How to grab serialized in http request claims in a code using WIF? - single-sign-on

ADFS 2.0, WIF (WS-Federation), ASP.NET: There is no http modules or any IdentityFoundation configuration defined in a web.config (like most WIF SDK samples show), instead everything is done via program code manually using WSFederationAuthenticationModule, ServiceConfiguration and SignInRequestMessage classes. I do http redirect to ADFS in a code and it seems to work fine, returning claims and redirecting user back to my web site with serialized claims in http request. So the question is how to parse this request using WIF classes, properties and methods and extract claims values from there? Thanks

Just in case want to share my experience, it might help somebody in the future. Well, solution I finally came to looks like this:
var message = SignInResponseMessage.CreateFromFormPost(Request) as SignInResponseMessage;
var rstr = new WSFederationSerializer().CreateResponse(message, new WSTrustSerializationContext(SecurityTokenHandlerCollectionManager.CreateDefaultSecurityTokenHandlerCollectionManager()));
var issuers = new ConfigurationBasedIssuerNameRegistry();
issuers.AddTrustedIssuer("630AF999EA69AF4917362D30C9EEA00C22D9A343", #"http://MyADFSServer/adfs/services/trust");
var tokenHandler = new Saml11SecurityTokenHandler {CertificateValidator = X509CertificateValidator.None};
var config = new SecurityTokenHandlerConfiguration{
CertificateValidator = X509CertificateValidator.None,
IssuerNameRegistry = issuers};
config.AudienceRestriction.AllowedAudienceUris.Add(new Uri("MyUri"));
tokenHandler.Configuration = config;
using(var reader=XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(rstr.RequestedSecurityToken.SecurityTokenXml.OuterXml)))
token = tokenHandler.ReadToken(reader);
ClaimsIdentityCollection claimsIdentity = tokenHandler.ValidateToken(token);
I found few similar code that uses SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration (it contains token handlers) instead of Saml11SecurityTokenHandler to read and parse token, however it did not work for me because of certificate validation failure. Setting SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration.CertificateValidator to X509CertificateValidator.None did not help coz Security Token Handler classes uses their own handler configuration and ignores STS configuration values, at least if you specify configuration parameters through the code like I did, however it works fine in case configuration is defined in web.config.


ServiceStack JsonServiceClient: SendAsync uses wrong path, ignores Route attribute?

I am using JsonServiceClient in a Xamarin app, like this:
JsonServiceClient client = new JsonServiceClient("");
var request = ...; // this is IRequest<T>
var result = await client.SendAsync(request); // <-- FAILS, can't find service
My backend returns an answer, saying that there is no service at that endpoint, which is true, the path that was actually sent over the wire is incorrect.
The request is defined in a lib, like so:
[Route("/mybasepath/endpoint", "POST")]
public class Login : IReturn<LoginResponse>
The problem is the path that is used in the call, which is wrong and does not follow the Route attribute:
Here, ServiceStack client uses the default /json/reply path, even though I have the Route attribute defined in the DTO.
If I change the method used on the client instance, and instead use PostAsync, the path is ten correct and the call work as expected:
JsonServiceClient client = new JsonServiceClient("");
var request = ...; // this is IRequest<T>
var result = await client.PostAsync(request); // <-- WORKS!
I don't have a minimal project right now that can be immediately tested, maybe it is something easy I have missed?
(Using ServiceStack.Client v 5.10.4 on VS 2019 16.9)
If you want to use ServiceStack's generic Send* APIs the Service Clients needs to explicitly infer the Verb to use by annotating the Request DTO with an HTTP Verb Interface Marker, not necessary for AutoQuery or AutoQuery CRUD APIs which is inferred from their base classes.
Otherwise Send* APIs are designed to fallback to use ServiceStack's pre-defined Routes.

