Can adhoc distribution build be given by 2 developers? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 9 years ago.
We IPhone team are 3.Each has developer certificate and can debug from devices. But only one account has the access to build for Adhoc distribution.
So, Can we have 3 distribution profiles for all three. So any one can build Adhoc distribution with there profiles.(Not by exporting one account to all). If yes, can U please provide the steps.

You guys need ONE common account at Apple's devleoper portal. (you may have more but one you need to share)
That is the one which owns the app id of your app.
All three of you shold have team accounts within that one developer account. The first one, administrator per default, will invite the others.
Each of you will then go though the signature certification process. (starting with issuing a CSR from your macs)
In addition to the usual process the administrator has to approve the individual's certificates if I'm not much mistaken. However, Apples developer provisioning portal will guide you through.
Then you need to include all the signature certificates into the distribution profile (just by clicking check boxes), re-issue and download the profile.
Each of you loads that profile into his xcode's organizer and each signes his code with his onw credentials.
Sounds complicated. In fact it is not much more complicated than the whole nasty process as such. And there is no need to export one's private keys and import them into the other's macs.


How to charge previous (When my app was free) user after make it paid? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
My iphone app was free for long term. I ve made it paid any more . But i want to charge people who already owns it if they want to update, i dont want to allow them to get updates unless they pay. I ve seen some apps are asking for paid uptades but i dont know how to do that, any idea ?
You really can't do this, as it goes against Apple's payment model. The only way to do this is to lock your content and make it available via in-app purchase.
Call that one the free version and don't update it anymore (except for bug fixes) and create a new program and start charging for it.
Well, what you see in this other app for sure is just an in-app purchase.
All you have to do is to hide all your functionality behind if statements (if (fullVersionBought) {...}), and implement an in-app purchase that unlocks the features. You can then prompt the users to upgrade when they start your app.
For implementing in-app purchases, you can have a look here, it's not that hard:
This way, all users of your app cannot access the functionality anymore, except when they buy the upgrade to the full version. Whether that's a good idea is another question, it might annoy quite some of your users to not be able to use any functionality anymore and being forced to pay all of a sudden.

How can give my app to client for testing [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
hi i am developing an iphone app for a client who lives outside my country.
The client wants to check out the app every time i complete a functionality in order to note my progress and to suggest necessary changes.
How can give my app to client for testing before the project is completely done .
You can give them ADHOC or testing versions of your app.
It can be relatively easy to do on your own (and the instructions are easily found on Apple's "iOS Provisioning Portal", or there are also some services available from third parties online that make the process even more straighforward. I've heard good things about TestFlight, for example.
I suggest you to create an ad-hoc certificate. Then use xcode to create your archive.
ps: You need the UDIDs of your client iPhones to add the devices to the portal.
You can do it in this way-
1) Add the UDIDs of your client and use the particular profile and certificates to build your app.
2) Create a signed .ipa and .plist files.(Distribute for enterprise option).
3) Simpler way to distribute it as you can put it on the dropbox and attach it in an html file.
4) Send your client the public link of that html page you've put on dropbox.
Hope it helps. :)

How to create a test account for development purpose [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to create a test account for creating a application. How should I go about it? I referred to a tutorial and it seems like I will be needing an application id and a secret to create an account. I have read the doc page for Test users and could not make much sense. Would be a great help if someone could point me in the right direction
You need to create a facebook application first:
then add test users to the application:
However I suspect this kind of "test user" isn't what you actually mean/need. You have to use your personal profile to set up the app and do the majority of your testing with - you aren't permitted to create more than one real profile. If you put your new app into sandbox mode then everything will be hidden anyway.
If you are new to facebook dev, maybe spend some time reading the documentation and looking through the examples first.

New app in Facebook, needs approval? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I´m programming an app in Facebook. My code is ready but I don´t know if my app needs to be approved or something like that.
A Facebook application does normally not need to go through any approval process to go public, all you need to do is to switch Sandbox mode to disabled.
To find the Sandbox Mode setting:
Go yo your application dashboard.
Select the application you wish to publish.
Click edit app.
Go to Settings -> Advanced.
It should be here under the Authentication category.
The only times you need to go through a approval process are:
When you add an open graph activity which isn't standard.
When you apply for the advanced Marketing API.
About a year ago, there was an option to "send your application to the catalog" (or similiar), now I can't see it.
Just remember to disable sandbox mode and that should be all.

Error in making the build [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 11 years ago.
I have prepared the build for the iPhone app that I have recently built.
The built had been successfully created but it is not being installed on my device.
I am not able to figure out the problem.
Can anyone please suggest me what might be the problem.
Since your error is
A valid provisioning profile could not
be found
This means that you have not (correctly) installed a provisioning profile.
You cannot deploy an app onto a device without a valid provisioning profile. To obtain one, you must first register with Apple and pay them $99. Then you can create a profile through the developer portal and follow the detailed instructions to load the profile into Xcode, and subsequently install it and the app on the device.