How to combine text field and graphic element in jasper report - jasper-reports

I have requirement to show data in table column in a way to graphically represent severity of value. Meaning, depending on data value in range 1-10, I should show different color circle together with value, as shown on image.
Any idea what is the best way how to do this in jasper report template. Not sure if it is possible to use ellipse graphic element for this.


Report labels match a dropdown in report builders

I have a report that is designed to allow users who aren't proficient in Tableau visualize data in the form of a bar graph. There are some drop downs on the side that allow them to select some dimensions. These dimensions then populate the graph. The labels in the graph, however, do not match the dimension name selected, and I was curious how to do this. So for instance on the right hand side Dimension 1 is set to Item Subcategory, and I'd like it to say that in the graph as well, instead of being labeled Dimension 1.
The drop downs on the right are generated from this code in the dimension itself:
If anyone has any ideas on how to do this, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
The way I would do this would be to hide the column headers on the sheet itself, or edit their aliases to just a bunch of spaces so it appears blank.
You can then create a sheet with the Dimension 1 parameter on the Text shelf, formatted to look like a column header (or formatted however you want it to look), and add that sheet to the dashboard as a floating sheet. Repeat for the other two dimension parameters, position the sheet above the column so it looks like the header, and there you go! Whenever the parameter changes, the column header will change to match too.
I would note that this only works if the sheet is on a fixed-size dashboard, since floating sheets don't usually play nice with auto-sizing dashboards.

How to get the values in the same column in Tableau?

Hi ,
Sorry for blur image! As We can see for Conversion Attrition ,Converted ,Remaining - some values are there!But it's dividing ,I need the values in the same column.
I have done this but the division is coming ! I need help here ! Thanks in advance.
If you want to reduce the number of column headers, remove some discrete (blue) fields from the columns shelf. If you want to reduce the number of row headers, remove some discrete (blue) fields from the rows shelf.
Depending on your data shape and values, you might want to put the fields you take off those shelfs onto another shelf, such as the text shelf.
The easiest approach is treat understanding Tableau as a series of experiments and learn from them -- i.e. if I do this, what does Tableau do in response? In this case, the discrete fields on the rows and columns axis define the row and column headers for your viz, dividing the view into panes and cells.
You have to also keep aware of which fields you are treating as dimensions in your view. That will determine the level of detail of the viz and the number of marks.

show each column in the cross-tab in different background color -Tableau

I am Creating a Cross-tab with Tableau Desktop 10.0.
I need to show each column in the cross-tab in different background color. How to do this tableau. I have read about a method using calculated columns, but i am looking for other options. Also is it possible differentiate each columns with a line?
Thanks for help
I'm not sure what you mean by calculated columns but the only way I know is to use a dummy Measure in the columns shelf and then place the actual measure you want on the Text pill. Set the marks to Bar and increase the size to full. Each Measure will have its own dummy Measure in the column shelf. Take a look at this example.
As for differentiating each column with a line, you can do this by going Format > Borders > Column and adjust the Column Divider.

tableau - color text dimension according to other dimension value

I have 2 dimensions (one is BUG_ID, the other is severity).
I have defined a specific color for each possible severity (blocker == red, normal= orange...)
I am using a table and I want to color the BUG_ID dimension value (the text) according to the color defined for reach severity for example:
I have tried several things but cannot figure out how to do it.
Any idea ?
Generally Tableau is a data visualisation tool, so if you want to create graphs of any kind it's great. If you want to create a table and format text, stick to Excel!
You can drag all dimensions you would like to have in the rows shelf. eg: [Description] and [Status]. Now you can drag the [BUG_ID] onto "Text" in the Marks pane. That will display the bug ID, but it will be on the right of all other dimensions. And you won't be able to change it.
To color it, just drag [Severity] onto colur and choose the colors you want.

How to apply color dynamically in a header text box on Tablix SSRS

I did a ssrs report using Tablix Matrix control. I am designing that matrix with one column and many rows. That once column will repeat based on the group that i had from SP at run time. It works fine. But now I want to change the background color dynamically for the header text box of the tablix. Is it possible?
I need to do dynamically. Since I dont know how many column will get at run time. It depends upon the data from Stored Procedure.
Can any one help me out this?
You can set the background color for the textbox to an expression, just like any other text box. For example, something like this:
=Iif(Fields!MyHeader.Value = "AlertColumn", "#FF0000", "#FFFFFF")
This is a bit old post. But I can say that yes we can achive alternate row/Column background color on Matrix control.
Please take a look into Matrix row/column background color thred.