How to send and retrieve custom header information for REST WCF Service

I am struggling to set-up infrastructure in my solution to send and retrieve the custom header for REST WCF Service. Basically, we need this to send UserID, password, token value from client to service and if provided values are valid then operation will continue to execute otherwise throw exception.
We already have few classes inherited from interfaces like IDispatchMessageInspector, IClientMessageInspector, IEndPointBehaviour, MessageHeader, etc., This is working fine for WCF with soap request. I tried to use these classes for my new REST WCF Service, but was not working as MessageHeader derived class supports only Soap.
I also tried using WebOperationContext, but no luck :(
Please provide a solution along with sample project to solve this problem.
Thank you so much!
Seems in your case it might be easier to interogate the ASPNET pipeline
if you add the following to your WCF service to allow it to hookup into the ASPNET pipeline
[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode =
Then you can simply now use the HttpContext object and just get the headers as you would from a normal aspnet application, e.g
If you want to add http header in wcf rest service , you should use HttpRequestMessageProperty, it has a Headers property , you could set http Header through its Headers property
using (OperationContextScope scope = new OperationContextScope(client.InnerChannel))
HttpRequestMessageProperty property;
// if OutgoingMessageProperties already has HttpRequestMessageProperty, use the existing one , or initialize a new one and
// set OutgoingMessageProperties's HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name key's value to the initialized HttpRequestMessageProperty so that the HttpRequestMessageProperty will work
if (OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties.ContainsKey(HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name)){
property = OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] as HttpRequestMessageProperty;
property = new HttpRequestMessageProperty();
OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] = property;
// add headers to HttpRequestMessageProperty, it will become the http header of the reuqest
property.Headers.Add(System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, "myAuthorization");
string re = client.HelloWorld();
About getting the Header , just use WebOperationContext.Current.Headers.
Please refer to

Spring WS remove flexible URL, Restricting WSDL URL and service URL

I'm trying to make a Spring Boot Soap WebService application, and was following the Get Started ( example to learn how to do this.
I've created what I want, but I have two URL problems with this setup and I could not find what configuration should I change to fix this :
WSDL URL basic is localhost:8080/ws/countries.wsdl but anything like localhost:8080/ws/whatever/countries.wsdl is correct
service URL for SoapUI request is localhost:8080/ws but anything like localhost:8080/ws/whatever is correct
I know that this is a feature for Spring WS, but I want a fixed URL (without 'whatever' in both cases) and could not find what to change for this
There is no straight forward way to restrict the way you want.
SOAP service is not URL based.
SOAP message body describe the endpoint.
The thing you wanted is possible following way.
Changing URL mapping in ServletRegistrationBean to restrict URL access
Existing /ws/* mapping is the reason why all the /ws/whatever url successfully responded.
Change as new ServletRegistrationBean(servlet, "/ws");
Effect will be you can not request other than /ws URL
Now the problem is, you can not get WSDL by this mapping.
Solution to get WSDL
The DefaultWsdl11Definition is actually generating WSDL from XSD on every request.
Save countries.wsdl to resource folder as static WSDL file.
Remove DefaultWsdl11Definition bean.
Create a new SimpleWsdl11Definition bean as like
#Bean(name = "countries")
public SimpleWsdl11Definition orders() {
SimpleWsdl11Definition wsdl11Definition = new SimpleWsdl11Definition();
wsdl11Definition.setWsdl(new ClassPathResource("countries.wsdl"));
return wsdl11Definition;
Now add another static URL mapping in ServletRegistrationBean. As it will be finally look like new ServletRegistrationBean(servlet, "/ws", "/ws/countries.wsdl");
This practice is good for development phase as you can publish easily the changed definition. But it is recommended to use static-wsdl for production environment. Details ** here
Just change
return new ServletRegistrationBean(servlet, "/ws/*");
for example to
return new ServletRegistrationBean(servlet, new String[]{

Correct configuration for REST endpoints in Shiro

My original post is here
I am trying to protect a set of REST endpoints with Shiro. My theory is that if I pass a JWT with my REST request, that I can use Shiro (via annotations) to secure my endpoints.
I've create my endpoints like this (for example):
public Response getStatus(#PathParam("companyId") int companyId){
... do stuff ...
I'm expecting that if I call the endpoint without authenticating, I will get a HTTP 401 error. However, the method is called successfully if the JWT is not supplied as it would be when there is no security on it at all.
I assume then that my Shiro config is incorrect. Since this is strictly a 'backend' application, I have no use for the Shiro/Stormpath configurations that apply to anything 'front-end' related (such as loginURLs, etc.)
Here is my shiro.ini :
#cacheManager = org.apache.shiro.cache.MemoryConstrainedCacheManager
#securityManager.cacheManager = $cacheManager
#stormpathClient.cacheManager = $cacheManager
#sessionManager = org.apache.shiro.web.session.mgt.DefaultWebSessionManager
#securityManager.sessionManager = $sessionManager
#securityManager.sessionManager.sessionIdCookieEnabled = false
#securityManager.sessionManager.sessionIdUrlRewritingEnabled = false
/** = rest
This configuration lets every request through (as described above).
If I uncomment the [main] section, I get IllegalArgumentException: Configuration error. Specified object [stormpathClient] with property [cacheManager] without first defining that object's class. Please first specify the class property first, e.g. myObject = fully_qualified_class_name and then define additional properties.
What I need to figure out is what is the correct minimum Shiro configuration for REST endpoints (and ONLY REST endpoints) so I can allow access with a JWT.
Thanks for any help.
I'm guessing the annotations are not being processed by anything at runtime. You will need to tell your JAX-RS app to process them.
I've done this with this lib in the past:
Specifically something like this:
As for the second part of the problem, my only guess is Stormpath/Shiro environment is not setup correctly.
Did you put filter config in your web.xml or is all of the config loaded from the servlet fragment?

Auto-generating a WebRequest

I am trying to consume a binary stream from a ServiceStack service, as described here:
How to consume a file with a ServiceStack client
I realize that I must use a custom WebClient, since I want direct access to the response stream. However, I would still like to avoid making this client by hand. Instead, I'd like to write something like,
var webClient = new JsonServiceClient(baseUrl)
.ConfigureWebClient(new MyRequestDto { Foo = "bar" }));
This way, I wouldn't have to assemble the URL and query string by hand; and when I change my request DTO, I wouldn't have to remember to change my custom WebClient setup code, either.
Is there a way to accomplish this, somehow ? I've looked at ServiceClientBase.PrepareWebRequest(...), and it does a whole lot of useful stuff that I don't feel like copy/pasting into my own code. I'd love to inherit ServiceClientBase and call that method directly, but it's private, so I can't. Anyone got any other ideas ?
All of ServiceStack's C# Service Clients have both a Global and a Local Request Filter allowing you to initialise the Request and Global and Local Response Filters allowing fine-grained access to the returned HttpWebResponse.
Initializing the WebRequest of all ServiceClients using a Global Request Filter:
ServiceClientBase.HttpWebRequestFilter = httpReq => ConfigureWebClient(httpReq);
Using the Local Request Filter:
var client = new JsonServiceClient(baseUrl) {
LocalHttpWebRequestFilter = httpReq => ConfigureWebClient(httpReq)
Although if you just want the binary response All Service Clients allow you to specify either a string, byte[], Stream or HttpWebResponse as your Generic Response type and it will return what was requested. See the Service Client wiki page for more examples of these.
Here's how you can retrieve binary responses:
byte[] responseBytes = client.Get<byte[]>("/poco/World");
var dto = responseBytes.FromUtf8Bytes().FromJson<PocoResponse>();
Or with a Stream:
using (Stream responseStream = client.Get<Stream>("/poco/World")) {
var dto = responseStream.ReadFully().FromUtf8Bytes().FromJson<PocoResponse>();
Or from the underlying HttpWebResponse:
HttpWebResponse webResponse = client.Get<HttpWebResponse>("/poco/World");
using (var stream = webResponse.GetResponseStream())
using (var sr = new StreamReader(stream)) {
var dto = sr.ReadToEnd().FromJson<PocoResponse>();
You can change Open Source Software, you don't have to work around it
ServiceStack is Open Source software, there's no need to look for hacks or try to work around something that's not accessible or not available, make a pull-request to change what you want and if it's a valid request for a common use-case it will likely be accepted. Otherwise feel free to take a fork of the Source code and customize it as you wish.