Facebook App - to make app or fetch pic - facebook

I wanted to do something really cool for all my Facebook fanpage fans (10000 in total) but for that I need those 10000 profile pics. But Facebook only allows to see 500 profiles of fans at a time. I tried every method possible, but am not able to see all my 10000 fans in list (if so then I can simple save there pics).
If there is no way to get all those pics, then I intend to make a Facebook app which I can put on my landing page of fan page, which can ask user to click a button, and by clicking that button - the user's profile pic gets fetched. if I get his ID also then it's great, but that's not mandatory, just pic would be enough.

You don't need to create a separate application to get your fans' profile pictures.
Facebook Open Graph objects are paged. As such, you can only retrieve 500 fans at a time, but you can make subsequent requests to obtain the rest of them by issuing a request as follows:
The following pages may be useful:
It is not possible to query the fans of a Facebook page.
Querying Users who 'like' my Facebook Page


Show website 'likes' on facebook page

About 1 week ago we launched a new website. We've setup a facebook app and integrated the facebook like button using that app ID.
The site has had a great amount of traffic and now the website has over 10,000 likes, which is great....
In hindsight though, we should have targeted the facebook like button to like a facebook page instead of the website, so that we can interact with the 'likers'.
We've created a facebook page now, and linked it with our app. Is there a way for the number of 'likes' on our facebook page to be the 10,000 likes we have showing on the website?
Unfortunately, this is not possible. Every URL is counted separately. If you create a Facebook Page, this is another entity within the Graph API, so the likes cannot be shared.

Difference between Facebook "Page Likes" and "URL Likes" - updates on wall

I am currently implementing Facebook on an eCommerce store.
I have a Facebook page for the actual store and I also have links on each of the product pages where visitors can "Like" the individual products.
Now, I know that when someone "likes" the actual Facebook Page of the store, they receive status updates whenever that page makes a post on their wall.
Is there any way to integrate this also if someone only likes a product, instead of the entire Page, they also receive status updates of the Page?
Or do they need to like the actual Page in order to receive updates.
I hope someone with experience in integrating this can help me. Thank you very much :)
The question is: Building a relationship with a user visiting your page or an opportunity to reach to friends of that particular user.
If the user likes a post, link or an article on your web page this is a one time action and after some time this action will disappear from his/her friends' news feed. And the opportunity to interact with that user one more time will disappear as well. But if that user likes your page so you will have one more fan who will receive your updates every time you post them (Actually this is not always as Facebook news feed algorithm can filter your post).
But what can I suggest is: Put a separate Like Box in your web page to gain more likes for your Facebook page. This like will be more targeted and relevant, as they know what they are doing and they will not be surprised if they see some posts from your page on their news feed. This could be a better experience for your page. And secondly put separate like button on each product with correct meta tags and if it interests particular users they will go to your web page and if they like it, they will also connect to your Facebook page.

Correlating users who "like" a page with users of an app

I have a page that links to my app. and this page has an increasing number of "likes".
We want to know how many of the FB users who have "liked" our page have authorized our app.
Per Querying Users who 'like' my Facebook Page, it doesn't appear that I can get the list of "likers" of my page in order to correlate the FB ids against my user base for the app.
Two questions:
1) Is there an existing Insights metric that I should be using to get this information? This does seem like a special kind of "conversion" (from page - liker to app - user).
2) The only other option I see is scraping the output of
which some have suggested violates the FB TOS (why is that, btw?). Does anyone have any other suggestions?
3) Upon further reflection, it occurs to me that I can come at this problem from the app instead. I should be able to get likes for my app users and see if my page is among them. Can anyone verify if this will work?
Many thanks,
No, you'd need to manually calculate this by using the user's access token when they're using your app to see if they like the page - Facebook's API will not give you a list of users of your app or a list of likers of a page

Get Likes on fb fan page but referrals to website

Ideally this is what I would want:
I have a fb fan page with around 2000 likes. I also have a fb app by
which I can run social plugins on my website. I put up a like button
using the following code on my website: {fb:like
I want to show Like button on my website such that if user clicks on
it, my fan page's 'like' increases. However I also want that for the
post that goes on user's timeline, it links to my website and not to my fan page.
How do I achieve this?
I am also fine if I change href in the fb:like code to point it to my website. However then the referral links are good, but I can not use those likes to post my users later.
I don't think you can use merge tam. Fb Fan page is one thing and Fb App is other thing. FB App helps you get user data from what I know from their database while Fan page helps you promote your business.
Why do you need to merge them?

Getting more details about the likes on your facebook page

I want to run a competition on my facebook page on a given user who will like my page for instance, say the 100th user who likes this page get free service in this
I have checked everywhere even with the new facebook graph, I cant seems to see any more details about the user page as to when they didn it, or some sort of count to know that user is what number is terms of likes..
Anyone who knows a way or can assist?..
Can't be done. Sorry. There is no way for you to get the 100th user who likes a Facebook page.
Maybe you make a fan gate application as a "Page Tab" application, where every 100th unique person visiting the fan-gated app gets something.