similar to this:
var requestBody = { package_module:create[{name:value}]};
My initial thinking of what's wrong is:
1. my package_module name isn't correct, but I'm unable to find it anywhere within the applicaiton or help documentation.
2. the request body isn't formatted properly, even though it's structure was copied from this article https://developer.sugarcrm.com/2014/02/28/sugarcrm-cookbook2/
Any help would be appreciated.
try the createRelatedRecord api endpoint
type {sugarurl}/rest/v10/help to see a list of endpoints to look through, most of which have documentation and examples
your API url should have the name of the link (relationship) you want, in addition to the values in the POST payload
https://crm.techsoft3d.com/rest/v10/Accounts/{transaction.customer}/link/accounts_transactionhistory (or whatever your link's name is)
per the documentation for this endpoint, you just specify the field values in the payload

Firebase: Authenticate an existing user using REST API and Firebases hidden Auth URL

For the past 3 years we have used HTML/Js only with Firebase but now we are using Unity as well.
The current Unity/Firebase only works on Android/iOS when deployed and 99% of our work is on the windows store.
I've actually got a pretty decent Unity/Firebase codebase going but it requires me to use a full App Secret.
All the other libraries expose a method to login with Email/Password but the REST API only allows the use of a token or your app secret that it then states is ill advised to put into your client; I guess the thinking is if you're using a different library that you'll have your own auth/user method which we don't...
Now, I've pulled apart the web version and got this:
So there IS an endpoint that I can send stuff to and I've tested it inside unity with good results.
Obviously the URL isn't guaranteed to stay working but I'm wondering if there is any reason NOT to use this?
Also, Why not just expose this endpoint in the official REST API?
As I understand it, that URL will continue to work for your Legacy Firebase project. You will have to do the same sort of reverse engineering if you want to update to the new Firebase 3.0 API. However, if you are still using a legacy Firebase project -- I encourage you to take a look at this. It has not been updated to work with Firebase 3.0 -- so I needed to do something similar to what you did to allow login to the new API.
I was able to do this with the new API using C# as follows (where FirebaseManager is a Singleton I wrote for Global variables and functions to write and read from/to the DB :
Hashtable loginData = new Hashtable();
loginData.Add ("email", <EMAIL-GOES-HERE>);
loginData.Add ("password", <PASSWORD-GOES-HERE>);
loginData.Add ("returnSecureToken", true);
UnityHTTP.Request loginRequest = new UnityHTTP.Request ("post",
loginRequest.Send ((request) => {
Hashtable jsonResponse = (Hashtable)JSON.JsonDecode(request.response.Text);
if (jsonResponse == null) {
DisplayErrorMessage("Error logging in. Server returned null or malformed response");
FirebaseManager.Instance.idToken = (string)jsonResponse["idToken"]; // This is your auth token
FirebaseManager.Instance.uid = (string)jsonResponse["localId"]; // this is your "uid"
// I have a list of users in my db keyed by the "uid" -- I access them like this
UnityHTTP.Request fullnameRequest = new UnityHTTP.Request ("get",
+ "/users/" + FirebaseManager.Instance.uid + ".json?auth=" + FirebaseManager.Instance.idToken);
fullnameRequest.Send ((request) => {
Hashtable jsonResponse = (Hashtable)JSON.JsonDecode(request.response.Text);
if (jsonResponse == null) {
DisplayErrorMessage("Error getting user info. Server returned null or malformed response");
FirebaseManager.Instance.fullname = (string)jsonResponse["fullname"];
FirebaseManager.Instance.groupId = (string)jsonResponse["group"]; // just storing this in memory
So I don't think there is any harm in using the URL, just make sure you budget time for more work when things change.

Facebook External doesn't get email value in Nopcommerce 3.60

Currently I use NopCommerce 3.60 and use FB External Login.
After I login in Nop by FB External Button and it returns to URL mydomain.com/login#_=__ with red message (Email is required) and it does not login user in.
Screenshot: http://postimg.org/image/wvgu6wvud/
What I was try:
Reinstall Nop from scratch and has below setting
In advance setting and option I has:
Externalauthenticationsettings.requireemailvalidation False
Auto register enabled: Checked.
Registration method: Email Validation
I try to debug source code in file name FacebookProviderAuthorizer.cs in Nop.Plugin.ExternalAuth.Facebook folder and also does not get email value too.http://postimg.org/image/qwmphn9tn/
Have anyone suggest me what to do next for this problem please.
Fixed. You can see changeset 5bb6815e30ee
I am not familiar with Nop, but it is possible to register at Facebook without an email. This is why most libraries for fb-oauth checking against eMail and if there is no email, they create an user-id#facebook.com eMail address.
Maybe your Nop library of fb-oauth is out dated?
So please check if there is such a function - if not, you might got your problem.
Somehow FB doesn't include email in oauth. You can use this method to get email and supply that email to register.
//as part of the uri for the webrequest, include all the fields you want to use
var request = WebRequest.Create("https://graph.facebook.com/me?fields=email,name&access_token=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(authorization.AccessToken));
using (var response = request.GetResponse())
using (var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
System.IO.StreamReader streamReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(responseStream, true);
string MyStr = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
JObject userInfo = JObject.Parse(MyStr);
//now you can access elements via:
// (string)userInfo["name"], userInfo["email"], userInfo["id"], etc.

