Web Application as iphone native app [closed] - iphone

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Closed 9 years ago.
As facebook is a web application, in which we post comments, post snaps, chat etc. There is also an also facebook available as iOS native app and mobile app. We have similar kind of web application like facebook, we want to make a native application of that web application.
Is there any solution to this?
Please reply this

Try Titanium Appcelator to create iOS application from your web applications.

The best solution is for you to create web-services for your web application and then create an app that uses/consumes those.

Web-app's can NEVER be native!
Unless you will 'convert' it into a 'native-language'-application.
If Titanium Appcelator will do this thing for you, it will be a nice solution to make a 'native web application'!
Otherwise, you need to use your web skills to create a XML or JSON file, with a language like PHP or ASP/ASP.net. You will need to get the content of the XML/JSON file from a database or another XML/JSON file which got comments, pictures, etc. in it. You will need to parse it with a native language (C++/C for iOS, Visual Basic for WP and Java for Android) and make a good-looking application using the native language. Your application is now a native application which needs the web to work.
Greetings, Amanush!
EDIT: You can make a 'webbrowser' app as well, which will always browse to your online application. It will be a slow solution.


How to invite friends in Facebook using social framework [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm developing social media app with Facebook.
And my application is supporting both iOS 5 and iOS 6 and I want to use native facebook for inviting friends.
In iOS 5 its working fine using graph api. And in iOS 6 new features added by apple that we can use Facebook natively as twitter. So we don't need to login from our app it will take credential from setting screen of iphone in iOS 6.
So for this I have to use social framework as we are using in twitter.
I successful in use of native dialog for Facebook image share and post as it looks like in twitter.
Now I want to invite friends in Facebook using native dialog ( Social framework).
And I have no idea how to invite friends in iOS6 using social framework.
I search a lot but not able to find any solution even I dont know is it possible or not ?
If anyone have got sample project or good idea for this,please notice to me.
I hope you understand my problem...
if not please tell me..

I'm AS3 developer and I want to start developing apps for Facebook. What to start with? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
As easy as it sounds. Need advises (on books, resources etc.).
As an alternative to rolling your own External Interface calls, there is this helper api, which at least used to be supported by both Facebook and Adobe: http://code.google.com/p/facebook-actionscript-api/
Once you've got this, you need to add the Facebook developers app to your FB account and there are instructions on that page covering the different types of app you might want to build.
Aside from specific calls you may want to make to the Facebook API to share or like or whatever, you are otherwise just developing a normal AS3 application (web, AIR desktop, or AIR mobile), there are no special requirements or restrictions, but if you are building a canvas app to sit on Facebook itself, you may want to think about the dimensions before you begin, and make allowance for a certain amount of FB chrome.
In terms of books, Packt have one published last year which is specifically tailored to the subject: Flash Facebook Cookbook.
Most of the samples in other books and tutorials are for JavaScript, which is of course quite similar to AS, and the API mentioned above follows the form of the JS SDK closely, so you should find it quite straightforward to translate samples from JS to AS. Be advised that the Facebook API has undergone significant development in the last 18 months, and continues to develop rapidly, so samples and tutorials can quickly become out of date.

I want to write a code that creates more than one User in Facebook . Is it possible? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I am a newbie in facebook programming . But i know something about Java and Java EE.
I would like to do such a programming that will create multiple user account and then all of the users will give a like in a certain facebook page or give comments in a facebook fan page.
Is it possible ? How do I access facebook tables to insert/update ? It would be better if this could be done in Java . I will also like other language if Java is not the correct language here.
The facebook api is language agnostic, that is it works with http requests and so you can implement that in any language that supports http requests.
There are some SDKs for different languages, such as the official javascript, php, iOS and android SDKs, and there are other ones (unofficial) for java, C#, actionscript, etc.
I can't say I completely understand what you want to do, but there's no way to create a facebook user with the graph api.
You have no insert/update access to any facebook table (using FQL), only selecting.
You can add/change data using the graph api, but you need an authenticated user who granted your app the right permissions.
If you want to automate creating of fictional facebook profiles which will then "like" a page/url then you can't do that.

How can give my app to client for testing [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
hi i am developing an iphone app for a client who lives outside my country.
The client wants to check out the app every time i complete a functionality in order to note my progress and to suggest necessary changes.
How can give my app to client for testing before the project is completely done .
You can give them ADHOC or testing versions of your app.
It can be relatively easy to do on your own (and the instructions are easily found on Apple's "iOS Provisioning Portal", or there are also some services available from third parties online that make the process even more straighforward. I've heard good things about TestFlight, for example.
I suggest you to create an ad-hoc certificate. Then use xcode to create your archive.
ps: You need the UDIDs of your client iPhones to add the devices to the portal.
You can do it in this way-
1) Add the UDIDs of your client and use the particular profile and certificates to build your app.
2) Create a signed .ipa and .plist files.(Distribute for enterprise option).
3) Simpler way to distribute it as you can put it on the dropbox and attach it in an html file.
4) Send your client the public link of that html page you've put on dropbox.
Hope it helps. :)

What are all the debugging tools available for the iPhone? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I'm looking for a comprehensive list of all tools for debugging iPhone apps, and any online resources relating to them.
How about the tools that come with Xcode, like gdb and Instruments?
This will also help: http://google.com/search?q=how+to+debug+iphone+apps
Here is a good Apple document entitled: "Xcode Debugging Guide"
I assume this questions is about Xcode debugging. However i am developing web based iPhone apps using the like IUI and iWebkit etc. Normally for web development i would use Firefox/Firebug but for iPhone the Webkit is better (IMHO) and the javascript debugging is excellent. I also use the iPhone simulator rather then needing to deploy the code to a server.
I've incorporated the following tools into my Xcode pipeline:
GHUnit - Unit testing which can run on the simulator and devices, and allows debugging.
OCMock - Mocking framework for use in the unit tests.
Appledoc - For creating more apple like API docs and including them into XCode.
WiCon wireless console helps to send debug messages to iPhone/iPad screen from another iPhone/iPad or from a computer. I use it to track my apps for example if the connection to a usual debugger is not available or if I need to take care of a long process (WiCon gives sound alarms on debug messages and I don't need to stare at screen to notice messages).