Wrong encoding in Joomla 3 - encoding

I am using joomla 3 which changes character ' into â€.
Secondly it also converting any space into Â.
I tried using
on myhead file but still the problem persist.
My database is with collation of utf8 too.
I am using no editor on my joomla administrator.
Also on my windows operating system it is working fine but when i push files to linux server, it shows these weird sign.
I tried google search alot but in vain.
Any help will be appreciated.

One possible reason is that the files you are pushing to the Linux server have encoding other than UTF-8, they might be Windows-1252.
Here's one suggestion to test if this might be the case.
Create a new text document in Notepad, then Save As, and under Encoding select UTF-8
Upload this test file and check the results. If this still doesn't help, you might want to double check preferences on your SFTP application, just in case it is overriding file encoding.
Good luck!

I had same problem, I deactivate Google ModPagespeed on my Cpanel and my problem has been solved.
Remove "ModPagespeed On" from .htaccess


Issue with coding Windows-1250 in Perl

I have a text file encoded in Windows-1250. I'm using Windows 7 EN.
I would like to iterate through this file line by line in Perl code with
print. In console I cannot see the diacritic signs.
Could you give me any solution?
It depends on what you are going to do with the text, but for many cases
it's possible to code independently on encoding. Anyway, if you redirect
output to a file and the result is OK (read: can be displayed opened by
text editor in Windows 1250 mode using proper font), your code is not the
The other thing is that you want to see CE characters in your console.
For that to work you need to do:
set your console window to use font capable of displaying them (you
may need to install such font, I don't remember The Right Way in Win 7)
set your console to Windows-1250 mode using command chcp 1250
Note that this is basically the same you would need to do with your viewer
or editor to see the characters. Except that while many editors are able
to detect encoding themselves (sometimes even correctly) and pick the right
font, consoles typically need help from you.
Your problem might be similar to what has been solved here. I also
recommend reading the other post I'm referencing there.

Xcode showing unknown characters

Please anybody help me with this,
my xcode project showing this charachters when i restarted my pc, any solutions are welcomed.
It seems that you changed the encoding of the characters to an unknown encoding
To solve it,
make sure that the class.m file is saved in UTF-8 format, to save it to utf-8, open it with any editor (for example textedit) and save it to UTF-8 format
make sure that the encoding in xcode is set to UTF-8, go to preferences->text editing
May be your project is connected with svn or other secure server, and unfortunately your svn stop working and at that time you save your data on svn that's why this was happen. now no way to recover this data but definitely you get that before saved data or backup which was taken by you.

SDL Tridion - Published files are not UTF-8 Encoded

I've set the publication target within SDL Tridion to push files (aspx) as UTF-8.
The pages are published but i'm still seeing some weird encoding issues when rendered in a browser.
I can edit the files on the server using notepad and save them as UTF-8, which fixes the issue. So I'm a little stuck as to why this is happening, and annoyingly i've seen this before but cannot remember how it was resolved.
I have tried some other options in the publishing target for example 'System Default' but i'm still seeing the same issue.
Did you try these 7 steps to solve encoding issues from Elena?
In IIS / .NET I never had problems after setting the Publication Target to UTF-8 and setting this in web.config:
<globalization fileEncoding="UTF-8" requestEncoding="UTF-8"
If you're using a Windows-Service based deployer you may want to set the JVM encoding to UTF-8, as explained here.
If this is a system you've inherited from someone else, check to make sure the code page isn't explicitly set in the templating. This would override the default set on the publication target.

Unable to use Heroku from the commandline

Currently I'm making a Facebook app with Heroku, I did as the instruction says, but then I get stuck after installing heroku-toolbelt. I opened cmd.exe, typed something like 'heroku', but it results in an error as follows
C:/Program Files/Heroku/bin/heroku:15:in []': code converter not found (UTF-16LE to Windows-1258) (Encoding::ConverterNotFoundError)
from C:/Program Files/Heroku/bin/heroku:15:in'
I don't know what is the problem, searching around but there's no luck at all.
Does anyone have an idea of what I am doing wrong?
Just typing heroku in the command line won't do anything. First go to the directory where you have set up a folder to put all the files of your app from command line using DOS commands. Then type heroku login. It'll prompt you for user credentials for your heroku account. Enter those correctly and you're good to go from there.
I encountered the same error as you did. Windows-1258 is text code for Vietnamese language. I figured something like to stop converting text code automatically to Windows- 1258.
So here is how it works for me. Hope it works for you too. Simply go to Control Panel --> Change keyboards or other input method --> Administrative tab --> Change System Locale (from Vietnamese to English (United States) for example). Restart and work like a charm!
I need to dig around some more and find a way to build in this kind of functionality, but as a work around, if you open a new command prompt and type "chcp 1252" prior to running any commands it will switch command.exe to a compatible code page. That should prevent encoding errors of this type. Sorry for the inconvenience, but it should at least function as a stop gap and I'll work to integrate a fix into the tool itself. Thanks!

Why does making simple edits then uploading crash my site?

Whenever I alter (or even just resave without altering) a Perl file, it completely takes down our backend. I have no idea what the problem could be. Permissions are correct. Encoding is correct. Encoding is UTF-8. Transfer mode was ASCII.
I might not deal with Perl too much but I have no idea what the problem could be. The network admin hosting our website has no idea what the problem could be.
Text editors I tried: Dreamweaver, TextMate, Vim
Operating systems I tried: Mac OS X, Linux (Ubuntu)
FTP clients I tried: Transmit (Mac), Filezilla (Linux (Ubuntu))
It's not that it's bad code, I even tried to open and solely save and my backend still goes down.
The network admin told me that he ran the files through a dos2unix converter and it worked immediately. I of course tried this and it did not, more so it wouldn't make any sense, since I tried this in some of the most respected editors and I don't think it would make such drastic changes to the file type without any user input. (when I say respected editors Dreamweaver is not included in that sentiment).
I personally think it is some sort of server-side issue because I have crossed my t's and dotted my i's in regards to any possible client side issue but I have tried everything. Any opinions as to what the root of this problem is, and any possible solutions? Thanks in advance.
Try setting binary mode in your FTP client. That will allow you to experiment with different line endings (dos2unix) on the client side, without worrying about them being translated during transfer.
I've had this problem in the past and line-feeds were indeed the culprit.
Your editor and/or FTP program may be mangling the linefeeds.
Running dos2unix on the server is a good test as to the problem but not the cause.
Generate an MD5 hash of the file after each step in saving and transport to find where it changes.
You do not say what kind of framework/server you are using.
Maybe the server reloads the file while it is still being written by FTP or whatever? (I.e. that the file is not complete when the server reads it?)
Will a server restart fix the problem once the file is uploaded?
It sounds like you are using dos2unix before the transfer but the network admin is using it after. Perhaps it's doing something different in that case.
How many lines are in the file? What is the file size before and after you save it, after you transfer it, and after transfer and running dos2unix on it?
If this is just a line ending problem, you might point your network admin at http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=586942.
Response to rebra: No frameworks are used, and I don't know what kind of server this is on. This is basically a one man project on a shared host which was pretty horribly maintained and I'm trying to clean house.
Yeah that does make sense and I asked the server people about that, one of my first questions actually, but even if that is the case, I can't reboot via Plesk (kind of like cPanel). But thanks for that, you put into technical words/explanation what I was thinking of the whole time.