The definitive guide to posting a Facebook Feed item using pure C#

Does anyone have a definitive way to post to a user's wall, using nothing but the .NET Framework, or Silverlight?
Problems deriving from people's attempts have been asked here on SO, but I cannot find a full, clear explanation of the Graph API spec and a simple example using WebClient or some similar class from System.Net.
Do I have to send all feed item properties as parameters in the query string? Can I construct a JSON object to represent the feed item and send that (with the access token as the only parameter)?
I expect its no more than a 5 line code snippet, else, point me at the spec in the FB docs.
Thanks for your help,
This is taken from how we post to a user's wall. We place the data for the post in the request body (I think we found this to be more reliable than including all the parameters in the query part of the request), it has the same format as a URL encoded query string.
I agree that the documentation is rather poor at explaining how to interact with a lot of resources. Typically I look at the documentation for information on fields and connections, then work with the Graph API Explorer to understand how the request needs to be constructed. Once I've got that down it's pretty easy to implement in C# or whatever. The only SDK I use is Facebook's Javascript SDK. I've found the others (especially 3rd party) are more complicated, buggy, or broken than rolling my own.
private void PostStatus (string accessToken, string userId)
UriBuilder address = new UriBuilder ();
address.Scheme = "https";
address.Host = "graph.facebook.com";
address.Path = userId + "/feed";
address.Query = "access_token=" + accessToken;
StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder ();
data.Append ("caption=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode ("Set by app to describe the app."));
data.Append ("&link=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode ("http://example.com/some_resource_to_go_to_when_clicked"));
data.Append ("&description=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode ("Message set by user."));
data.Append ("&name=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode ("App. name"));
data.Append ("&picture=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode ("http://example.com/image.jpg"));
WebClient client = new WebClient ();
string response = client.UploadString (address.ToString (), data.ToString ());
I don't know much about .net or silverlight, but the facebook api works with simple http requests.
All the different sdks (with the exception of the javascript one) are mainly just wrappers for the http requests with the "feature" of adding the access token to all requests.
Not in all requests the parameters are sent as querystring, in some POST requests you need to send them in the request body (application/x-www-form-urlencoded), and you can not send the data as json.
If the C# sdk is not to your liking, you can simply create one for your exact needs.
As I wrote, you just need to wrap the requests, and you can of course have a method that will get a json as parameter and will break it to the different parameters to be sent along with the request.
I would point you to the facebook documentation but you haven't asked anything specific so there's nothing to point you to except for the landing page.

How to grab serialized in http request claims in a code using WIF?

ADFS 2.0, WIF (WS-Federation), ASP.NET: There is no http modules or any IdentityFoundation configuration defined in a web.config (like most WIF SDK samples show), instead everything is done via program code manually using WSFederationAuthenticationModule, ServiceConfiguration and SignInRequestMessage classes. I do http redirect to ADFS in a code and it seems to work fine, returning claims and redirecting user back to my web site with serialized claims in http request. So the question is how to parse this request using WIF classes, properties and methods and extract claims values from there? Thanks
Just in case want to share my experience, it might help somebody in the future. Well, solution I finally came to looks like this:
var message = SignInResponseMessage.CreateFromFormPost(Request) as SignInResponseMessage;
var rstr = new WSFederationSerializer().CreateResponse(message, new WSTrustSerializationContext(SecurityTokenHandlerCollectionManager.CreateDefaultSecurityTokenHandlerCollectionManager()));
var issuers = new ConfigurationBasedIssuerNameRegistry();
issuers.AddTrustedIssuer("630AF999EA69AF4917362D30C9EEA00C22D9A343", #"http://MyADFSServer/adfs/services/trust");
var tokenHandler = new Saml11SecurityTokenHandler {CertificateValidator = X509CertificateValidator.None};
var config = new SecurityTokenHandlerConfiguration{
CertificateValidator = X509CertificateValidator.None,
IssuerNameRegistry = issuers};
config.AudienceRestriction.AllowedAudienceUris.Add(new Uri("MyUri"));
tokenHandler.Configuration = config;
using(var reader=XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(rstr.RequestedSecurityToken.SecurityTokenXml.OuterXml)))
token = tokenHandler.ReadToken(reader);
ClaimsIdentityCollection claimsIdentity = tokenHandler.ValidateToken(token);
I found few similar code that uses SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration (it contains token handlers) instead of Saml11SecurityTokenHandler to read and parse token, however it did not work for me because of certificate validation failure. Setting SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration.CertificateValidator to X509CertificateValidator.None did not help coz Security Token Handler classes uses their own handler configuration and ignores STS configuration values, at least if you specify configuration parameters through the code like I did, however it works fine in case configuration is defined in web.config.