Eclipse me .res file extension - eclipse

I have application to rebuild in Eclipse which has an option to choose a language. It has a res folder with few .res files(one file for each language, like so English.res, Spanish.res) that are used by the app. When opened in Notepad I can read almost all of it (it contains strings that are fetched by the app during run process based on the app's active language) but as soon as I try to edit the string and run the app, it throws NullPointerException... Does anyone know or faced this type of files or maybe knows how to open them for editing, what program to use? When I google it it says the best option is to use Visual Studio but the file cannot be recognized by VS...
Everything in that file is written in one line with funny combination of signs for "new line" like: square or two squares + "Z".
Please any help or advice?


How to prevent VS Code remembering files outside work folder?

My workflow with VS Code is to always use project folders on projects. This works great, but there's one thing that's messing things up right now;
When opening just a single file from another project while working in another project, lets's say webpack.config.js, I use Windows Explorer rightclick to open that file in VS Code. However, this always opens the file in the currently open VS Code instance.
This adds the file from that other folder now to the memory of the previously opened files in the open project while it has nothing to do with that project.
When using the quick file open of VS Code now it happens a lot VS Code opens a file from that other folder, only because that outside file has been opened once while I was working on this project.
This is error prone as now it happens a lot, especially when working fast, that the wrong, for instance, package.json or webpack.config.js file gets opened, because VS Code now also suggests files that are outside this project. That's pretty frustrating and causes changes to be made in the wrong files pretty quickly.
I know we can clear the editor history and have to do it a lot now. But to me that's the other way around, doesn't solve the real problem and when not done often the issue remains.
So I want to get rid of this issue and have the following questions:
1) How can we change the 'Open with Code' rightclick menuitem in Explorer to open files always in a new instance of VS Code?
2) Is there a config settings to disable the behaviour that VS Code remembers files that are outside of the current work folder?
Thanks in advance, this thing is bothering me for quite some time now!
How can we change the 'Open with Code' rightclick menuitem in Explorer to open files always in a new instance of VS Code?
I assume you are a Windows user. You can edit the context menu behavior from Regedit.
Follow the below steps:
Press Windows + R
Type regedit and press OK
Go to Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\VSCode\command in regedit
Add -n parameter to the command like below
It will help you to open every file in a new window when you use Open with Code.
For your second question, Is there a config settings to disable the behavior that VS Code remembers files that are outside of the current work folder?
Open VS Code settings
Search window.openFilesInNewWindow
Make it off to on like below
With this configuration, you can't open new files in the current workspace therefore technically you prevent VS Code remember outside files. Not directly but it helps.
I don't like how "recently opened" files are shown in VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P). I think OP is describing this behavior...
The behavior to remember "recently opened" files causes me problems when I mistakenly open a temporary/copy of my file, i.e.
... instead of the true file (i.e. located inside the currently-open VS Code project)
C:/git/source-control/code.js confusion happens because because both files are listed among the options when I use Quick Open Ctrl+P and type "code"
For me , the Quick Open list also has the answer, any "recently-open" files should have an "X" icon on the right side. You may need to hover your mouse over the file you want to remove.
Click the "X" icon to "Remove from recently open". Quick Open will always be able to find files in your current project, even if you remove them from recently-open:
Please note I don't have access to regedit as suggested in the accepted answer; my answer here does not require regedit

VS Code: when I close a sub-folder and return to the file, the sub-folder reopens

I've always developed with Sublime Text, but I feel that VS Code is much better, so I want to get started.
I have a problem please (with Sidebar of VS Code):
When I open a sub-folder in my project, and I open a file that is inside, I like to manually close this sub-folder (because I like to see the architecture of the project, etc.) and to continue working on its files which are already open in my editor.
For example (I work with Laravel): if I open a "User.php" file which is in the "App/Modals" folder, then I manually close the "App/Modals" folder, then I will work in another file, then I come back to work in "User.php", the "App/Modals" folder reopens by itself ...
I do not have this behavior with Sublime Text, nor with PHP Storm.
SVP: Is there a regulation to prevent this behavior?
Thank you.
There's an option to make this feature (it's not something that's just happening to you, it's a feature of VSCode) go away. Go to settings (ctrl + , or cmd + , on mac) and search for "explorer.autoReveal". Make sure it's unchecked, or set it to false in your setting's json.
Just by the way, I don't know if you did, or you didn't know what to search, but you should try to solve this kind of problems by googling for an answer. For instance, I didn't know the answer, but a simple 'disable auto opening folder vs code' in google brought me several results. Just a recommendation, so that you can learn how to solve your own problems and be more efficient.

