How can give my app to client for testing [closed] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
hi i am developing an iphone app for a client who lives outside my country.
The client wants to check out the app every time i complete a functionality in order to note my progress and to suggest necessary changes.
How can give my app to client for testing before the project is completely done .

You can give them ADHOC or testing versions of your app.
It can be relatively easy to do on your own (and the instructions are easily found on Apple's "iOS Provisioning Portal", or there are also some services available from third parties online that make the process even more straighforward. I've heard good things about TestFlight, for example.

I suggest you to create an ad-hoc certificate. Then use xcode to create your archive.
ps: You need the UDIDs of your client iPhones to add the devices to the portal.

You can do it in this way-
1) Add the UDIDs of your client and use the particular profile and certificates to build your app.
2) Create a signed .ipa and .plist files.(Distribute for enterprise option).
3) Simpler way to distribute it as you can put it on the dropbox and attach it in an html file.
4) Send your client the public link of that html page you've put on dropbox.
Hope it helps. :)


How to develop automatically missed call reply messenger iOS mobile application [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 9 years ago.
Nowadays I am thinking about a mobile application (specially for iPhone) and trying to build it for personal use and of course will allow to others too. I want to develop such application, suppose I have iPhone device.
My iPhone get missed call in the absence of me and in that that case suppose I missed some urgent call and I really did not want to miss them. So that my device should have automatically sent messages to them all that I could not receive those calls in due to my absence and message would be like "I am unavailable right now, please call me back or wait for my call".
So all that was the idea of mine I want to develop such mobile application, I would keep each think in my mind like don't send unnecessary reply even not needed. I'll look to the UI part also. That's why I am studying AddressBook frame and all related tutorial, and gathering all required thing to go ahead. But before going ahead on coding part.
Apple doesn't have any public (developer-accessible) API's that allow what you are trying to do (either sending a SMS or a voice mail response back to somebody saying "I'm not available" or "I will be available in 2 hours").
Nor would Apple likely allow an app like this onto the app store if you wanted to sell or make it available to other people aside from your personal device, as apps that interface with phone functionality may violate some countries' privacy laws, not to mention Apple's own privacy guidelines.

Can adhoc distribution build be given by 2 developers? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
We IPhone team are 3.Each has developer certificate and can debug from devices. But only one account has the access to build for Adhoc distribution.
So, Can we have 3 distribution profiles for all three. So any one can build Adhoc distribution with there profiles.(Not by exporting one account to all). If yes, can U please provide the steps.
You guys need ONE common account at Apple's devleoper portal. (you may have more but one you need to share)
That is the one which owns the app id of your app.
All three of you shold have team accounts within that one developer account. The first one, administrator per default, will invite the others.
Each of you will then go though the signature certification process. (starting with issuing a CSR from your macs)
In addition to the usual process the administrator has to approve the individual's certificates if I'm not much mistaken. However, Apples developer provisioning portal will guide you through.
Then you need to include all the signature certificates into the distribution profile (just by clicking check boxes), re-issue and download the profile.
Each of you loads that profile into his xcode's organizer and each signes his code with his onw credentials.
Sounds complicated. In fact it is not much more complicated than the whole nasty process as such. And there is no need to export one's private keys and import them into the other's macs.

Send messages from server to iOS app [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am very new to web technologies, but have been developing for iphone for 3 years. I need to send a message from a server I rent to my app. Not a "push notification" for the user, but for the app itself. How should I do this?
In general, it's not possible for a server to directly contact an app running on a mobile device (since the device might be behind firewalls or NAT). Instead, the mobile device usually makes a connection to the server, and the server responds with any information available for the device.
This is basically how APNS notifications work, except that Apple has already done most of the infrastructure work for you. Push notifications take very little battery power, and since iOS can batch requests for all apps at once, each app does not need to make its own connection to a server somewhere.
If you implement this yourself, you will need to learn about a technology such as long polling. If you're very new to web technologies, you might consider getting some help making the web server side work.

Newsstand App Backend [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I wanted to get some clear "real world" info on what kinda backend is required when running a newsstand app.
The app i intend to make should have the following features.
Issues, each issue with a bunch of articles.
An Issue can be "Free" or "Paid" depending on how its "Pushed"
Auto subscriptions
Push notifications
Data collection - getting some stats from the users.
I currently have no server, in this case, whats the server requirement? All i want is a print magazine kinda app, essentially a PDF. Is it possible to let Apple host the data with current issues.
Another question besides the server is, how are these Issues packaged? Forexample if its a text file or a pdf?
Any direction would be great
Taking your points in turn:
I currently have no server, in this case, whats the server requirement? All i want is a print magazine kinda app, essentially a PDF. Is it possible to let Apple host the data with current issues.
Apple does not provide hosting for newsstand content. You need your own server for this. It needs to hold the issues, and usually also respond to requests from your app about available and new issues.
Another question besides the server is, how are these Issues packaged? Forexample if its a text file or a pdf?
They are packaged however you like - you tell the newsstand framework which asset(s) need downloading for a particular issue (based on the response youve given about the issues above) Typically you'd bundle it all together in a zip file and unpack / process it on the device when the download is completed.
It's important to note that newsstand is not much more than a framework to enable backgrounded downloads and notifications, and to maintain a library of assets in your app's caches directory. The content and its display is entirely up to you, the developer.

Web Application as iphone native app [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 9 years ago.
As facebook is a web application, in which we post comments, post snaps, chat etc. There is also an also facebook available as iOS native app and mobile app. We have similar kind of web application like facebook, we want to make a native application of that web application.
Is there any solution to this?
Please reply this
Try Titanium Appcelator to create iOS application from your web applications.
The best solution is for you to create web-services for your web application and then create an app that uses/consumes those.
Web-app's can NEVER be native!
Unless you will 'convert' it into a 'native-language'-application.
If Titanium Appcelator will do this thing for you, it will be a nice solution to make a 'native web application'!
Otherwise, you need to use your web skills to create a XML or JSON file, with a language like PHP or ASP/ You will need to get the content of the XML/JSON file from a database or another XML/JSON file which got comments, pictures, etc. in it. You will need to parse it with a native language (C++/C for iOS, Visual Basic for WP and Java for Android) and make a good-looking application using the native language. Your application is now a native application which needs the web to work.
Greetings, Amanush!
EDIT: You can make a 'webbrowser' app as well, which will always browse to your online application. It will be a slow solution.