customized keypad on the iPhone Application - iphone

i have requirement of creating a applicartion will different language other than English. I research over then internet and found i would have to create my own iphone keypad for this.
I found this post very useful. I tried to make a custom keyboard but could not succeded. The application crashed as a press button of the custom keyboard. The button could not found its TouchUpInside event and crashes.
I know i am missing something and i am very close to this. Here is a sample application i made with XIB. Please anyone pull and install this sample app and let me know what is the mistake i am doing. I will update the code and will push again for others.
Thanx for the reply. Its 3 version will be released with 3 different languages. There is no switching of the languages because versions are different. Arabic version will show arebic keyboard only, French version will show french keyboard only and Farsi version will show farsi keyboard only. In my application above i have made a UIView that behaves like a keyboard on [textview becomeFirstResponder]; After then i put a arabic keypad image as UIImageView as a subview to it, I will put many buttons to it and will assign tags of these buttons to ASCII values and will track then pn buttpon click

You don't need to create a custom keyboard to use non-English languages. Whatever you've found through random web searches, stop using them and look at the official documentation in the developer library. In particular, Internationalization Programming Topics.

Here you go for a sample app I made using xib.
I created a protocol that works for 2 different view controllers textfields.


iOS - UIPickerView Dismiss with button or without a button?

Good Afternoon/Evening/Morning Folks,
I recently encountered a discussion with another developer on dismissing a UIPickerView. We work on a legacy enterprise application that had a lot of issues and was written very poorly (among other things). Since then, we revamped and fixed a lot of bugs with this program, strictly adhering to Apple's Human Interface Guidelines as much as possible while keeping to original requirements.
We seem to have a difference in opinion as Human Interface Guidelines do not really go into any detail about picker views. We implemented our new UIPickerView with a "Done," Button to confirm a selected value to be placed in a UITextField. Screen's input would be locked until they selected a value or clicked done.
Legacy application prior to our changes allowed users to utilize a done button but also by way of tapping a value selected in a picker. In addition, legacy application would also show selected UIPickerView value in UITextField prior to selection, wiping out original contents , if any was selected prior to opening a UIPickerView.
So, What is correct way to implement a UIPickerView per common practice or Strict Apple Documentation (if any exists). What is common practice?
Sorry, I cannot post any screen shots or code snippets due to business process reasons. I will do my best to explain if any questions arise.
We can figure this out through apps designed by Apple. Here are two examples
1. Contacts
Find a contact person in the Contacts app and set birthday. The picker shows up. While you are dragging the pickers, it does not set value to the text field. It happens only when you release the wheel. There is no Done button to hide the picker it self. To dismiss it, you can either click on the done button on navigation bar to end editing for the whole page, or click on another text field which pops a different keyboard.
2.Setting - Date&Time
Basically the same as Contacts app. Here you cannot even dismiss the picker.

Get small keyboard on iOS8?

So, I got the following image from graphic designer.
On the right is keyboard popping in our application, on the left is keyboard he sees everywhere else on his phone (iPhone 6), apparently. He wants the keyboard on the left to appear in our application too. This looks like standard iOS keyboard, only smaller, but I don't see any option to get it. How do I get it? Or is it just particularly popular custom keyboard/extension? Or maybe it's really easy to do custom keyboard/extension (note, I don't know a thing about custom keyboards/extensions in iOS)?
The keyboard is adjusted when you have inputAccessoryView assigned for active field.

Change language when button pressed Xcode

I want to make my app multi-language. I know how to do this.
But the problem is that, the user should first change the phones languages before the translation will work.
What I want to do is the following: I have 3 buttons. Dutch,English,French.
When a user presses a button. The language of the app is changed to the appropriate language. But the phone's language keeps the same.
Hope anyone can help me!
Kind regards
But the different translations into different files. Load the needed file according to the button the user touched.
If this does not answer your question, please be more specific what exactly you problem is.

Can I add a key to the system keyboard in iOS?

I need to add a custom key to the iOS system keyboard without requiring a jailbreak. For example, when I go into any app, I want my custom key to show up and then have it launch a view from my app.
I've seen tons of examples that do things like this from a custom UITextView, but nothing that modifies the keyboard for all apps.
No. Apple has iOS pretty locked down. Your app is pretty much in its own sandbox with a few outlets to the rest of the system.
You also can't create a custom keyboard like Android.
You can't but how about adding a UIToolBar on top of your keyboard?
You can't modify the system keyboard.

Is it OK to Add Digit Buttons above the keyboard in an iPhone app?

I am writing an iPhone application. In one of my views the user will have to enter Canadian zip codes which alternate letters and numbers (e.g. V0E 5N0). I would like to have the default keyboard showing up, but additionally, I want to allow the user to be able to enter numbers without having to switch keyboards back and forth by pressing the ".?123" key, which makes the process tedious for this type of entry. Will my app violate apple guidelines if I add into my view 10 buttons with the digits to show right above the keyboard?
There are plenty of Apps that already exist on the App store with such functionality, so I don't see why your App would get rejected specifically for having a view above the keyboard. It may still get declined because of other things, but not a custom keyboard view.
Nebulous Notes - Approved and on the App store:
iSSH also has a custom keyboard with toolbar on iphone and ipad and is on the App store.
Normally incase of a zip code entry , users are provided with a UINumberKeyPad and it makes it easy for them (But in your case it would not help you). In your case, if you wish to add another UIToolbar right on top of the inputView, I would say go for it, but it is not the best practice !
This will not violate the apple guidelines, and you can implement in your view with a UIToolbar as an inputAccessoryView. Make sure to remove the Toolbar from the superView during the keyboard event resignFirstResponder.