What does `workbench.action.terminal.switchTerminal` do? - visual-studio-code

Tried this command, seems to be doing nothing 🤔, does anyone know the purpose of it?

It's now been removed from the command palette:
Thanks for the report and for digging into this stuff 🙂. This command isn't meant to be exposed in the command palette as its only purpose is to drive the terminal dropdown behind the scenes.
There was a bug caused by this action that prevented users from pasting into a terminal since the key binding for pasting was set to this command as well as the paste command - so I am wondering as part of the fix for the pasting issue, they've made this command in the meantime not work.
Another user couldn't tell what this action does either and I can't myself. Perhaps that is why the default settings for it are unbound.


Cannot use register while in visual mode in vscode vim

Maybe I'm doing something wrong but while in visual mode, typing " and follow with register name will quit the command for some reason, like v"a.
I'm not sure if this is a problem but the command works just fine, only that the display got cut off first. Posted an issue.

VScode automaticly jumping on next page when doing a short break while typing

My VScode is jumping to the next line when writing code. It doesn't matter what or where I'm writing.
export class FeatureModule{}
export class
because I was thinking about the name for the module for a second...
It's extremly annoying and I can't find a setting that does the trick.
It also does not seems like it is any extension, because I have another PC where it does not happen and there I have the same Extensions.
Maybe there is a way to copy a "profile" with all settings and Extensions of the working VScode to the non-working one?
was able to solve the problem by using Sync Settings Extension
No clue which extension or setting triggers the behavior described above...

Registry command entry isn't running like it runs in command line

My question clarified is, "What's different about running a command from within the registry at command line compared to running the same command from in a command line? Then how do I make it the same to work the way I want?"
Information about my program:
This is a ClickOnce application and from what I see there isn't a great way of getting the exact path of the exe instead of the appref-ms. So there is a caveat to my question this whole thing can be avoided if there was a way to find the exact path of the exe each time the program is deployed and I am able to edit the registry to point to said written down path.
I have this entry in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT please see evidence below:
So right clicking below should work everything is typed in right, but it doesn't work.
So I figured maybe it didn't like my %APPDATA% which honestly should not matter and I got a new error message.
Just so you know my program does work and it's doing something and pulling paths from the args passed to it.
Thank you for reading my lengthy question.
Here is how you set up what I have been trying to setup for a while now. This explanation is assuming you know exactly what you are trying to do.
Publishing A (Offline) ClickOnce Application With Command Line Args Ran From A Right Click Context Menu Item That You Can Deploy As Many Times As You Want Without Editing the Registry Each Time.
If you are doing an online one just use this CTRL+F and type in deadlydog it has two stellar links in that answer. That is much simpler then this below.
Have a project that is published deployed on a file share using ClickOnce in Visual Studio project properties.
Get this code. (If you need multiple args treat them all as one large string then split it)
'VB.NET style code
Dim activationData() As String = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ActivationArguments.ActivationData
MsgBox(activationData(0)) 'Your big long argument before being split editted or modified.
Why I asked this question and my answer to it.
Make a registry entry using ContextEdit as if you were making your very normal run of the mill context menu for your program. HOWEVER!!!! click the check box that says "expand environment variables".
So the command that you type in should look like this.
cmd.exe /C ""%InsertEnvironmentVariable%\Path\Name To\Your File.appref-ms" "%1""
It should work from that it was a ton of googling mostly because I have never done this and I give up easily on ideas. Also would like to comment on the information for command line and the registry is atrociously organized and abundant beyond belief.
Hope this helps someone trying to deploy a neat clickonce lightweight program that seems integrated like a normal program.

IPython auto-completion emacs24 doesn't work

I'm using emacs24.0.92 with IPython 12.
I took ipython.el file from IPython repository and also tried this patch however auto-completion still does not work for me.
Can someone give any hint about it ?
That's an old question but since I was looking for it:
1- python-mode.el
A quick search lead me to this working solution: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/PythonProgrammingInEmacs#toc5
2- jedi
You still can use the completion given by jedi.el:
Install with packages.el and call M-x jedi:setup. Now the completion fires at the third character. We still can not inspect an object with TAB like in a terminal, but with the 1st solution we can.
edit: false, it's just a matter of configuration: http://tkf.github.io/emacs-jedi/released/#configuration (use jedi:complete-on-dot to complete as soon as we enter a dot).

Unable to use Heroku from the commandline

Currently I'm making a Facebook app with Heroku, I did as the instruction says, but then I get stuck after installing heroku-toolbelt. I opened cmd.exe, typed something like 'heroku', but it results in an error as follows
C:/Program Files/Heroku/bin/heroku:15:in []': code converter not found (UTF-16LE to Windows-1258) (Encoding::ConverterNotFoundError)
from C:/Program Files/Heroku/bin/heroku:15:in'
I don't know what is the problem, searching around but there's no luck at all.
Does anyone have an idea of what I am doing wrong?
Just typing heroku in the command line won't do anything. First go to the directory where you have set up a folder to put all the files of your app from command line using DOS commands. Then type heroku login. It'll prompt you for user credentials for your heroku account. Enter those correctly and you're good to go from there.
I encountered the same error as you did. Windows-1258 is text code for Vietnamese language. I figured something like to stop converting text code automatically to Windows- 1258.
So here is how it works for me. Hope it works for you too. Simply go to Control Panel --> Change keyboards or other input method --> Administrative tab --> Change System Locale (from Vietnamese to English (United States) for example). Restart and work like a charm!
I need to dig around some more and find a way to build in this kind of functionality, but as a work around, if you open a new command prompt and type "chcp 1252" prior to running any commands it will switch command.exe to a compatible code page. That should prevent encoding errors of this type. Sorry for the inconvenience, but it should at least function as a stop gap and I'll work to integrate a fix into the tool itself. Thanks!