Get Likes on fb fan page but referrals to website - facebook

Ideally this is what I would want:
I have a fb fan page with around 2000 likes. I also have a fb app by
which I can run social plugins on my website. I put up a like button
using the following code on my website: {fb:like
I want to show Like button on my website such that if user clicks on
it, my fan page's 'like' increases. However I also want that for the
post that goes on user's timeline, it links to my website and not to my fan page.
How do I achieve this?
I am also fine if I change href in the fb:like code to point it to my website. However then the referral links are good, but I can not use those likes to post my users later.

I don't think you can use merge tam. Fb Fan page is one thing and Fb App is other thing. FB App helps you get user data from what I know from their database while Fan page helps you promote your business.
Why do you need to merge them?


Associate Facebook Page likes with website

I have a Facebook page with 50K+ likes on it and a separate website, when analysed with Moz, that only has a few hundred likes (which I believe are coming from WordPress on the site's blog).
For a number of reasons, I would like to associate the two with each other, so is it possible to link my FB page likes to website?
At this stage I don't want a FB Like/Share/Recommend, and simply just want my Facebook page and its like to be representative of my website. I can understand why this might not be possible, but I just thought I would ask.
If it it's not possible (like this post Facebook Open Graph : Associate Website with Facebook Page indicates) to do with Facebook page's pageId, is there way I can associate a FB app (in the form of a website) with my existing facebook page without having to make a new FB page?
There is no way to combine/link Likes of an external Website with the Likes/Fans of a Facebook Page.
About associating an App with a Page: You can install an App on a Page, it is called "Page Tab" or "Page App". Of course you don't need to create a new Page for that, you can install an App on every Page you own. You can also use that exact same App for something else on your external website. Check out the "platforms" in the App settings.

Difference between Facebook "Page Likes" and "URL Likes" - updates on wall

I am currently implementing Facebook on an eCommerce store.
I have a Facebook page for the actual store and I also have links on each of the product pages where visitors can "Like" the individual products.
Now, I know that when someone "likes" the actual Facebook Page of the store, they receive status updates whenever that page makes a post on their wall.
Is there any way to integrate this also if someone only likes a product, instead of the entire Page, they also receive status updates of the Page?
Or do they need to like the actual Page in order to receive updates.
I hope someone with experience in integrating this can help me. Thank you very much :)
The question is: Building a relationship with a user visiting your page or an opportunity to reach to friends of that particular user.
If the user likes a post, link or an article on your web page this is a one time action and after some time this action will disappear from his/her friends' news feed. And the opportunity to interact with that user one more time will disappear as well. But if that user likes your page so you will have one more fan who will receive your updates every time you post them (Actually this is not always as Facebook news feed algorithm can filter your post).
But what can I suggest is: Put a separate Like Box in your web page to gain more likes for your Facebook page. This like will be more targeted and relevant, as they know what they are doing and they will not be surprised if they see some posts from your page on their news feed. This could be a better experience for your page. And secondly put separate like button on each product with correct meta tags and if it interests particular users they will go to your web page and if they like it, they will also connect to your Facebook page.

Facebook + WordPress

being surfing a while on a topic.
site :
The problem is, I have a WordPress site and I've used FB Share and FB Like plugins (free) for displaying on each posts. I also have a fan page of the website where I regularly update about every post I do on website. But for example if someone like that post on FB fanpage, then it dosen't reflect on to my website's Fb Like counter.
Example, If one post receives 10 likes on FB fanpage, then that same post on my website just have 2 likes. Basically, I want to sync these like between my website's post and the post that I link then to Fb fanpage.
Do revert back to this. Anything from your end would be helpful. Thanks in Advance.
We need to designate that the content being liked on FB and the content being liked on your WP Site are not one in the same. If it is liked on FB, the count will not show up on your page(and vise versa).
There's not a lot you can do. This is very much a part of how Facebook works.
However, it's a good idea to keep your content organized with Open Graph. Hope this helps.

How to authorize an app if is fan of an specific fanpage

I'm working on a contest app ( the goal is to increase the fans number of the Tigo Fan Page. Is there any option to show on the canvas app the app only if the user is already fan of the Fan Page.
Just like when the contests where made with the like button, anyone can't "like" if isn't fan of the page.
From the old pages.isFan documentation:
You can now issue a HTTP GET request to /USER_ID/likes/PAGE_ID to check if a user is a page of a fan.

How to do like page on facebook in program side

I have problem on Facebook "like" button.
I put facebook "like" button in my page but I click that button it is not navigate to what I gave in href link and I want to perform facebook "like" button action same as facebook.
I can "like" this link on facebook how to do same as in my website using facebook "like" button ?
You can only 'Like' a fan Page by clicking the FB supplied button that sits in the parent FB page outside of your iframed application page. As frustrating as this can be to designers and UX developers it is potential security flaw if an application (boxed in as a Fan page) is allowed to 'Like' itself. I.e. users could be duped into 'Liking' a Page onload without their consent.
You can get the count of Likes for a Fan page. That is the only 'Like' action permitted on this object type.
You can't add likes to a profile using the Facebook Api.
Read here for more details 'Like' a page using Facebook Graph API
Unfortunately, this is not possible. You can only like a post via the graph api acccording to the docs.
Unfortunately it is not possible via any of the API's to like a page programmatically.
This is to prevent spam where people create apps to mass-like pages.
Hope this helps.
You cannot make a user like a page. That isn't possible unless you use a XSS attack (which facebook probably prevents), and you'll get banned from facebook. If you want to know how to place a like button, see