Unable to use Heroku from the commandline - facebook

Currently I'm making a Facebook app with Heroku, I did as the instruction says, but then I get stuck after installing heroku-toolbelt. I opened cmd.exe, typed something like 'heroku', but it results in an error as follows
C:/Program Files/Heroku/bin/heroku:15:in []': code converter not found (UTF-16LE to Windows-1258) (Encoding::ConverterNotFoundError)
from C:/Program Files/Heroku/bin/heroku:15:in'
I don't know what is the problem, searching around but there's no luck at all.
Does anyone have an idea of what I am doing wrong?

Just typing heroku in the command line won't do anything. First go to the directory where you have set up a folder to put all the files of your app from command line using DOS commands. Then type heroku login. It'll prompt you for user credentials for your heroku account. Enter those correctly and you're good to go from there.

I encountered the same error as you did. Windows-1258 is text code for Vietnamese language. I figured something like to stop converting text code automatically to Windows- 1258.
So here is how it works for me. Hope it works for you too. Simply go to Control Panel --> Change keyboards or other input method --> Administrative tab --> Change System Locale (from Vietnamese to English (United States) for example). Restart and work like a charm!

I need to dig around some more and find a way to build in this kind of functionality, but as a work around, if you open a new command prompt and type "chcp 1252" prior to running any commands it will switch command.exe to a compatible code page. That should prevent encoding errors of this type. Sorry for the inconvenience, but it should at least function as a stop gap and I'll work to integrate a fix into the tool itself. Thanks!


What does `workbench.action.terminal.switchTerminal` do?

Tried this command, seems to be doing nothing ๐Ÿค”, does anyone know the purpose of it?
It's now been removed from the command palette:
Thanks for the report and for digging into this stuff ๐Ÿ™‚. This command isn't meant to be exposed in the command palette as its only purpose is to drive the terminal dropdown behind the scenes.
There was a bug caused by this action that prevented users from pasting into a terminal since the key binding for pasting was set to this command as well as the paste command - so I am wondering as part of the fix for the pasting issue, they've made this command in the meantime not work.
Another user couldn't tell what this action does either and I can't myself. Perhaps that is why the default settings for it are unbound.

This error keeps showing up on my desktop

This Javascript error keeps showing up on my desktop, and when i delete it another one will pop up.
Can anybody with knowledge about this please help me?
Oh the image is on Danish so yeah. Translated it says that there was a script-error with the script, and asks if i still want to play the script on this site.
Solution Found
Go to Control Panel
Go to Programs and Functions
See if there is any program that refers to the url-error-message you got, and if there is, delete it.
Note If the program is a program that you need to have for running your system or just an important program, don't delete it, there could be other ways to fix it.
Other ways to fix it
1. Start up the installer that you used to install the program, if there is a button that says "Repair software/program" or something like that; tap the button.
If there isn't a button that says "Repair software/program" (or something like that); try to install the program again.

Wrong encoding in Joomla 3

I am using joomla 3 which changes character ' into รขโ‚ฌ.
Secondly it also converting any space into ร‚.
I tried using
on myhead file but still the problem persist.
My database is with collation of utf8 too.
I am using no editor on my joomla administrator.
Also on my windows operating system it is working fine but when i push files to linux server, it shows these weird sign.
I tried google search alot but in vain.
Any help will be appreciated.
One possible reason is that the files you are pushing to the Linux server have encoding other than UTF-8, they might be Windows-1252.
Here's one suggestion to test if this might be the case.
Create a new text document in Notepad, then Save As, and under Encoding select UTF-8
Upload this test file and check the results. If this still doesn't help, you might want to double check preferences on your SFTP application, just in case it is overriding file encoding.
Good luck!
I had same problem, I deactivate Google ModPagespeed on my Cpanel and my problem has been solved.
Remove "ModPagespeed On" from .htaccess

Eclipse me .res file extension

I have application to rebuild in Eclipse which has an option to choose a language. It has a res folder with few .res files(one file for each language, like so English.res, Spanish.res) that are used by the app. When opened in Notepad I can read almost all of it (it contains strings that are fetched by the app during run process based on the app's active language) but as soon as I try to edit the string and run the app, it throws NullPointerException... Does anyone know or faced this type of files or maybe knows how to open them for editing, what program to use? When I google it it says the best option is to use Visual Studio but the file cannot be recognized by VS...
Everything in that file is written in one line with funny combination of signs for "new line" like: square or two squares + "Z".
Please any help or advice?

Using css_color plugin for vim causes omni completion not to work

I am using the css_color.vim script with gvim 7.2 on vista. Because of this script I am not able to use omni-completion for css that came with the gvim I installed, which works perfectly fine if I rename the css.vim file to css.vim.bak or something.
I usually open omni-completion drop down using <C-x><C-o>, but with the css.vim, when I hit <C-x>, vim seems to go in a "temporary" normal mode, I dont really know what it is doing, but it is definetely not giving me the omni-completion drop down.
I tried search for <C-x> in the css.vim file but nothing. I dont have much experience with vim scripting, so any help appreciated.
I think I found the answer... Commenting the 3 lines at the bottom of the script seems to fix this. I can now use omni-completion in css files along with this plugin.
For anyone that comes along looking for this later on, these are the lines I commented...
autocmd CursorHold * silent call s:PreviewCSSColorInLine('.')
autocmd CursorHoldI * silent call s:PreviewCSSColorInLine('.')
set ut=100
Couple of ideas.
for your first issue
wtih the script on an off and look for differences. It's possible you've placed the script in the wrong directory or its overriding a system wide file.
Secondly for your , issue. run
:verbose map ,
to find where the , map has been defined. Looking at the css script it's possible these are separate issues