The definitive guide to posting a Facebook Feed item using pure C# - facebook

Does anyone have a definitive way to post to a user's wall, using nothing but the .NET Framework, or Silverlight?
Problems deriving from people's attempts have been asked here on SO, but I cannot find a full, clear explanation of the Graph API spec and a simple example using WebClient or some similar class from System.Net.
Do I have to send all feed item properties as parameters in the query string? Can I construct a JSON object to represent the feed item and send that (with the access token as the only parameter)?
I expect its no more than a 5 line code snippet, else, point me at the spec in the FB docs.
Thanks for your help,

This is taken from how we post to a user's wall. We place the data for the post in the request body (I think we found this to be more reliable than including all the parameters in the query part of the request), it has the same format as a URL encoded query string.
I agree that the documentation is rather poor at explaining how to interact with a lot of resources. Typically I look at the documentation for information on fields and connections, then work with the Graph API Explorer to understand how the request needs to be constructed. Once I've got that down it's pretty easy to implement in C# or whatever. The only SDK I use is Facebook's Javascript SDK. I've found the others (especially 3rd party) are more complicated, buggy, or broken than rolling my own.
private void PostStatus (string accessToken, string userId)
UriBuilder address = new UriBuilder ();
address.Scheme = "https";
address.Host = "";
address.Path = userId + "/feed";
address.Query = "access_token=" + accessToken;
StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder ();
data.Append ("caption=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode ("Set by app to describe the app."));
data.Append ("&link=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode (""));
data.Append ("&description=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode ("Message set by user."));
data.Append ("&name=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode ("App. name"));
data.Append ("&picture=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode (""));
WebClient client = new WebClient ();
string response = client.UploadString (address.ToString (), data.ToString ());

I don't know much about .net or silverlight, but the facebook api works with simple http requests.
All the different sdks (with the exception of the javascript one) are mainly just wrappers for the http requests with the "feature" of adding the access token to all requests.
Not in all requests the parameters are sent as querystring, in some POST requests you need to send them in the request body (application/x-www-form-urlencoded), and you can not send the data as json.
If the C# sdk is not to your liking, you can simply create one for your exact needs.
As I wrote, you just need to wrap the requests, and you can of course have a method that will get a json as parameter and will break it to the different parameters to be sent along with the request.
I would point you to the facebook documentation but you haven't asked anything specific so there's nothing to point you to except for the landing page.


SoapUI 5.7.0 mockRequest.requestContent is empty for POST request

I am using SOAP UI 5.7.0 to mock a REST service and it is working fine. Only, when I want to access the body of a POST request with mockRequest.requestContent, the correct content is returned only in the first call, but from then on, it always returns the empty string.
I tried the call in OnRequestScript and in the POST requests own Dispatch script but the behavior is the same in both cases. I have the suspicion, that the Stream of the request is already read somewhere else and so does not return any more content. But I don't know what to do about it.
I wonder what is the correct way to read the content of a POST request.
Thank you
Appears to be a known issue, see posts in the community forum here and here.
this seems to be an old bug of PUT operation in REST mocks.
Unfortunately, this is a bug. There is an internal defect of SOAP-2344 for this issue. This applies for the PUT and DELETE methods for a REST mock service.
I have the same issue with a PATCH request.
Use the following trick to get the body of the PUT and DELETE requests:
mockRequest.with {
if (method.toString() == 'PUT' || method.toString() == 'DELETE') {
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(request.getInputStream(), "UTF-8")
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()
while ((s=br.readLine())!=null) {
def requestBody = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(sb.toString()) "requestBody: " + requestBody
I use it on the project but I don't really remember how where I got the snippet from. I had to change some parts to make it work as far as I remember. Give it a try.

Facebook InsightsAPI calls limited to 25 entries

I'm pretty new to programming and I'm currently trying to use the InsightsAPI of Facebook in order to extract our performance data. The problem is that the response of the API call is limited to 25 entries.
I use the following code for the call:
String access_token = "xxx";
String ad_account_id = "yyy";
APIContext context = new APIContext(access_token).enableDebug(false);
APINodeList<AdsInsights> response = new AdAccount(ad_account_id, context).getInsights()
How can I extend the limit of the response? I found some information about how to do this via curl but there were no hints on how to do this with java. Would be great if anyone of you could help me!
All the best,
All the responses of Graph API are paginated which means you will get at most 'x' number of results where 'x' is 25 by default at the moment.
You can specify a higher value using limit param but it is not recommended as it is likely to cause a timeout.
You should look into using pagination instead:

