How to use facebook connect in an iphone app - iphone

I have looked at the facebook iphone api and watched the tutorial they offer but an not sure if one needs to have a facebook app as well to be able to connect an iphone app to facebook.
I would like to allow my users to be able to share things on their profile. e.g. set their status from within my iphone app.
How is this done?

Try the Facebook iPhone SDK
You need to register your application to use the API.
Authentication Docs


can people see Facebook IOS app on their facebook?

I've created an IOS app as a Facebook Developer. So my question:
Are people able to see the app when they go into their Facebook - like in the Browser? Or are Facebook IOS apps only something that you can see in the actual app on the iphone/iPad that I'm creating?
Depending on whether the Facebook developer configured a canvas facing site will show what the end user will see.
Any application made by a third party once set to public in app settings can be viewed by anyone.
If you app is made for iOS then either the user will see a misconfigured webpage or dialog asking whether the user wants to send to mobile. All of this of course depends on how the the developer of the application sets everything.
See the documentation for detailed information

Facebook share kit ios

I have implemented Facebook share kit to my app and it works as intended, but if the user installed Facebook official iPhone app it messes up my app because it logins through Facebook iPhone app instead of share kit default login. Is there way to make share kit ignore Facebook official iPhone app?
No, there is no such method. You just have to use the latest Facebook API provided by the Apple. That may solve your problem of not detecting the login from app.

Possible to use the native facebook app to log into a mobile html5 app? On the iPhone

I'm trying to have my html5 site open the native iPhone Facebook app to authenticate users.
The site currently uses OAuth 2 on the server side - so it redirects everyone to the web version of Facebook. This is a problem because I dont want to force people to log in on a tiny keyboard.
Can you get the html5 app to open in Safari and authenticate through the native FB app?
If this is not possible with Facebook is it possible with Twitter apps? What is the experience like on android?
I do know that you can authenticate between a native iPhone app and the native Facebook app.
Yes you can do this just use the boilerplate code in facebook developers section of the site and following the guide exactly... I have tried this and it worked for me you just need to find a way to connect your oAuth to this...

Unlisted facebook connect app

How do I make my facebook connect app unlisted? I don't want people to be able to search facebook for an app and find my facebook connect app. But I don't want to use sandbox mode as anybody that comes to my site needs to be able to use the facebook connect app.

How do you get your app to appear on the Facebook Mobile Application? (specifically iPhone)

We have a popular Facebook Application and a version of our App for the iPhone. I was wondering how we can make our Application appear in the "Apps" Section on the new Facebook iPhone app. On my iPhone I currently see links to the App store for Pixable, Badoo, Airbnb, Foursquare and WhoisNear iPhone Application.
I have filled out the Native iOS App settings in the Developer section on Facebook (including adding the Bundle ID and the iPhone app store ID) several weeks ago thinking it took a while to update, but still nothing shows up on my iPhone app.
Any help would be appreciated.
Screenshot of where we want our app to show up:
Edit your Application Settings and on the Basic Settings specify a Mobile Web URL for your Mobile Web integration. You should be able to set the URL to your app's iTunes URL.
Fill out the iOS information within the admin settings of your application, which also means they are using the same application id. You also have to have granted at least the basic permissions via connect on the app, and have the app installed on the phone.