Using a CDN for a mobile Swift app - swift

I am currently developing a mobile app using Swift and wondering if someone could give their opinion about whether or not using a CDN is a good idea for some app images?
What I mean is, in the app the user will be able to achieve milestones/badges. The designs may change over time and I was thinking instead of embedding these in the app, put them on to a CDN and allow the app to call the CDN when needed and cache the response.
My concern with this is that in the app I provide 3 different sizes for each image and the app determines which size to use based on the users device. How would this work with online/CDN images? I don't really want to be downloading the largest image if I only need the smallest one.
I will be needing to store the profile image in a CDN so I need to go through the setup regardless but just didn't know about whats best practice for other app images. Things like tab images and other basic icons I will embed in the app but what about the images a user can achieve?
I realise this could be to broad a question and come down to personal opinion but really looking for some thoughts and if someone has come across the same "problem".

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What’s the best way to load content in an iOS app?

I am working on an iOS wallpapers app that lets users explore interesting wallpaper images. I am not sure, however, what the best way to load the images is. I would be most comfortable with a server less approach, as I would not have to worry about server upkeep. However, this means I’d have to include all the images in the app package which would be very heavy and not easy to add new content. I assume I will need to go the server route but am looking for a push in the right direction as to which service I should use, how much it will cost, and if I can support millions of users out of the gate. I am comfortable with Firebase but am not sure if that is the best option. Please help!
In your case keeping static images in your app sounds like a bad idea, for the reasons you listed. For a small project using Firebase Realtime Database or Cloud Firstore along with the Storage module would probably be the safest approach.
If you haven't already check out the Kingfisher (iOS) and Piccaso (Android) libraries to handle the image downloads.

Giving users access to images located in an Iphone application

First of all just let me say that this is my very first attempt at making an ios app so if everyone would treat me as a complete noob I would appreciate it.
After searching here and Google for 2 hours I decided to just ask, I realise that I've probably missed it somewhere so please don't bite my head off if it's located elsewhere.
So I was asked to design a gallery app for an artist where users could preview his work and then buy packages of high resolution images if they wanted. what I did was created one "main" free app with thumbnails of all the art organised into galleries. Each gallery has a purchase button which will link to a seperate app containing the high res images of that gallery. My problem is thus, I want to give users full access to the images. I.E. I don't want them to just be able to view them in app, I want them to be able to use the jpg's for whatever they want (wallpaper, websites, etc, etc).
What would the best way to do this? Add them to the iphone / ipad's gallery app? Just an external folder containing the images? And also how would one go about doing it, remember I built this entire thing using just the interface builder and have no idea how to code in objective c at all so please take this into account when responding.
Thank you in advance for any help, I'm getting desperate and the artist is getting impatient.
You are going to have to write some code (or find a programmer). It doesn't hurt (too much...)
Try looking at this question and see how far you get

iPhone :Can we add more than One application in a Single application

I do have an Idea to integrate with my application. I want to create multiple application within a single one application.
and application containing Weather application as well as image processing application + camera based application.
I want to know Is this thing possible with iphone application?
Please suggest me is this possible with iPhone app development and is it allowed by apple or not.
thanks for your suggestion in advance.
Consider these things as features. Weather information is a feature, image processing is another and camera in another. You can create any number of features in your app. If that is what you have meant by application then that is technically possible and seems also OK with Apple. This is not 3 different applications, rather it's one application with three different features. No matter how many features you have, iOS will treat that as a single application(a single app bundle with a single executable file).
But if are asking whether there is any way to combine separate applications(separate projects, separate app bundles with separate executables) then that is not possible.
Note: Personally I think adding completely different features in a single app is not a good idea.
Go to App Store and search for this app, App Tool Box - All in One. It's exactly the same structure as you mentioned in your post. And it only costs $0.99.
Sure, you can do it. I don't think Apple has anything against an app that does more than one thing. As long as none of those things breaks any of their rules.

Is it possible for a mobile webpage to capture a picture?

Assuming you built a page for each specific mobile browser (Android/iOS/BB/etc.), is it possible to have a web application capture an image and send it to the server for processing?
I'd like there to be "Nothing to install" for my application, but if I need to reach out to the hardware at all, I fear it's not possible.
There is the Video Capture API but I have no idea how widely spread addoption is at present and it is very new.
IF this api isn't avalible there isn't really much you can do other then asking users to upload it using a standard file upload and them to take the picture before hand.
This is one area that a native application would be far far better as intergeneration would be easier and more seamless for the user.

Single web app for all device?

When i create web app for all mobile devices, what are all things need to follow,
Is it enough to create single html app for all device?
Or, create every single app for a device based on web browser?
Is there any Framework has overcome above mentioned issues?
Thanks in advance,
No - different phone browser have different levels of HTML compliance. Compare iPhone/Android browser with, say, a 3 year old Nokia phone (that most corporate users probably have to use)
No - there are far too many browser/device/operator combinations for you to write individual web apps. This is known as the mobile web fragmentation problem.
Luckily yes - have a look at or These frameworks let you write one web app (within some limits). These frameworks will recognise the browser (through the User Agent) and output the most appropriate HTML for that device. They can also deal with issues like resizing images for lower end devices.
You need to be aware of the screen size as i think it's bad form to have to scroll left and right as well as up and down.
also, keep the page sizes small as your page may not be the only one open so you want to give users the ability to open more than a single page. also helps in speed and keeping the cost for the user down.
remember to have text size at a readable scale as mobiles are used not only stationary but also when in motion and being bumped around.