console error trying to install mapping software for ios app - iphone

I am following this guide here
Route-Me Offline Mapping from Database
I am on step 1 where I am installing the app that I will use to capture the maptiles for my ios map.. however I am reciving an error when I execute the last line
make install
generates this error in my console
ERROR: Can't create '/Library/Perl/5.12/Geo/OSM'
mkdir /Library/Perl/5.12/Geo: Permission denied at /System/Library/Perl/5.12/ExtUtils/ line 494
at -e line 1
make: *** [pure_site_install] Error 13
I am not sure what this error means or how to fix it as I don't normally play around in the console.. but in order to achieve the out come I would like with my app I need some help figuring this out.
Any and all help would be appreciated.

It's a permissions problem. You can give yourself temporary root access using the sudo command (reference).
Try the following:
$ sudo make install


why I am receiving the errors, when I want to launch my app?

this is that error that I received.
Error:- ADB exited with exit code 1
Performing Streamed Install
adb:- failed to install F:\My Project\FirstApp\build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app.apk: Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES: Failed to collect certificates from /data/app/vmdl1367571730.tmp/base.apk using APK Signature Scheme v2: SHA-256 digest of contents did not verify]
try to install adb manually on your windows.
I think this problem is occurred because your devise storage is full first of all make free space in your device after that try again. it will work.

Ionic serve throws this error code help please

Ionic serve throughs the error below when I run it.
When I change color of tabs with default settings like from stable ---> to positive it works and makes the changes but when i try to override it with my custom color nothing change for example if i try to make positive variable red nothing changes.
any one can help ?
throw er; // Unhandled stream error in pipe.
Error: EACCES, open '/Users/cabdifitaaraden/Desktop/Lasoco/www/css/
I had this error as well when running the ionic serve command.
I think it's just a permissions thing as using sudo solved it for me sudo ionic serve.
Did you run Sass setup with sudo rights? (sudo ionic setup sass)
If so, the files that were generated by Sass are not accessible with standard user rights due to a permission issue.
You have two options:
a) run ionic serve with sudo rights: sudo ionic serve
b) fix the problem by changing the owner of the following files:
You can do this with the chown command. Here's a one-liner that does the job (just adjust yourUser to your user account name):
sudo chown -Rv yourUser www/css

Error when installing Mojolicious

I'm getting the following error when trying to install Mojolicious with curl:
mkdir /home/vagrant/perl5/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi/auto/Mojolicious: Permission denied at /usr/share/perl/5.14/ExtUtils/ line 494
at -e line 1
make: *** [pure_site_install] Error 13
-> FAIL Installing Mojolicious failed. See /home/vagrant/.cpanm/work/1406757030.29416/build.log for details. Retry with --force to force install it.
The command I'm running is:
sudo curl -L | perl - Mojolicious
Is there a right way to go about this? I've made a lot of directories permissions to 777 previously as I was getting permission denied errors for other directories before this (/home/vagrant/perl5/bin & /home/vagrant/perl5/lib for example) and not sure if this is the right way to continue solving this issue.
Please advise, thank you
After updating to version 5.16 using perlbrew, I got the following when trying to run mojo generate lite_app
It looks like you don't have the Mojolicious framework installed.
Please visit for detailed installation instructions.
I was able to install the mojolicious 5.22 distribution successfully, not sure why I'm getting this error

Having trouble installing atheme

I'm trying to set up an IRC server using charbdyis and atheme. Charbdyis installed just fine, but I ran into an error while trying to run $ make install on atheme. It runs and I get the error:
/usr/bin/install: ‘’ and ‘/home/nick/atheme/modules/api/’ are the same file
make[2]: *** [install] Error 1
make[1]: *** [install] Error 2
make: *** [install] Error 2
I've tried googling for this problem, but it seems my Google-fu isn't strong enough. Any help or suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
you need to set a different install target to the build location.
When running configure, you can specify --prefix which specifies the install location to place atheme to when running 'make install'.
The same goes for most programs built using autotools.
It is also recommended that you set the prefix to a location within your home directory and run atheme as an unprivileged user, as this is a more secure configuration and root privileges are not required for irc services.
There is more information on ./configure --prefix in the following answered question: Linux configure/make, --prefix?

Error when deploying custom module sugarcrm

I encountered an error in sugarcrm while deploying a custom module.
ERROR: rmdir_recursive(): argument custom/modulebuilder/packages/PointsRedemption is not a file or a dir.
Please help.
Probably a permissions issue, try sudo chmod -R 777 custom/modulebuilder to see if that's what's going on. A better permission setting is probably 755 with the user/group matching whatever the webserver is running as, usually something like www-data:www-data.