Show website 'likes' on facebook page - facebook

About 1 week ago we launched a new website. We've setup a facebook app and integrated the facebook like button using that app ID.
The site has had a great amount of traffic and now the website has over 10,000 likes, which is great....
In hindsight though, we should have targeted the facebook like button to like a facebook page instead of the website, so that we can interact with the 'likers'.
We've created a facebook page now, and linked it with our app. Is there a way for the number of 'likes' on our facebook page to be the 10,000 likes we have showing on the website?

Unfortunately, this is not possible. Every URL is counted separately. If you create a Facebook Page, this is another entity within the Graph API, so the likes cannot be shared.


Associate Facebook Page likes with website

I have a Facebook page with 50K+ likes on it and a separate website, when analysed with Moz, that only has a few hundred likes (which I believe are coming from WordPress on the site's blog).
For a number of reasons, I would like to associate the two with each other, so is it possible to link my FB page likes to website?
At this stage I don't want a FB Like/Share/Recommend, and simply just want my Facebook page and its like to be representative of my website. I can understand why this might not be possible, but I just thought I would ask.
If it it's not possible (like this post Facebook Open Graph : Associate Website with Facebook Page indicates) to do with Facebook page's pageId, is there way I can associate a FB app (in the form of a website) with my existing facebook page without having to make a new FB page?
There is no way to combine/link Likes of an external Website with the Likes/Fans of a Facebook Page.
About associating an App with a Page: You can install an App on a Page, it is called "Page Tab" or "Page App". Of course you don't need to create a new Page for that, you can install an App on every Page you own. You can also use that exact same App for something else on your external website. Check out the "platforms" in the App settings.

How to integrate Facebook app with Facebook group?

We have a website (a wiki) and a Facebook group. I created an app to let people log into the website with their Facebook ID and that works just fine. We'd like to have activity from the website show up in the Facebook group, though, or otherwise be posted to a person's timeline (Joe edited this website page, etc.). How do we go about doing that? What do we need to change to get the desired functionality? How can we more closely integrate our Facebook group and our website, perhaps by using the app we have (or any other way)?

Get Likes on fb fan page but referrals to website

Ideally this is what I would want:
I have a fb fan page with around 2000 likes. I also have a fb app by
which I can run social plugins on my website. I put up a like button
using the following code on my website: {fb:like
I want to show Like button on my website such that if user clicks on
it, my fan page's 'like' increases. However I also want that for the
post that goes on user's timeline, it links to my website and not to my fan page.
How do I achieve this?
I am also fine if I change href in the fb:like code to point it to my website. However then the referral links are good, but I can not use those likes to post my users later.
I don't think you can use merge tam. Fb Fan page is one thing and Fb App is other thing. FB App helps you get user data from what I know from their database while Fan page helps you promote your business.
Why do you need to merge them?

How does Facebook track Like or other activities on my site?

I am using's service to add facebook 'like' button onto my site.
Now I want to manually add some facebook social plugins to my site:
As I see, some plugins require to enter 'app_id', but I didn't specify my 'app_id' for's buttons, so I would like to ask how does facebook track those 'like' or other activities on my site??
For example, if a user clicked 'like' on's button on my site, would this user appear in the "Like Box" and "Facepile" plugins that I manually added to my site??
When using AddThis, the app itself, gets the current page that is liked or the specified Facebook page. When you are referring to the app_id for AddThis, it is their own id that allows you to log into and access their custom statistics page.
When using the Facebook like button or other plugins, Facebook records the number of times someone has pressed the button. It also includes shares and reposts in this number. Using the Facebook API you would be able to seperate the numbers (whether like or share) if desired.
Facebook API
In order to access the information recorded by Facebook you must register and app with them and that will give you a Facebook app_id. This can then be used in any of their plugins.
Since the AddThis app transfers the information to Facebook, Facebook will display your like and share count in any of its plugins.

Different counters for likes in the site and likes in the Facebook page

I have a site with a Like button and a certain amount of likes in the site and I have a Facebook page, with other amount of likes.
I understand that if I change the href of my site to that of the Facebook page I will have a unique counter for both, the site and the Facebook page.
Now, is there a way I can unified this counter without loosing the likes I already have on my site?
No, it's not possible to migrate fans from an Open Graph page to a Page on