How can i sign out from twitter using ios5? - iphone

I have used Twitter framework for login and tweet from iphone app .Now i want logout when one switch is set off so how i can do this?
Can any one help.
Thanks in advance.

The Twitter.framework is a system wide implementation of Twitter and you can't log an user out since the user is logged in to twitter with just you app but the hole system.


Twitter Sign up screen

My question is two fold. Firstly the screen that gets generated when the user does not have a twitter account and clicks on the sign up button in (Native Twitter iPhone App) like the image below. Is it Default screen or is it created programmatically?
If it is default iOS Screen, then how do i get my app to generate it.
If it isn't then what process will I be following exactly to sign the user up with Twitter given I have his credentials
Thanks in advance
It is default screen. No need to add extra code for it. If you call twitter share and you weren't signed in, in twitter it will show a dialog box. click settings will navigate to twitter sign in.Clicking create new account will navigate to sign up page. There is a bug in twitter app in older versions of iPhone simulator.but in new iPhone simulator you can sign in , dont know sign up actually works.

Windows Phone Negative App getting Credentials from All ready Installed Facebook App in WP

I need a Help From You.
I Developing App with Login Credentials of Facebook. Im working with facebook authentication and it's working Properly.
But we want More Easy way.
If already Windows Phone Facebook App is Installed in my Phone, my App must take the Credentials from that FB App to My App.
Can Any One Help Me How can i do this.
Basically, you could refer to below links to achieve your goal.

How to add twitter follow button in my iPhone app?

Am developing an iPhone app. From my app user can to follow my twitter account. I want to add the Follow twitter button in my app. When the user press the button make the user to follow my twitter account. Before i didn't used any twitter api and twitter functionality so am struggling to make this. Can you please help me to follow another twitter user account from the app itself? Thanks in advance.
Without plugging into another twitter app or anything you could probably open a URL to do the job.
- (IBAction)followMeOnTwitter:(id)sender {
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"<twitter_screen_name>"]];
Just replace the end of that URL with your twitter account name, and it should open to follow that account in the browser. Be sure to connect your button to "followMeOnTwitter" by including it in your view's .h file.

AUTO Sign in to facebook iphone

I am developing an app for iphone which needs to read all the information from a particular group for which I am a member. Is it possible to auto sign and get access token and access the group information on Facebook and display to user. I don't mind saving my login credentials in code. I want users to get a smooth experience with no hassles of logging in.
Is this possible ..??? How ?
THanks in advance...
you can try [_session resume] using this if once user logged in then app won't ask again for login until you forcefully logout the user using [_session logout]. For more info download facebook ios sdk from github and try to read the sample app.

How to use facebook connect in an iphone app

I have looked at the facebook iphone api and watched the tutorial they offer but an not sure if one needs to have a facebook app as well to be able to connect an iphone app to facebook.
I would like to allow my users to be able to share things on their profile. e.g. set their status from within my iphone app.
How is this done?
Try the Facebook iPhone SDK
You need to register your application to use the API.
Authentication Docs