Send messages from server to iOS app [closed] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am very new to web technologies, but have been developing for iphone for 3 years. I need to send a message from a server I rent to my app. Not a "push notification" for the user, but for the app itself. How should I do this?

In general, it's not possible for a server to directly contact an app running on a mobile device (since the device might be behind firewalls or NAT). Instead, the mobile device usually makes a connection to the server, and the server responds with any information available for the device.
This is basically how APNS notifications work, except that Apple has already done most of the infrastructure work for you. Push notifications take very little battery power, and since iOS can batch requests for all apps at once, each app does not need to make its own connection to a server somewhere.
If you implement this yourself, you will need to learn about a technology such as long polling. If you're very new to web technologies, you might consider getting some help making the web server side work.


How to develop automatically missed call reply messenger iOS mobile application [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Nowadays I am thinking about a mobile application (specially for iPhone) and trying to build it for personal use and of course will allow to others too. I want to develop such application, suppose I have iPhone device.
My iPhone get missed call in the absence of me and in that that case suppose I missed some urgent call and I really did not want to miss them. So that my device should have automatically sent messages to them all that I could not receive those calls in due to my absence and message would be like "I am unavailable right now, please call me back or wait for my call".
So all that was the idea of mine I want to develop such mobile application, I would keep each think in my mind like don't send unnecessary reply even not needed. I'll look to the UI part also. That's why I am studying AddressBook frame and all related tutorial, and gathering all required thing to go ahead. But before going ahead on coding part.
Apple doesn't have any public (developer-accessible) API's that allow what you are trying to do (either sending a SMS or a voice mail response back to somebody saying "I'm not available" or "I will be available in 2 hours").
Nor would Apple likely allow an app like this onto the app store if you wanted to sell or make it available to other people aside from your personal device, as apps that interface with phone functionality may violate some countries' privacy laws, not to mention Apple's own privacy guidelines.

How to create an iPhone app with Instant messaging functionality between users [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I was wondering how to create an app for iOS which includes IM through socket communication: what code I would need and more importantly, how to set up a server.
I am aware of keywords like 'XMPP/Jabber Bot' but most of the information I have come across is a mix between Desktop and Mobile applications, I would like to a create a mobile application.
The server needs to be able to push notifications, send only text between devices, and deal with logins/creating independent user accounts. I would like to make this server myself so I do not have to pay a monthly fee, I was looking to create a server using something like a Raspberry Pi. Of course I would need to create a database for user information, as far as I am aware I would need PHP and MySQL. I am also unsure whether the database is part of the server, and how I would go about giving the server high storage or bandwidth.
All information would be extremely helpful, thank you in advance.
What you need is to implement XMPP protocol. Jabber is a open source project which implemented this protocol. You need to run a eJabber server on your machines and a XMPP compliant client on your client machines. a connection is kept open between 2 people who chat and messages are pushed to the server and from server to other client(s).
Check this Building a Jabber Client for iOS: XMPP Setup. It has more than enough help to get you going...

Calling Web-services With Telstra 3G Connection on iPhone is not working [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I am an IOS developer.
In my latest application I am showing a list of videos fetched from my server.
I am using xml based Web-Service to fetch the data of the videos to show on the application.
I am using SOAP Post Method and also HTTP Post method here.
It's working well in every network.
Even when I am using Telstra sim and connect the wi-fi it's working good.
But whenever I switch to Telstra 3G Connection my application is not working any more,it's not getting the data back from the web-services, though other applications like gmail, Facebook is working fine with this Telstra 3G Connection.
Can any one help me to find out why this web-service is not working particularly with Telstra 3G Connection?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Receiving text and email [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I need to know if it is possible to develop an application to read and reply to SMS and email. If so, how could this be done (what library/class needs to be used). I've searched all apps there isn't an app that does this. There's only an app that requires you to set your email and constantly checks for new message however SMS I'm not sure if there's an app that does this thereby I'm not sure if it could be done. Thanks,
Without a jailbroken iPhone, no. You can't interact with the other native applications beyond what the APIs provide (i.e. accessing the photos and media library). Like the other e-mail application, you could fake the e-mail situation by requiring them to provide you their servers and credentials. However, you really can't access the SMS history nor respond to them.

IPhone creating a chat application [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 9 years ago.
I want to create a chat sort of application on the iphone. I know how I would go about implementing a poll model, where the iphone would poll the server to see if any messages have arrived and if they have it can retrieve them and show them to the user. However im more intersted in a push model, where the server pushes new messages to the iphone and it displays it to the user. The part im having a hard time figuring out is how to go about opening some permanent connection on the phone that will listen for incoming messages...Any suggestions or comments would be appriciated..
The iPhone 3 SDK has push support built in. Basically, all messages that need to be pushed (from all apps) go to Apple's server, which maintains a persistent connection to the user's iphone. The upside is that you dont have to worry about it and your app can get updates even when its not running (so like, from the home screen). The downside is that your data has to go through Apple's server.