why I am receiving the errors, when I want to launch my app? - flutter

this is that error that I received.
Error:- ADB exited with exit code 1
Performing Streamed Install
adb:- failed to install F:\My Project\FirstApp\build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app.apk: Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES: Failed to collect certificates from /data/app/vmdl1367571730.tmp/base.apk using APK Signature Scheme v2: SHA-256 digest of contents did not verify]

try to install adb manually on your windows.

I think this problem is occurred because your devise storage is full first of all make free space in your device after that try again. it will work.


Failed to log metrics

There is no Buildtime or runtime error on my code. however, when I run the code it says succeeded and a black screen comes up.
I get the following on my console after successfully running the app.
2022-03-09 20:52:47.780476+1100 Firebaseauth[13847:7411556] [boringssl] boringssl_metrics_log_metric_block_invoke(151) Failed to log metrics.
Any idea what it could be??
I can't take credit for this but found a working answer from Evgeny Karkan in this post:
Open a terminal and execute this command:
xcrun simctl spawn booted log config --subsystem com.apple.network --category boringssl --mode "level:off"
After running the above in a terminal, my issue went away and I did not see it again! I am running Xcode 14.1

Error1 upload failure vscode: "ser_open(): can't open device ".\COM11""

I'm trying to upload my code to an arduino leonardo using VSCode + Platformio IDE.
As I connect the mC its been detected in port COM 10. tring to upload it tries to force the port for the upload but then it rejected and the shown faillure appears on another port ( COM 11 here for the case). the weird thing is that, on some other Laptops, the upload is running normally and the mC is working. I tried in other ports on my laptop and other devices and other mCs to check if the usb is working well and its the case.
I have the following error as output :
avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device ".\COM11": The specified file can not be found.
avrdude done. Thank you.
*** [upload] Error 1
== [FAILED] Took 23.53
I'll be very greatful if someone can help.

runtime error due to sock_open failure TPM-Emulator

I've recently setup and installed (after much finicking around to get around the seemingly common SSL error) the Mario Strasser TPM emulator.
Setting it up to run with modprobe tpmd_dev and then tpmd worked fine, however, once it was running I wanted to begin working on some code to interact with it and ran the test_tddl file, only to find that it fails to open the /dev/tpm file. after a little digging around I've found that it's a failure due to a sock_connect() call fails. Have I gone wrong with setting up the emulator somewhere? I'm running on ubuntu 16.04 on a virtual box VM
The error given upon running test_tddl is Error: Tddli_Open() failed: operation failed (0002)
and the error given in dmesg isError: sock_connect() failed: -2
Im an idiot, if anyone else runs into this problem, ensure that your running both tpmd and test_tddl as root, or else the programs will be unable to open the socket required.

LIRC irsend: could not connect to socket irsend: No such file or directory

I am trying to configure LIRC to work with my Raspberry 2B and a circuit I build with a transistor and a IR transmitter as explained in this tutorial
After the installation of LIRC, I followed all the steps and I added these two lines in /etc/modules
lirc_rpi gpio_out_pin=36
Then I typed this in /etc/lirc/hardware.conf
After rebooting, I added the configuration of my Samsung remote (BN59-00516A) to /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
Then I restarted LIRC again but when I run a command to send a IR frequency
irsend SEND_ONCE Samsung_BN59-00865A KEY_POWER
it complains with the following error:
irsend: could not connect to socket
irsend: No such file or directory
I am guessing this is a problem with my device socket, because in the hardware.conf file I set
DEVICE = "/dev/lirc0"
(just because the tutorial states it), but lirc0 file isn't within the folder.
I couldn't find any other question related to this problem and google didn't help me much either. Does anyone have any hint on this?
After googling a lot, I found out an update is needed to have everything working properly. In my case I did:
apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, rpi-update
Also, as pointed out in this other tutorial, depending on the Raspberry firmware, you might need to add this to /boot/config.txt
Substitute X and Y for whatever pins you're using!
I had a similar problem and I solved it with this command:
sudo lircd --device /dev/lirc0
If you set the value of LIRCD_ARGS in /etc/lirc/hardware.conf to "--device /dev/lirc0", it should start lircd appropriately, when /etc/init.d/lirc is started at boot.
you need to run lircd. It will create two files (lircd and lircd.pid) at /var/run/lirc/:
I got the same error messages. But had all configurations done. The restart of the lirc daemon solved this issue by typing
$ sudo /etc/init.d/lirc restart
I think is useful to say that the gpio_in_pin=XX,gpio_out_pin=YY part of the /etc/modules can be double checked with
dmesg | grep lirc
which results in something like
[ 3.437499] lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 244
[ 5.472916] lirc_rpi: module is from the staging directory, the quality is unknown, you have been warned.
[ 6.621156] lirc_rpi: auto-detected active high receiver on GPIO pin 22
[ 6.622515] lirc_rpi lirc_rpi: lirc_dev: driver lirc_rpi registered at minor = 0
[ 6.622528] lirc_rpi: driver registered!
for /etc/modules containing
lirc_rpi gpio_in_pin=23 gpio_out_pin=22

console error trying to install mapping software for ios app

I am following this guide here
Route-Me Offline Mapping from Database
I am on step 1 where I am installing the app that I will use to capture the maptiles for my ios map.. however I am reciving an error when I execute the last line
make install
generates this error in my console
ERROR: Can't create '/Library/Perl/5.12/Geo/OSM'
mkdir /Library/Perl/5.12/Geo: Permission denied at /System/Library/Perl/5.12/ExtUtils/Install.pm line 494
at -e line 1
make: *** [pure_site_install] Error 13
I am not sure what this error means or how to fix it as I don't normally play around in the console.. but in order to achieve the out come I would like with my app I need some help figuring this out.
Any and all help would be appreciated.
It's a permissions problem. You can give yourself temporary root access using the sudo command (reference).
Try the following:
$ sudo make install