Change language when button pressed Xcode - iphone

I want to make my app multi-language. I know how to do this.
But the problem is that, the user should first change the phones languages before the translation will work.
What I want to do is the following: I have 3 buttons. Dutch,English,French.
When a user presses a button. The language of the app is changed to the appropriate language. But the phone's language keeps the same.
Hope anyone can help me!
Kind regards

But the different translations into different files. Load the needed file according to the button the user touched.
If this does not answer your question, please be more specific what exactly you problem is.


How create change beackround by uesrs?

Good afternoon everyone.
Please help me to solve the issue.
I need to make it so that the user can change the background on their own, based on the options I suggested. The background will change only on one screen and for the background I decided to choose images.
That is, going to the quote screen, for example, the user can click on the button and a list of available pictures for changing the background will appear for him to choose from.
I've been looking for how to implement such an idea for the third day already and I can't find anything, please help!

iOS - Phonegap or WebApp keyboard issue

I'm new in iOS programming, and I have a little problem with the keyboard...
That's a webapp, the application shows simply the mobile website.
In this website, there are forms, and in this forms, there are input type file fields. When the user clicks on input type text field, the keyboard appears, logical, isn't it ?
But when the user clicks on input type files fields, the keyboard does some weirds things. Sometimes it's not totally visible, sometimes it's misplaced, and the most of times, that's both... You can view it on this awesome screenshot I've made.
Is there anyone who can help me to fix this issue ?
I finally found the solution. I just update Cordova, and the problem was fixed...
So, to all the people which have this problem, simply update Cordova ;-)

How to translate the UI of TWTweetComposeViewController

In the UI of the TWTweetComposeViewController, there are two buttons at the top of the alert, cancel and send, and even if the language of my phone is set to another language than english, these two buttons are still in english.
I tried to find how to change these text but I can't find how.
Do you any idea ? Thanks
Here's an option: DETweetComposeViewController
It's open source, so you can make any changes you need to.

Disable search button

I have a problem and would appreciate it if you would help me.
I made a app from this tutorial:
It works great, but i need it without the search button. I want to see all the data when i start the app... without taping on the search button or anything else.
I am in the learning process and it would help me a lot if someone would answer.
On the link you will find all the codes i used in the app.
Thanks a lot!!
David R.
remove the button from the interface and just call the method associated with the tap of the button from your viewDidLoad.

How to create dropdown box?

In my app I want to provide option in dropdown box, I know there is no such thing in iPhone can I create dropdown box using available controllers? Please can anyone suggest me how I can achieve this?
Deepak, You can create a Drop down like control with a help of a UIButton and a UITableView indicating the drop down list. But for sure your application would be rejected by Apple.
Most of the iPhone users would be comfortable using a drop down box in an iPhone app, because people got used to Pickers .
So better go for using UIPicker, which is meant for what you are asking.