Linkedin API oAuth 2.0 REST Query parameters

I'm running into a problem with adding a query to the callback URL. I'm getting an invalid URI scheme error attempting to authorize the following string:
I've read some conflicting information in forum posts here. Some say that it's possible to add query strings to callbacks, and others say that it results in error.
If I remove ?type=linkedin, I can authorize just fine and receive the token. It would make my life so much easier if I could use a query string on the callback url, as I need to do some additional processing in the callback.
In short, can I append a query string to the end of the callback url?
For fun, I tried encoding the callback url in the request (obviously this is a no-no according to their documentation):
This also resulted in an error but was worth a shot.
The documetation here: indicates that you CAN use query parameters. And in the first request, it appears that I'm doing it correctly. Post #25 on this page - indicates that you have to remove the query parameters to make it work
Anyone have experience with successfully passing additional query paramaters in the callback url for the linkedin API using oAuth2.0? If so, what am I doing wrong?
I couldn't wait around for the Linkedin rep's to respond. After much experimentation, I can only surmise that the use of additional query parameters in the callback is not allowed (thanks for making my application more complicated). As it's been suggested in post #25 from the question, I've tucked away the things I need in the "state=" parameter of the request so that it's returned to my callback.
In my situation, I'm processing multiple API's from my callback and requests from multiple users, so I need to know the type and user number. As a solution, I'm attaching a random string to a prefix, so that I can extract the query parameter in my callback and process it. Each state= will therefore be unique as well as giving me a unique key to cache/get object from cache..
so state="Linkedin-5hnx5322d3-543"
so, on my callback page (for you c# folks)
_receivedUserId = _stateString.Split('-')[2];
_receivedCacheKeyPrefix = _stateString.Split('-')[0];
if(_receivedCacheKeyPrefix == "Linkedin") {
if (oLinkedin.Token.Length > 0) {
_linkedinToken = oLinkedin.Token;
//now cache token using the entire _statestring and user id (removed for brevity)
You not allowed to do that.
Refer to the doc:
Please note that:
We strongly recommend using HTTPS whenever possible
URLs must be absolute (e.g. "", not "/auth/callback")
URL arguments are ignored (i.e. is the same as
URLs cannot include #'s (i.e. "" is invalid)

How to post a file in grails

I am trying to use HTTP to POST a file to an outside API from within a grails service. I've installed the rest plugin and I'm using code like the following:
def theFile = new File("/tmp/blah.txt")
def postBody = [myFile: theFile, foo:'bar']
withHttp(uri: "http://picard:8080/breeze/project/acceptFile") {
def html = post(body: postBody, requestContentType: URLENC)
The post works, however, the 'myFile' param appears to be a string rather than an actual file. I have not had any success trying to google for things like "how to post a file in grails" since most of the results end up dealing with handling an uploaded file from a form.
I think I'm using the right requestContentType, but I might have missed something in the documentation.
POSTing a file is not as simple as what you have included in your question (sadly). Also, it depends on what the API you are calling is expecting, e.g. some API expect files as base64 encoded text, while others accept them as mime-multipart.
Since you are using the rest plugin, as far as I can recall it uses the Apache HttpClient, I think this link should provide enough info to get you started (assuming you are dealing with mime-multipart). It shouldn't be too hard to change it around to work with your API and perhaps make it a bit 'groovy-ier'

How can I construct a link to view a message on if I have the message id

I am retrieving the messaging inbox with the following graph api call:
It returns an array of messages that each have an identifying "id" (same as message id as returned by FQL)
I would like to be able to provide a link for the user to view a message directly on
Something like:
That is the link you get to if you you browse to a message from facebook itself.
However I can't seem to find a way to discover the correct tid from either the Graph API or FQL.
I haven't had any luck in figuring out an alternative URL either.
This url used to work, but is broken for me now:
It just redirects to the top level messaging page:
Thanks so much
From graph API get to me/inbox the result set gives id as part of each object returned. This is also thread_id.
If the id you have is a string object (probably a guid), this is from Facebook's older message system storage structure. Now they've updated to a new storage structure that requires the old ones to be migrated into the new
So you have a fairly easy check:
If thread id is a long (Int64/BigInt), then you have a new thread and can use
If thread id is a string then you have a older thread and can use
many programming languages have their own form of checking the type of a value.
var threadId = (string)data.thread_id;
var longVal = 0L;
var isLong = Int64.TryParse(threadId, out longVal);
var threadUrl = (isLong) ?
"" + threadId :
"" + threadId;