Windows Phone Negative App getting Credentials from All ready Installed Facebook App in WP - facebook

I need a Help From You.
I Developing App with Login Credentials of Facebook. Im working with facebook authentication and it's working Properly.
But we want More Easy way.
If already Windows Phone Facebook App is Installed in my Phone, my App must take the Credentials from that FB App to My App.
Can Any One Help Me How can i do this.

Basically, you could refer to below links to achieve your goal.


Under Review Android App, Facebook login is not working

I am developing an application which has social login. I have setup my application with Facebook Developers platform. When I try to login using facebook it says Facebook login is currently unavailable. After searching solution here I came ton know that my should have public,profile & email advance access. During going for advance access for these two I received an error that my app url to play store is broken. My app is still under review by google play store. So, should I have to wait till my application gets live and I got a working play store url?

How can I determine if an app was installed from a Facebook Ad?

We have a multiplatform service and we give our users a 30 day trial. A user can sign up on iOS, use the web version and finally do the payment on Android... even if it's weird, its a possible. The database is shared between all platforms
We are using Facebook Ads to generate App installs but we don't know how to do the conversions' attribution properly. The main problem is that if, for example, a user install the app from a Facebook app but he end up paying from the web version we lost track that the origin of this user was the ad.
I would like to know if it's possible to determine using the Facebook SDK, on the first run of the app, if the user comes from a Facebook Ad and in that case I would store that information in our database to do the attribution once the purshase is done. Any ideas?
Many thanks in advance!

facebook app doesn't auth for my app

I have a problem to connect facebook app with my app.
I don't know much about facebook sdk, so I simply copy & paste from the facebook sample app.
(i only need upload image with some text).
it works well unless facebook app is installed on the device, but if a device has facebook app, it seems like can't get the login information.
I think it is because of facebook app doesn't ask auth for my app unlike safari browser.
What do I have to do?
Please Download the latest version of Facebook app (4.1.1) from app store. The Single Sign On(SSO) only supports in the latest version of Facebook application.

Facebook doesn't ask permissions of users in my iPhone app

I have an iPhone app using Facebook connect. When I test it on the iPhone simulator, because I don't have facebook application installed on the simulator. It runs the facebook webview and ask me permissions and everything works fine.
However, when I try it on my iPhone device, I have the facebook application and it runs my app but doesn't ask me permissions for my app. Then I get facebook didnotlogin.
Anyone know what is the problem? I probably missed something.
i think may be you are using the older version of FB connect if not using the oath then use the new version of fb connect or check out the web view error log you can get some error log from there .
My bundle id for native IOS wasn't correct.

iOS Facebook connect not working when user has FB's app installed? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
iOS: Connect to Facebook without leaving the app for authorization
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Has anyone else had this problem? I'm getting this error when trying to authorize a user via FB, I think I've isolated it only when a user has installed the Facebook app:
If you delete the FB app from the user's phone, our app will then try to authenticate via Safari, and everything works fine.
Thanks so much.
Yup, we were getting this as well.
It occurs when your bundle identifier does not match the one configured as part of your facebook application. Copy your bundle-id from your plist, and update the iOS Bundle ID value on facebook
PS: Check out for good facebook help.
I got the same issue. I Removed the facebook app from the phone and it started to work again.
I then installed the facebook app and my app kept working.
So looks like it only works fine if the app is installed before the facebook app and leads me to think it is a facebook app problem.
I didn't tried with Safari, but I had the same error message from facebook app.
My problem was from my application bundle, which must be exactly the same as in your facebook app configuration (first field of facebook iOS app configuration).
Make sure your application bundle id is set correctly on your app's Facebook page.
check out this answer
Authentication Fails with Facebook App Installed (iOS)
for reference.