Crystal select expert - crystal-reports

Is it possible to use the Select Expert to generate a filter so my reports only show results when a certain OLE Image is visible.
we currently have three OLE images (shown below)
I want to generate a filter to create a report that only shows one of any particular OLE Image. (just the results that have a red X against it)
Is there a way of differentiating between OLE Images?
If you require any more information I will try and get it as soon as possible. thank you in advance!

Because the images are completely dependent on {PROD_Product.Traffic_Status}, you can just filter the report according to this field. If you wanted to only display the rows with the red X for example, you could just add {PROD_Product.Traffic_Status}=0 to your record selection formula (basically, the inverse of the conditional suppression formula for the images).
In reality, you'll probably just want to create a numerical parameter that contains the choices 0, 1, or 2 to represent the different traffic statuses/images and filter according to that {PROD_Product.Traffic_Status}={?Traffic Status Parameter}


Report labels match a dropdown in report builders

I have a report that is designed to allow users who aren't proficient in Tableau visualize data in the form of a bar graph. There are some drop downs on the side that allow them to select some dimensions. These dimensions then populate the graph. The labels in the graph, however, do not match the dimension name selected, and I was curious how to do this. So for instance on the right hand side Dimension 1 is set to Item Subcategory, and I'd like it to say that in the graph as well, instead of being labeled Dimension 1.
The drop downs on the right are generated from this code in the dimension itself:
If anyone has any ideas on how to do this, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
The way I would do this would be to hide the column headers on the sheet itself, or edit their aliases to just a bunch of spaces so it appears blank.
You can then create a sheet with the Dimension 1 parameter on the Text shelf, formatted to look like a column header (or formatted however you want it to look), and add that sheet to the dashboard as a floating sheet. Repeat for the other two dimension parameters, position the sheet above the column so it looks like the header, and there you go! Whenever the parameter changes, the column header will change to match too.
I would note that this only works if the sheet is on a fixed-size dashboard, since floating sheets don't usually play nice with auto-sizing dashboards.

How to combine text field and graphic element in jasper report

I have requirement to show data in table column in a way to graphically represent severity of value. Meaning, depending on data value in range 1-10, I should show different color circle together with value, as shown on image.
Any idea what is the best way how to do this in jasper report template. Not sure if it is possible to use ellipse graphic element for this.

How to pickup a shape based on a cell text in tableau reports

I am not a tableau developer but i am just a user of tableau reports. My engineer is telling something is not possible so wanted to take experts suggestions and help to solve the problem.
My requirement is simple. We need to build a report in tableau with 4 columns and the last column should contain a color coded arrows (R,G,Y) representing the data trend (Up/Continuous/Down). The data will change frequently and the input source is excel sheet. My engineer is suggesting that, everytime we have to manually set those shapes in the 4th column, once the report is generated from the excel (basically from the first 3 columns only). I dont like to have a manual intervention everytime in tableau since i am not good at building/editing reports and its not a best practice to automate something.
In below picture the last column is the one i wanted to automatically generated based on excel sheets data.
My suggestion to him is to add the 4 column with data as below and in tableau bring the shapes accrodingly using some kind of a formula or so.
GC = Green continuous
GU = Green upwards trend
GD = Green downwards trend.. followed with different color codes (Green/Red/Yellow) as per data.
Is that possible in Tableau? If so any suggestions here would be greatly appreciated.
It is definitely possible, as long as you have a formula that can produce the GC, GU, etc. values. Then it is simply a matter of mapping your custom values to relevant shapes (which is a simple manual one-off step in Tableau). If built-in shapes are not sufficient, you can add custom ones. Some types of shapes can also be colored dynamically, based on another formula.
Use Tableau Help or Google/Tableau Forum to find out how to do all of this.

How to modify Chart legends in Excel 2013

I am trying to create a chart in Excel 2013 from a subset of data within a larger report. All the examples show using the headers to create the legend on the chart, but since I am just using select rows in the report, I can't utilize the headers. Is there any way to directly modify the legend, or even indirectly. I am open to any suggestions. Basically, I have a row with multiple data points that I want to graph. The title works out okay, but the legend just indicates 1 and 7 (the columns I am charting). Since I don't want to graph the entire report, I don't seem to be able to capture the column headings.
The words in the legend are sourced from the series name. You can point the series name to any cell in the spreadsheet. In the screenshot, the original series names were one, two and three. In the series definition, they got re-pointed to the cells that say blue, red and green.
Depending on your data and requirements this can be made dynamic.

Need more control over Pentaho PI chart slices

Pentaho gives you the option of easily generating a PI chart using it's report designer. I have a query that can return the following values
Over Inflated
Under Inflated
Within Specification
These values will each represent a slice within the PI chart. I have two problems.
Problem number 1
I have a query returning the following,
Over Inflated
Within Specification
Within Specification
Over Inflated
Over Inflated
Over Inflated
Note that the results do not include a single value that is equal to Under Inflated. This will result in a pie chart as indicated below.
I need the pie chart to indicate to the user that there is also a third slice represented within this chart (Under Inflated). Even though the value for Under Inflated records is 0%.
Problem number 2
Pentaho gives you the option to specify the colors of the slices. I need to link the colors of the slices to a specific value. For instance Over Inflated should be displayed as red, Under Inflated should be displayed as orange and Within Specification should be displayed as green.
Is there any way in Pentaho to do this?
There is no easy way to bind colours in PRD other than by ensuring the data is in a consistent sort, and defining the colours in that order - i.e. it wont always work.
However saying that you can bind the actual data values if you use a beanshell chart processing script.
To get the 0% slice appear you just ensure your data set returns it. So the best way to do this is just to outer join from your dimensions to the actual data, then you'll always get the 3 values - even if one is zero.
If you want more/ultimate control you could move to ccc charts. PRD is moving to ccc charts in the future anyway - but unfortunately the only way to use these currently would be to link via CGG - not a perfect scenario (not least of all because that needs a running server too). But a possibility.