Getting more details about the likes on your facebook page - facebook

I want to run a competition on my facebook page on a given user who will like my page for instance, say the 100th user who likes this page get free service in this
I have checked everywhere even with the new facebook graph, I cant seems to see any more details about the user page as to when they didn it, or some sort of count to know that user is what number is terms of likes..
Anyone who knows a way or can assist?..

Can't be done. Sorry. There is no way for you to get the 100th user who likes a Facebook page.
Maybe you make a fan gate application as a "Page Tab" application, where every 100th unique person visiting the fan-gated app gets something.


Difference between Facebook "Page Likes" and "URL Likes" - updates on wall

I am currently implementing Facebook on an eCommerce store.
I have a Facebook page for the actual store and I also have links on each of the product pages where visitors can "Like" the individual products.
Now, I know that when someone "likes" the actual Facebook Page of the store, they receive status updates whenever that page makes a post on their wall.
Is there any way to integrate this also if someone only likes a product, instead of the entire Page, they also receive status updates of the Page?
Or do they need to like the actual Page in order to receive updates.
I hope someone with experience in integrating this can help me. Thank you very much :)
The question is: Building a relationship with a user visiting your page or an opportunity to reach to friends of that particular user.
If the user likes a post, link or an article on your web page this is a one time action and after some time this action will disappear from his/her friends' news feed. And the opportunity to interact with that user one more time will disappear as well. But if that user likes your page so you will have one more fan who will receive your updates every time you post them (Actually this is not always as Facebook news feed algorithm can filter your post).
But what can I suggest is: Put a separate Like Box in your web page to gain more likes for your Facebook page. This like will be more targeted and relevant, as they know what they are doing and they will not be surprised if they see some posts from your page on their news feed. This could be a better experience for your page. And secondly put separate like button on each product with correct meta tags and if it interests particular users they will go to your web page and if they like it, they will also connect to your Facebook page.

seeing who liked a page programmatically

So my company has a facebook page and they're wanting to pay the sales people bonuses based on how many of each of their customers liked my companies facebook page.
To do that right now someone in our marketing department is manually going through, getting the names, and doing queries one-by-one, to see if the person who liked the page is a customer and if so who's customer they are.
That seems excessively tedious. My question is... is there a way to automate that? I don't see anything in the Graph API / Page stuff that'd let you do that:
For that matter I'm not actually entirely sure how our marketing person is getting the names of people who liked the page. When I view the page I just see who, among my friends, liked the page. But then again they are an admin whereas I'm currently not (although I could get it fairly easily if I can show how my having admin access would be of benefit [and this would qualify I'm sure]).
Any ideas?
Short answer, no. You can't see who liked your page programmatically, you can only see manually on your facebook page if you go to the new likes section.
You can create a page app that when a user likes your page it prompts him to insert his information or something like that, but then again you won't capture the likes that are made directly on your page, only the ones made inside de app

Facebook Like Buttons shows a different count if the user is logged into Facebook

We use the Like buttons on our pages and the count is important. However, recently, the count has been lower for users that aren't logged into Facebook when viewing a given page.
I think this is because of the Open Graph. It seems that Facebook counts general likes and likes that had open graph data included on the button when the user is logged into Facebook. But when the user is not logged into Facebook - these counts only show likes and not the open graph likes - thus making the number lower...
This is causing issues for us - as we want the Like button to show the same amount of likes regardless if the user is logged into Facebook or not...
Any advice or a solution is appreciated....
This post that seems to explain exactly the scenario you are talking about. Essentially, the inflated number being reported is the total engagement count for this page (Likes and Shares) where are you are looking for the Fan Count (how many people explicitly hit the like button).

Checking which users have liked a Facebook page

I've been researching this for a couple of days and I'm seing a lot of answers to similar questions and they are unfortunately all "No, you can't do that." So, perhaps you can help me find a more efficient way or perhaps you have a better answer.
I'm running a game at an event. When users sign up for my game, they'll authorize my Facebook app. They get points in my game for doing certain things. One of the things they get points for is Liking a chosen Facebook page.
They don't Like the page through any interface I control though, so I'm going to be running a process in the background which checks if my authorized users have liked the page.
I'm going to have tens of thousands of people playing this game though. I've got an access_token for each of them and I know I can fetch a list of likes for Person X with their access_token, but fetching 10,000+ lists of likes to check if they've liked the page seems ridiculous... especially since if they haven't liked it, I can't just cross them off the list. I need to keep checking every few minutes for the duration of the event just to see if they have liked the page yet and give them points. Once they have liked the page then I no longer need to keep checking them, but that's still going to require a ton of requests.
Is there a way that I can determine which of my 10k+ users, for whom I have individual access_tokens, have liked my page?
Or can I get list of people who have recently liked a particular page?
Any other suggestions?
EDIT: As the administrator of my FB page, I can use the website to just click through and I can see all of the people who have liked my page, so I feel like there should be some way to access this information programmatically as well. Am I just missing something?
This problem seems like a candidate for using FQL. There's a table called page_fan that acts as a join table between the user and page tables. You could run a query for each user to see whether a row exists for the chosen page. For example:
SELECT 1 FROM page_fan WHERE uid = me() and page_id = 8484927467
I'm running a game at an event. When users sign up for my game, they'll authorize my Facebook app. They get points in my game for doing certain things. One of the things they get points for is Liking a chosen Facebook page.
Please clarify some details on that:
is your game app running as a page tab app inside facebook, or some place else?
if it is running in a page tab, is that also the page they are required to like?
If that would be the case, you would get the info if the user has liked the page within the signed_request parameter automatically, no further API queries etc. necessary.
fetching 10,000+ lists of likes to check if they've liked the page seems ridiculous...
Keep in mind that you don’t have to go through each user’s list of likes, though – you can ask if someone liked a specific page by querying for /userid/likes/pageid. (I know, it’s still one request for each user.)
I need to keep checking every few minutes for the duration of the event just to see if they have liked the page yet and give them points. Once they have liked the page then I no longer need to keep checking them, but that's still going to require a ton of requests.
Are you aware of the method in the JavaScript SDK of binding an event to a user clicking a like button on your page? Maybe you could use that – implement the like button in your site, catch the event of the user using that very button to like the page … and then AJAX the fact that the like happened to your server, maybe make one more request for that particular user to verify that there’s no “cheating” involved (someone making a call to your AJAX endpoint themselves, without actually having liked) … and you should have what you want, right?
Hey guys go to the BANNED USERS panel at your page settings and select PEOPLE WHO LIKE YOUR PAGE. Thanks

How do I find out the number of X fan on a facebook page, and if they were referred, if so, by whom?

Background: My employer is running a contest and wants to find out who the 1000th person to 'like' the page is, and if they were referred by someone. Is that functionality build in already, or does an app have to be written to find out this info?
There's no way to get a list of page fans or the order in which they became fans, but you can track new fans who like your page via capturing the edge.create event in the javascript API when they click the Like button.
You could also check the current like count to come to some sort of conclusion about which order users became fans and which 'number' fan they are
I must point out though that running such a competition is expressly forbidden by Facebook's promotion guidelines: