AUTO Sign in to facebook iphone - facebook

I am developing an app for iphone which needs to read all the information from a particular group for which I am a member. Is it possible to auto sign and get access token and access the group information on Facebook and display to user. I don't mind saving my login credentials in code. I want users to get a smooth experience with no hassles of logging in.
Is this possible ..??? How ?
THanks in advance...

you can try [_session resume] using this if once user logged in then app won't ask again for login until you forcefully logout the user using [_session logout]. For more info download facebook ios sdk from github and try to read the sample app.


Under Review Android App, Facebook login is not working

I am developing an application which has social login. I have setup my application with Facebook Developers platform. When I try to login using facebook it says Facebook login is currently unavailable. After searching solution here I came ton know that my should have public,profile & email advance access. During going for advance access for these two I received an error that my app url to play store is broken. My app is still under review by google play store. So, should I have to wait till my application gets live and I got a working play store url?

Save Spotify logged in user session in iPhone

I am implementing Spotify in iPhone. After the user is logged in to the Spotify in my application, I want to keep the user as logged in until he click logout button, ie, even after the application terminate and relaunch, I should get the session. How can we implement it. Please help.
You need to read this Forum
Save Spotify Session
And also read remember credentials
Enjoy Programming

Google+ OAuth2 on iPhone how to logout

I am writing an APP where students can login using goole+. I followed GOOGLE Developer and successfully logged in and obtained the user profile information. Now I am trying to logout. I deleted the Application, signed out of all google accounts on safari , iPhone , cleared cookies, history logged in with a different google id but even after all the steps I am getting a refresh Token from google and it is returning me the same user profile with which I logged in of the first time. I know it has an expiration time but I wondering is there no ways to log out of it before the accessToekn expires on its own.
First, are you using the Google+ Platform iOS SDK? This is your best resource for iOS development with the Google+ Platform API.
Then you'll have access to functions such as signOut, which clears out the OAuth 2.0 token from the keychain.
(Sometimes I wonder if anyone reads these posts before they answer)
To log out, in Google+ on IOS (Iphone, IPad, etc.), in G+ got to settings (Google+ settings, NOT device settings) and select SIGN OUT. That simple.

How can i sign out from twitter using ios5?

I have used Twitter framework for login and tweet from iphone app .Now i want logout when one switch is set off so how i can do this?
Can any one help.
Thanks in advance.
The Twitter.framework is a system wide implementation of Twitter and you can't log an user out since the user is logged in to twitter with just you app but the hole system.

how to avoid twitter already authorized on the device using share kit in iphone sdk

I used sharekit for twitter integration in my app. That works fine on the simulator. But on the device , for the first time it allows me to login into the twitter . Now i deleted the app from the device and create new build and deploy that into device again. Now it shows already authorized for twitter , not able to login even i deploy the new build on the device
Any avoid this.
Thanks in advance..
The data for Sharekit's Twitter implementation are stored in the user's keychain when you run on the device. Because of this, deleting the app will not delete the token for Twitter stored in the keychain by Sharekit. When you delete and reinstall the app, it's still reading from the keychain and picking up the old credentials. You need to implement the logout functionality. The implementation is pretty simple. You just call
[SHKTwitter logout];
Check out the ShareKit documentation for details and options.