Netbeans file cannot be safely opened

I get files from friend who don't use netbeans IDE, when i open file that contain special caracter like 'é','à',... it show me this popup message :
if i say yes it open the file and changes those caracters to '�' like or
Any idea how to open the file safely?
The letters you are mentioning seem to be French. You need to open the file, specifying the original encoding, then save the file as UTF-8
I recently encountered a very similar problem (I have some javascript files in Chinese which translated into similar non-human readable text upon re-opening the file in NetBeans).
My OS: Linux Mint (version 17, Cinnamon; Notepad++ not available and gedit did not solve the problem).
Netbeans Version: 8.0.1
However, I was blessed to have found the history feature! I was able to get a former version of my file restored and backed it up immediately.
To access a file's history simply click on the History button found on the left side of the tool bar between the tabs of open files at the top of the IDE and the actual source code. (You can also right click on the file name and selected History -> Show History). Then Double click on a *Timestamp representing a valid version of your file. Just below the table of Timestamps the old 'backup' file and the current 'corrupted' file should appear side-by-side. (You can preview several historical versions of the file until you find one that works best for you; of course, when choosing a file I suggest one which is still usable and has the most current Timestamp associated with it!) ). Right click again on the 'backup' version of your choice -> Revert from History. Click back on the Source button found right next to the History button.
Finally, to change the default encoding, I applied the fix suggested by Sebas and Danny here:
How to change file encoding in NetBeans?
Please note that the path to the netbeans.conf file is different (at least with version 8.0.1 on my Linux machine). The path on my machine was : ~/netbeans-8.0.1/etc/netbeans.conf.
This saved the day for me and I hope it helps someone else out there! Bonne chance.

In Eclipse, is there a way to open a file by typing its path and name?

IDEs are wonderful for many things. But I dislike how they make me use a GUI for something I can do faster typing in a command line. For example, opening a known specific file. If I know the name of a file, from the command line I can just type the name of my editor and the filename. With tab-completion I can accomplish this very quickly in a reliable amount of time. No searching through output or moving my fingers off the keyboard.
Is there a way in Eclipse to open a known file simply by typing its path+filename? Maybe through a plugin?
The "Open Resource" shortcut (ctrl-shift-R) is almost it, but it only lets you type the name of the file, not the path. If you have several files of the same name in different directories, you must again hunt with the mouse for what you want.
Actually, if you are using Helios (Eclipse 3.6) you can use paths; for details, see "New features in Open Resource dialog" in that version's "New and Noteworthy" page.
Also, you can Tab to the list of results and use the arrows to pick the right one.
Well, there's the general File>Open option which is meant for opening arbitrary, but I don't know what that does if you point it to a file inside your workspace. This opens your normal platform open dialog which you might be more comfortable using quickly.
I think Open Resource is the closest you're going to get. You shouldn't have more than a couple of files with the same name, I would think, plus you can use wildcards to open files quickly. Also, remember that files you open more recently appear higher up the list of matches so you may find that the file you want is at/near the top of the list already.
In the "Open File" dialog, if you just start typing or paste from clipboard by Ctrl+V, the desired file will be selected.
The dialog before typing something:
The dialog after pasting the file location:
I'm using Neon.3 Release (4.6.3).

Where do I specify the text of a Pocket PC app's shortcut?

I'm unfamiliar with Pocket PC development, but I have to make a few minor changes to an VS2005, Pocket PC 2003 Device application. One of the changes (which I thought would be trivial) is changing the text of app's shortcut, but I can't figure out where this text is set. The solution includes a setup project, so I'm looking for it in there, but I can't find it. I know it's got to be in there somewhere because building the setup project generates an AppSetup.inf file that contains the shortcut information.
This can't be that difficult. Surly I'm suffering from what my wife refers to as "male vision" when I can't find the bottle of mustard in the refrigerator that's right in front of my face. Where do I specify this text?
It depends on exactly how the shortcut is generated. There are generally 3 mechanisms that are used.
Via the CEShortcuts section of the INF. For this, it's the text before the first comma
Via copying an LNK file via the CopyFiles section of the INF. With this mechanism, you create a physical LNK file on the desktop that gets rolled into the CAB and it's copied like any other file. The name on the device is again the first string before the comma.
Via a programmatic call (usually to SHCreateShortcut) in a custom CE Setup DLL.
You'll have to figure out which is being used in your deployment scenario to know exactly what needs to be changed.
Thinking more about this, are you trying to simply find where in the Studio UI of the installer project to change the shortcut? If so, this MSDN article may help. What is very non-intuitive is that there are little icons at the top of the Solution Explorer that change the view of the installer, allowing you to see things like files, registry entries, etc. It may be that you simply aren't looking at the right view and you need to select a different icon. There are no menu items that do what these icons do, and they are hard to notice the first time you start using an installer project.
Well, as I suspected, it was right in front of my face. We'll call this project PDAProject. In the solution explorer, under the PDAProjectSetup project is an item labeled Primary output from PDAProject (Active). If I double-click on this item two panes appear in the code editor window. The one on the far left shows a folder tree labeled File System on Target Machine. Under this are three folders labeled Application Folder, Program Files Folder, and Programs Folder. When I click on the Programs Folder, the application shortcut appears in the pane on the right and I can modify its text.
I don't know why I was never compelled to double click on that Primary output from PDAProject (Active) project item even though that's how you open any class or form for editing. I kept right-clicking and opening the Properties. Maybe it's time to give up programming and take up basket weaving.